Tag Archive | York County Sheriff’s Office

Questions and Answers Concerning Gang Stalking, Illegal Wiretapping, Surveillance and Covert Harassment of all Types

The Greatest of These is Lord

The Greatest of These is Love

For many decades the covert activities of those in power were covered up, but today,
much of what was covert, hidden, covered up, camouflaged and whitewashed has become obvious public information, and it is all easily accessible through many sources.
Yesterday on the local TV channel I heard the truth. I commend that channel for broadcasting the truth about our local Sheriff’s Office. Much disinformation had been circulated to confuse the populace, but yesterday I heard the real truth on the subject.
Our Sheriff Bryant of York County, South Carolina was able to get the truth out and that is a very good thing. Below is what he said about the very controversial subject of gun control and our second amendment rights:

York County Sheriff Bruce Bryant prepared a statement in response to the proposed gun control plan:

“First and foremost no President of the United States has any authority over Sheriffs in America. He may address federal law-enforcement agencies but not local agencies. Sheriffs do not possess the authority to enforce federal laws or Presidential orders. The Office of Sheriff is a Constitutional Office of the State of South Carolina. I will safeguard of my county by upholding the United States Constitution and our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I will also do everything in my power to protect the children of my county.”

“One should also remember that the US Constitution does not say one word regarding the Office of Sheriff which is purely a state office. In some states, the Office of Sheriff is statutorily created. In South Carolina, the Office of Sheriff is constitutionally created. The federal government cannot force or coerce a state or local official to perform a function to which they may object.”

“Responsible gun ownership is our constitutional right, so this issue should be addressed with your United States Congressmen and Senators. They jointly have the power to protect your rights. We must prohibit gun ownership and access to guns for people who are mentally impaired or convicted felons.”

“This being said, I will not enforce any law that will infringe upon our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

Just because there were a few evil subversives in the rogue or shadow government for many decades; it doesn’t mean there were not those who opposed it all, and so they were kept in the dark about all of the illegal activities.
We who are targeted individuals can plainly see how the perpetrators and handlers are very experienced in hiding their crimes. This is the same tactic that was used in the government offices.
Those who they knew would not cooperate were kept out of the loop. There are many good men and women who are being lumped in with those who were responsible for the gang stalking, the pedophile rings, the porn production rings, the human trafficking rackets, mkultra, etc.
I have learned that approximately 80% of Americans are innocent of the subversive crimes of a small percentage of the population. However, the perpetrators attempt to deceive through a huge amount of lies and disinformation.

I believe the majority of Federal, State and city workers want law and order in America. However, the rogue or shadow workers hid their illegal activities
from most of their fellow workers.

The crimes of gang stalking like pedophile rings, etc. are very covert and hidden crimes. These crimes are covered up, and whitewashed. These criminals use
“fronts” to hide their illegal activities.
A townhouse can have various types of “rings” going on as many, different vehicles frequent certain town homes, houses, church buildings and businesses.
The money is laundered through various seemingly legitimate organizations. It is all totally whitewashed, and so most of the people in the communities are
unaware of these covert crimes which include: gang stalking, kiddy porn production, snuff film production, pedophile and human trafficking rings, meth labs,
drug traffickers, gun traffickers and thief rings.
The perpetrators are all hired from the same criminal pools. They can be used in many different covert activities as the actual activities are all hidden
completely from the public view and knowledge.
If most people in America were in favor of these
rackets, crimes and lawlessness; why would these criminals work so hard to cover up everything they do and launder their illegal money?
The crimes against me are kept totally hidden from the public. They are done through my phone, my townhouse Internet connection, and through many
very covered up tactics. My gang stalking goes on 24/7 within my building and the surrounding area.
Most of my neighbors are good citizens, and it seems that only a very low percentage are actually involved in the crimes of gang stalking. However,
I believe this is also true of our local sheriff’s office personnel and other officials. Most are just trying to do their job.
The Sheriff of York County (Sheriff Bryant) is not in favor of these covert gangs and their crimes. Also, our Governor Haley and Senator Scott are not in agreement with these covert harassment and illegal surveillance crimes. Our past Senator DeMint was very much opposed to the lawlessness going on in some areas
of South Carolina.
There is such a tremendous deceit campaign all over America, and so many do not what to believe. The perpetrators spread lies on a continuous basis.
Question: Why is there hope for those being gang stalked?

Yes, there is great hope because everything that has been hidden for many decades is now public knowledge.f

I heard on the national TV news recently that 250 pedophiles were arrested all over the
world. Many in very high places. They were arrested by the FBI. There are
countless good men and women in the FBI, and in the many Gov. Agencies.

Also, I heard on the Internet that there were countless people in the Pentagon,
Gov. Agencies, local police and sheriffs’ offices, etc. who do not go along with
all of the rackets of gang stalking, pedophile rings, porn rings, human trafficking and the list goes on and on.
We also know how the general public feels about the
lawlessness via the Internet and the disgust concerning the way America has been
going down hill over the last 5 decades.

The Governors of 48 of our 50 states are completely against the lawlessness in the
USA; and they wanted to secede from the union; not to mention the Senators,
Representatives. etc. who find the lack of law and order
totally unacceptable.
Lawlessness and the policy of allowing rackets to flourish is disgusting to all Americans.
We all know this evil lawlessness has been
slowly proliferating over many decades to this point, but now most every
American is fully aware of the problems in this country.

The cat is out of the bag big time, and there is no way to get the cat back into the bag. Covert
activities are now known by all. God will bring justice, judgement, and
prosecution in behalf of all the innocent people and for those innocent people who have had their blood shed.

There is so much disinformation campaign that is being distributed throughout the Internet which tries to cause Americans
to believe that every person in any Federal, State, or city job is involved or they are cooperating with the gang stalking racket
and the many other rackets.

The enemies of America do not have to have the numbers or the power; all they have to do is to deceive the people into believing that
they have the authority and power to just come into our country and “take over”. The anti-Christ is all about bullying, deception and
intimidation. We need to wake up and stand strong for our country.

I do not believe most of those in authority are “cooperating” with the
criminals, but they are allowing time to pass, and preparing for what they need
to do in the future. There are Mighty Men (and women) of Valor which are being raised up
for such a time as this.
Why do you know so much about gang stalking?

I have been severely gang stalked since I moved to Regent Park, Fort Mill, SC in 2005.
Since that time, I have been researching this subject every day over the last 8 years.
I had been a missionary in Seoul, Korea for many years between 1990 and 2003, and so
I was away from the states. I had never heard of gang stalking.
That is why I started searching for any information, and I read every book on the subject.

I learned that there are perpetrators posing as targeted individual who were planted all
over the Internet to spread erroneous information. It was all focused against the people of
America who were being gang stalked.

These perpetrators saturated the Internet with bogus websites trying to depict the perpetrators
who are attacking the innocent targeted individuals as being authorized by the government.
However, that is not true.
There are countless men and women in the government who would be shocked and horrified to
know what is happening covertly to innocent citizens, children, etc. in the many rackets going
on in many neighborhoods.

Most of the government workers are not aware of the rackets going on in their own communities
because it is all kept very secret and hidden.

These are the people who are now trying to help our country come back to decency and law and
order. These officials are in the process of trying to bring mass arrests and
prosecution to all those who have violated our laws, our Constitution
and the Bill of Rights.

This country cannot be compared to any other country because this
country was founded on the Gospel and the Word of God at Cape Henry in

Our country was great, and so it became a target due its power,
influence and its ability to help other countries. However, due to the
insidious attacks of these subversives and enemies of the state;
this country has allowed ungodly people to come in
and try to turn the people away from God. Without God; there is lawlessness
confusion, demoralization and a downward spiral ensues.

There are always ungodly people in any and every government, but in America the
law abiding workers are in the majority. They are the ones that love America and its

Only the true Christians are given the authority over the forces of evil
as described in Eph. 6. There are principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness
and wickedness in high places in all countries.

The latest Gallop poll reveals some 80% of Americans believe in the Christian belief system.
However, America has the most just system, and there are the 80% majority of Christians
in America that desire to get back to our heritage our Constitution, prayer and law and order.

Praise, prayer, loving God and obeying Him are the greatest weapons against the evil
forces of darkness. His commandments are for our own good. Violation of the laws of God bring
great and very severe repercussions that would ruin our lives.
The Lord gave me Ps. 37 concerning my gang stalking saga. When you pray; it moves mountains,
and that is why it seems like all hell breaks out. However,
consistency, faith, patience and perseverance brings the victory.
Much of what is put out on the Internet consists of the old MKUltra and other projects, and the
material is usually very old.

By putting the blame on the nebulous concept of the government employees and leaders; it removes the
blame from the true criminals and puts it on those who are innocent workers and decent citizens. It is a
complete fabrication.

However, these days, these projects are still being used, but there
are new community, neighborhood groups who are involved in many crimes and rackets. These handlers are
using the multiples and others that have been under their control to infiltrate every institution
and area of our society to try and control the population and especially those who love God and who
love America.

These days the local communities have set up community centers. They have the handlers and they
then find the perpetrators who are black mailed, bribed, or hired to try and destroy the targeted
individual in their community.
A mass project is initiated to slander the targets good name, and to try and send out complete lies
about the individual. That is the first step.
After that, there is an all-out attack on the target with wiretapping, hacking, illegal surveillance,
trespassing, robbery, threatening-s, stalking, blood and feces on the door posts, pets killed and the
list goes on and on.

It seems that my case is worse than the others that I have heard about.
However, I have not suffered as much as countless Christians in N. Korea
and other restricted countries.

I have had to learn how to pray very strong spiritual warfare prayers
just to stay alive and well.
Praise God that He has taught me so much through this experience. I
could never have learned all about these people if I had not been
targeted in such a severe way. Also, I could never have learned how to
pray powerful prayers without first being targeted.
This is a wonderful benefit to me, and I thank God for teaching me
daily how to pray more and more. Since this is a spiritual battle;
prayer is of the essence.
In the coming end times; prayer will be our greatest asset and weapon.
Praise God that He is raising up countless prayer warrior all over
America and the world.
Why do so few people in America know about gang stalking?

Since gang stalking is totally covert; the good people of America never see it.
Like the abortion clinics; gang stalking is kept out-of-sight for obvious reasons
in both instances.

In the book entitled, “The slave Next Door”, we find that a human trafficking slave
or a person being gang stalked could live next door, and it would be kept completed
hidden from the public. Let’s wake up America to what is going on in our midst and put
a stop to it.

I hear so many people on the Internet who are trying to figure all of
this evil out using their own understanding. It is all a spiritual battle.

Gang stalking involves psychological warfare on the target. The perpetrators think
that they can control the thinking of the target.

Everything the perpetrators do to the target are aimed to bring fear, hopelessness, helplessness,
distress, and terrorize them consistently every day and throughout the night.

The handlers use reverse behavior modification to push their perpetrators to do the horrible things that
they do. The handlers reward their worst actions against the innocent targets. If the perpetrators is unusually
successful in harming the target; they get a big reward such as a red vehicle.

Unless a person has the fear of God; he or she does not have any
wisdom. The fear of God is the “beginning” of wisdom.
Very few people have a real fear of God, and so they have no wisdom.

Wisdom is needed to know what to do in all decisions. It is a
supernatural gift of God, and it only begins when we know who God is,
and we understand His great authority and omniscience, omnipotence and
His omnipresence.

All dictatorial anti-Christ systems started by trying to turn the people
against each other in every way possible. They know that a house
divided against itself cannot stand.

How can people not know that simple fact when it has been repeated over and over again in history.
There is no excuse not to know there is an all powerful God, as He is
revealed even in His creation. No person will have an excuse when they
stand before the living God.

Satan is such a bully and a bluffer, and those that are his servants are the same. They get a buzz
when they can trick a target.

Satan is a loser, and when we see him as he really is at the end of this age; everyone will wonder how we
allowed him to intimidate us. It is all a lie, a con game and trickery.

Satan only has the power that people give him. Without his dupes; he is powerless.

People choose darkness when they could have chosen The Truth, The Way
and The Life. That is the great sin that you lived your whole life and
you never turned toward the Truth, The Way and The LIfe because your
were so bogged down with the brain washing, mind control, witchcraft
and programming of the anti Christ system.
The people are waking up because all of the evil deeds of darkness are
being exposed for what they are, and The Lord came to destroy “all” of
works satan.
They will all be destroyed (Rev. 19:18-20) in the final analysis.

My prayer for all those being gang stalked and for all of the innocent children being used in the pedophile rings, etc.
Dear Father,
Please bring total justice for all those being gang stalked and for all of the innocent people
in America being killed, abused and harmed in any way. Please expose all of these evil deeds
of darkness to all Americans so that the majority will be able know the truths that are being
covered up.
Please pray for freedom, liberty and justice to come back to our nation of America.
Please bring all of the neighborhood gang stalkers, pedophiles, porn producers and all criminals
to prosecution for their crimes against humanity, etc.
Thank You for your wonderful goodness and mercy. They Kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth
as it is in heaven. Amen and amen.
