Gangstalking Update August 04, 2016

Dear TIs and other Friends,
Time is flying for me as I lost my job of 24 years. However, God’s in His heaven all is right with the world.
The hacking, the wire tapping, the stealing, vandalism and constant surveillance continues on and on. The good news is that I have learned how to live with it, and how to even use it for my good.
Even our wonderful Lord Jesus learned obedience through the things that He suffered. God allows all of it for our good as in the end; it will all be similar to what Job suffered in the ancient Biblical Book of Job.
In the end; he was healed, and he received great restoration and restitution. He was blessed even greater than he had been in the first part of his life.
Why, was Job attacked by Satan? It was because Job was the most righteous man on the face of the earth during his time. God trusted in the fact that Job would not turn against Him or fall. God allowed the attack of the devil because He knew that the sufferings of Job would perfect him.
The sufferings of Job would strengthen Job and make him more of a powerful intercessor. He was told to pray for the friends that had accused him falsely.
We need to thank God daily as we are being harassed knowing that it is all working together for our good and for God’s glorious purposes.
The perpetrators are being used by Satan and his servants, and unless they repent; they will suffer unending torture for all eternity. They are the losers, and they should be prayed for as they are in deep trouble with almighty God.
They are the real victims in this evil empire of the anti-Christ System or NWO fiasco. They are like puppets being controlled by demons and evil human spirits. They are under mind control from many sources which are all coming from Satan himself.
Much of what I have read by TI’s HAS TO DO WITH THE ORIGIN OF THE GANG STALKERS. i HAVE FOUND THAT THEY COME FROM SATAN, AND THEY ARE CONTROLLED BY MIND CONTROL AND EVIL HUMAN AND DEMON SPIRITS. In short, gang stalkers are demonized human beings or they are hybrids which have no soul.
They have infiltrated every area of our society, churches, businesses, the Government, the schools, universities, the secret societies, the gangs, the covens, the UN, the cults, and the list could go on ad infinitude.
We should always realize that it involved a spiritual battle that has been raging since the Garden of Eden.
Psalm 2 asks, “Why do the heathen rage?”. They rage because they are trying to come against God and His anointed people. If you are under attack; it is because you are on God’s side or the winning side.
It is not so much where the source comes from, but what we can do to counteract their evil deeds of darkness using the authority we have as Christians.
God has given us all authority over these entities whether human, demonic or whatever. We use The Name of Jesus Christ, and we bind these forces of evil, blind them and render them powerless by the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our weapons are not carnal or worldly, but they are powerful to the pulling down of these satanic strongholds.
In short, people who are demonized are under the control of the Lord Jesus, but we must speak out God’s Words and power to take authority over them.
These rebellious people are doomed unless they repent. You can pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will tear down their witchcraft, sorcery, mind control, programming and all of their ritual curses, hexes and voo doo assaults.
You need to be into the Word of God and agree with God’s Word to combat these satanic people and entities.
It seems as though Communism, terrorism and the satanists have all joined together against The Lord and His people as in Psalm 2.
Most people do not understand about the horrors of these three totalitarian beliefs because they have never been taught about them as they really are in our society. Communists are out to take every piece of private property from you. They want the money in your bank, your property, your home, your job and ultimately; they want to take your life.
Terrorists want to take over the world through killing each infidel one-by-one that will not bow their knee to Allah.
The satanists are totally selfish, and they want every one to destroy and sell out their souls as they have done. They live in homes all over this place, and they will kill their own children or whoever to gain their powers.
Beware, because they use all kinds of lies, deception and trickery to get people to join up with them. Once you join a secret society, a cult or one of these pagan groups; it is very difficult to get extricated from them.
Everything they do is staged and a deception. When you walk closely with The Lord Jesus; you will have more and more discernment, and you will have the ability to resist the devil and his dupes. The Bible says, submit unto God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
I would always be glad to pray for anyone who is trapped in a cult, coven or secret society or whatever.
The Lord came to set all of the captives free, and He is ready to set all those who have been deceived free. They will know the Truth, and The Truth will set them free.
Praise The Lord forever..
In His love and for His glory,
Peggy Kannaday
707 Torrey Pines Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29715
803 500 1267

The Power of Hope

page 18 middleMargaret (Peggy) Kannaday
707 Torrey Pines Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29715
803 500 1267
Hope is Key to a Healthy Mind and Life
We know that it is impossible to please God if we do not have “faith”.
What is faith? Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. In short, without hope; there could be no faith.
Why? Because faith is based on the content of what the person is hoping to experience or attain. Hope is a required prerequisite to activate God’s power in your life.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, and a hopeless person is very sad, depressed and ill. We must keep our hope strong at all costs.
Christians are so blessed because they all have the hope of their salvation. They know that this life is just a vapor, and then we move onward and upward to a glorious life with The Lord Jesus Christ.
A Christian should never feel hopeless on a continual basic because we have the Word of God. We gain hope from reading God’s wonderful promises every day.
Faith is dependent on having hope, and it also comes through hearing the Word of God. Hearing the Word of God produces hope in our hearts and minds.
We need the Word of God as our daily food. When we focus on God’s Words; we can be totally free from heaviness, sadness and depression.
There is Christ’s life in the Words of God. The power of The Holy Spirit manifests Himself as we read, study and live by The Word of God.
Many people are losing hope in the world system, the church, the leaders in every area of society. This is alright because when we lose hope in the world system and in everything around us; it can be the start of our putting out total hope and trust in Jesus Christ.

When our hope is in salvation; our hope will never be deferred. Jesus Christ has already paid the price on the cross. Our salvation has already been paid for, and it is fully complete.
Our salvation includes, eternal life with God, healings, blessings, deliverance and a blessed life. Our hope is secure when we put it in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
Our family, friends, jobs, and other things in our lives may at times fail us, and many Christians will fall away from their faith before the Lord Jesus returns.
Many times in the history of the prophets before us; they were left all alone and without any friend. Jesus Himself was abandoned by many of His disciples, and He said that He endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him.
In short, what kept Jesus from turning away from the cross was the hope that He held on to concerning the future He would have with His beloved Father.
It is the same with all of us. We Christians are being persecuted for Christ’s sake on a daily basis these days, but we can say along with Job, “Though He slay me; yet will I trust (and have hope) in Him”.
No matter what happens in our lives; we know that our Lord Jesus has been through much worse, and He has prepared the way for us to go through many afflictions, and He will deliver us out of them all.
So many people, even Christians are under attack to become hopeless. They are being bombarded with bad news 24/7. We must counteract these very bad news reports with the Word of God.
If all we hear daily is negative and very hopeless; we can easily become lethargic and down mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We must balance all of the bad disinformation and news with The Truth of The Word of God.
Because so many people are depressed in America, on drugs, on alcohol, and who are hooked on gambling and other vices; we must fight to live the victorious Christian life.
When we fight the negative with Bible reading, prayer and praise; we will not go too low into heaviness. We must pray to have the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
Having a hope-filled heart and speaking out words of thankfulness and praise fight off all hopeless feelings. God Himself inhabits the praises of His people.
When we are grateful to God for our very breath and our salvation; it will produce a wonderful hope in our heats for the future. No matter how difficult our present condition is; we can always have our hope for the future when we walk faithfully with Jesus Christ daily.
The closer we stay with The Lord; the most blessed we will be, and the most we can bless others. Paul and Silas were praising God after they were beaten and put in a filthy prison in chains. God gave them an earthquake and a supernatural way of escape out of their bondage. He will do the same for His people today.
If you can have hope when your situation seems hopeless; you will always be a winner. You will overcome the current situation by focusing on the future hope that is in Jesus Christ and His glorious salvation.
I pray that The Lord will give you the wonderful hope of salvation which will keep you safely. King James Bible
“But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation” (1 Thes. 5.8)
The protection of our minds; is the Helmet entitled “The Hope of Salvation”. It provides a guard against all negative thoughts and hopelessness.
When the movie, “The Passion” was shown all over the world; the masses of people went to see it because they knew it was about Jesus Christ. However, it was not complete because the movie left out the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Without the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; the story has a very sad ending. However, all of those who know The Lord Jesus Christ have the knowledge and promise of The Resurrection. Our lives have been renewed, revived, and we will be resurrected in the future.
We have the greatest future and hope because of Jesus’ victory over the grave and over death.
Our hope is in “He is Risen” . He is no longer in the tomb because He is Risen Indeed, and He sits at the right hand of God, The Father.
He is there interceding for His people night and day. When we pray; His resurrection power can flow through our mortal bodies to bring new life, new love and new hope for each one of us.
My prayer for you,
Dear Father, Please fill these innocent ones with Your love, joy, peace, faith and the hope of salvation. Please bless them with your helmet of salvation so that they can live with You for all eternity in Jesus Christ’s Name.
Peggy Kannaday is a Freelance Writer in Fort Mill, SC., 803 500 1267
Word count 1, 174

No Greater Love!

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).mf734

I was watching a documentary that was reporting on a severe tornado in the Midwest in the United States.

The whole area was devastated beyond recognition, and there was only debris where homes and buildings had been standing.

One of the first responders spoke to the camera, and he described the scene he found in a school that had been demolished.

He found the dead body of a woman teacher, and she was found over the bodies of three small children who were still alive.

I remember the man said, “Good job, teach”.  He understood what this teacher had done.  He realized her great sacrifice, and he commended her in his own way.

We know there are many heroes in the world who go into burning buildings, and pull out people from explosive vehicles, and who dive into icy waters to save people that they may not even know.  This is the ultimate demonstration of love for another person.

Recently, I read of about a celebrity, Jamie Fox who pulled the body of a man out of a vehicle  that had crashed near his home.  The car was on fire, and he risked his welfare in pulling the man out of the car.

There are many other cases of this type of heroism even among children and teenagers who saved people from disasters.  It shows that there is still love and decency in our society despite all of the bad news reports and crimes.

To have the love and courage to put your own life in jeopardy for the sake of another person is the supreme example of pure, unselfish and undefiled love.

It is the love that God The Father had when He sacrificed His only Son for our salvation and our eternal lives to live with Him for all eternity.  It is the same love That Jesus Christ demonstrated on the cross, when He took our place to die for our sins and trespasses.

God proved His love for each one of us.  He would have died on the cross to save the life of even one human being.

God’s love is without measure, and He has set the highest standard for His followers.  We must deny ourselves, take up our own crosses and follow Him in this life.  Those who desire to save their lives on this earth will lose them, and those who desire to lay down their lives for Christ’s sake will find them and save them.

“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16:25)

Missionary, Jim Elliot who died in Ecuador, had already settled this in his mind before he was martyred.  He said, “He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”.

Some of us, as Christians may be required to give our lives for Christ’s sake, but we also need to be willing to lay down our own plans, desires, and our own wills every day in order to obey our Lord Jesus and to trust in Him totally.  Most all of the great men of God were tested in the area of their devotion to The Lord.  There was Job, Joseph, Abraham, Daniel, David, Joshua, Caleb, The rich young ruler, Paul and all the disciples that had to stand strong in the faith of God.

We need to be praying that we will be able to stand strong when the time comes.

My prayer for you:

Dear Father,

Teach us Your ways, that we may please You.  Help us to stand strong in love, faith and hope during these most perilous times.

Fill us anew with Your Holy Spirit and Your power to be over comers in this life.  In The Name of Jesus Christ, and all for Your honor and glory, amen, amen and amen.




Gang Stalking

The church will be one, as the Lord and the Father are one.

The church will be one, as the Lord and the Father are one.

Gang Stalking
Gang Stlking Update
Peggy Kannaday
This is a very secretive and covert crime in America and most countries of the world. You will not hear about it on the news or in your newspapers. Why? Because the very people who are behind it, are the very people who make sure it is never revealed publicly.
It is such an insidious crime that even the most diabolical person would be ashamed of being connected with this crime in any way. That is why these people in leadership positions deny any knowledge of this pervasive, covert crime.
They would go to any expense and to any effort to cover up this crime. Many people are murdered every year in order to cover up this crime. The murders are made to appear as accidents, suicides or illnesses, i.e. heart attacks, etc.
The people in authority who allow this crime to continue for decades are the pedophiles, the porn producers, the drug and human traffickers who have plenty of cash in order to carry out their evil deeds of darkness. They are the wicked in high places.
These people in high places; put on a very kind and noble appearance in order to hide their true natures. The are well-dressed and manicured. They look like everyone else, but yet they are totally demonized.
Most of these human being are basically tools of the devil, and they were born of the anti-Christ lineage. They oftentimes pretend to be Christians. They can found in the highest level of our religious system, government, and in all areas of our society.
When I talk to a Christian leader; I ask them if they know what gang stalking is, and they give me a look of fear. They pretend to have never heard of it, but they are oftentimes complicit in its execution if nothing else but by turning a blind eye to it.
This crime is very shameful for any person in a public position because the gang stalkers use surveillance on the targeted individual in their own homes, bathrooms, showers, and they stalk the targeted individuals wherever they go. They put the most private videos of the targeted individuals on closed circuit tv so that all of those involved can have a good laugh, and mock the targeted individuals as they put curses on their lives. through their witchcraft and sorcery.
The gang stalkers in the handler positions are extremely arrogant and proud because they have been promised all kinds of high positions in the coming world totalitarian anti-Christ system. They have swallowed all of the lies of Satan just like the brown shirts did under Hitler.
They spend long hours in homes around the targeted individual’s home watching to make sure the Targeted individual does not leave their home without the stalkers knowing it, and following them. These stalkers are usually involved in Satanic cults, covens and secret societies, and so sexual orgies and activities are their major form of recreation and rituals.
In my area, they seem to bring in all types of people to service the watchers as they need some form of stimulation to keep them satisfied sexually, and in every other area, etc. Most stalkers are heavily involved in crimes of various types, i.e. thievery gangs, pedophile rings, porn production rings, and drug/human trafficking to name but a few of the ways that they make their money.
I have found that the gang stalkers are people who have been bribed, black mailed, or who have no moral compass whatsoever. Many around my house are people who are being paid. I think some of them have no real idea what they are really doing, but they are just puppets of those in charge who have become totally reprobate. They seem in many cases to be in a trance or under mind control.
The most heinous of perpetrators are those in high places, and they are actors, hypocrites, counterfeit Christan’s, and complete frauds. They know that Christians want to believe the best about all people, and that we want to love all people.
They use our own virtues to deceive us. They send imposters to you who pretend to be your Christian brothers or sisters, but they are being coached in how to trick you and to lead you into some type of sin or crime in order to blackmail you or to destroy your Christian witness.
They send so many counterfeit and supposed targeted individuals to you periodically. Why? Because they want you to become paranoid, and to never trust anyone. They also want you to turn against God and blame Him for what they are doing.
They want the victim to think, “Why is God allowing this horrific evil in my life?” However, only what is good comes from God, and we must understand the source of this evil is to separate us from God’s love, power and our total trust in Him.
The anti-Christ systems’ main goal is to destroy all faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and to do away with The Word of God and The power of The Holy Spirit. Why? Because God’s authority is far about any powers or authorities of the anti-Christ system.
These criminals target those in the Body of Christ who have never sold their souls out to the enemy. I believe I have been targeted because I edit and write for a very influential and powerful church in Seoul, Korea. Our church has over 830,000 members, and our magazine that I edit and write for goes out to 181 countries, mainly free of charge.
Our magazine goes out to the most restricted countries carrying the pure and holy Word of God. I believe that is why these anti-Christ mercenaries have done everything possible to destroy my good name through false reports, slander, and the lies of Satan.
They have been attacking me for ten years since I moved to Regent Park, and they have practically destroyed my home through vandalism, and now they are trying to trick me into signing my home insurance over to them so that they can collect the insurance money. There is no crime or fraudulent plan that they would not commit in order to bring one of God’s children down into death, destruction, poverty and isolation from all family, friends, and colleagues.
They killed my dogs horribly, and you are not albe to have any type of pet or friend.
However, God takes care of me every day. He heals the radiation, microwave, and directed energy attacks that are focused at my head while I work and while I sleep. God can heal anything, and He will not allow these criminals to proceed much longer as according to 2 Timothy 3:
2 Timothy 3King James Version (KJV)
3 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their’s also was.”
The reprobates that are causing, allowing and responsible for gang stalking are your worst enemy. They are totally narcissistic, self centered, envious of those who do what is right, and they are covetous of everything. They are idolatrous, cruel, and an animal has more integrity than one of these perpetrators and their handlers and those who hold the powers in high places.
My prayer is that all of these people will be prosecuted in behalf of all the innocent blood that they have shed, and for all of the lives that they have destroyed, and for all of the crimes that they have ungodly committed. May these people repent and turn to God (if they are not too far gone) before it is too late for them. I pray in the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
Peggy Kannaday has been the Managing Editor of The “Church Growth” Magazine and the “Church Growth International” Ministry since 1991.
Please contact her at:, 803 500 1267, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, Regent Park/Glen Ridge

Where are Those with The Spirit of Jehu? Confronting the Spirit of Jezebel which has no true authority or power, but still attempts to take over, control and destroy the true men and women of God.

Ch Gr ManWhere are Those with The Spirit of Jehu?
DSC_0031(1)Peggy Kannaday
Jehu means “Jehovah is he”, and Jehu was a King and a Prophet. He was the man that brought down Jezebel whose story is told in 1st and 2nd Kings.
Jezebel incited her husband, Ahab, the King of Northern Israel to forsake his worship of Yahweh, and to worship Baal and Asherah instead. She had the prophets of Yahweh persecuted, and she slandered their names, and she threatened them, and she used lies in order to get her way.
She had an innocent man murdered in order to get his property, and she harassed the Prophet Elijah with death threats even after Elijah had won a great victory on Mount Carmel.Jezebel was the woman who was even able to intimidate Elijah with her bullying tactics and her witchcraft and sorcery. She
was the woman that usurped her husband Ahab’s authority, and put herself in her husband’s place, and she tried to control his authority and position to her maximum ability and for her selfish purposes.
She defiled everything sexually and immorally, that she could, and she taught her children and her followers that they could eat food that was forbidden by God, and she taught them that they could commit any sin that was an abomination to Yahweh with impunity. Any person that she could not control; she tried to destroy completely.
She had what we call now a Narcissistic personality disorder, and she had everyone around her in fear and trembling due to her demonic nature. Elijah confronted her, and he won over her prophets overwhelmingly, but she still sent out threatenings to him, and he was negatively affected by her curses. Elijah had just experienced the supernatural power of God in burning up his sacrifices (water and all), and he was still being bothered by this lying harlot/witch, named
Jezebel. Why? She had on one hand a very seductive spirit to lure people into her web of lies and deceit, and on the other hand; she sent out curses to those who she knew would never be used by her or submit to her counterfeit authority.
Even though Elijah had prophesied that she would end up being eaten by dogs, and her body would be scattered via the dung from the dogs; he still was concerned about her threatening s and curses after his God’s great victory on Mount Carmel.

All that was left of Jezebel was her skull and the bones of her hands and feet (skull and bones).
We, Christians today have his experience to help us understand that Jezebel is all smoke and mirrors, bluffing, and bullying. She is a big bully, and the church must understand that she has no real power over almighty God or over any of
God’s elect.
Jehu was a man who knew how to get things done. He spoke with the authority from God, and he asked who was on his side, and then he had Jezebel’s eunuchs throw her out of the window. He was a chariot driver, and he rode his chariot and horses over Jezebel, and she was literally splattered all over the ground for the dogs to consume.
This is what will happen to all those who follow in her footsteps.
Today, some churches are tolerating her activities, and because they do not confront that evil satanic spirit of Jezebel; they will be judged because of it.
Rev. 2:20 “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
The Jezebel spirit is alive and thriving in many of our churches in America and other countries. Why? It is tolerated, and it is not dealt with and confronted due to many factors.
1.) Jezebel usually has a man associated with her that gives her some power.
2.) She lies and connives to get her way in the church. She uses her seductive ways to trick the leaders, and she uses her
witchcraft and sorcery to bring Christians into her bondage.
3.) Many church leaders have never been taught how to deal with this evil spirit even with the Biblical example of Jehu

They are afraid of her and her threats. They do not understand that she is powerless against a true man or woman of God.
4.) She disguises herself as a prophetess and a good woman of God. She forms a following in the church, and she controls

these people through her sorcery curses, etc.
5.) The men and women in the church do not understand what is going on because many of the people in the church of today;

have not studied to show themselves approved in their knowledge of the Word of God.
6.) The people in the church in large part are not being taught about spiritual warfare and how to pray. The church of

today is far from a House of prayer for all nations, and it is more like the Den of Thieves that Jesus Christ rebuked and

turned their tables over.
7.) The churches and their leaders are not teaching the God of The Bible who is the God of justice, judgment and

vengeance. They are many times only teaching about the blessings and benefits of being a Christian; without teaching the

consequences of disobedience to The Word of God. The blessings and benefits of The Bible are great, but they are all

conditional upon the love and obedience of the people of God. If you love God; you will obey Him, and He blessed obedience

as it is better than sacrifice.
8.) What is the solution? We need to put prayer in his proper place of priority in the church. We need to pray for God to
purge out all of the Jezebels, witches, warlocks, pedophiles, false Christians and the like.
We need to pray for those with the spirit of Jehu, Joshua, Caleb, Daniel and the like to confront these ungodly imposters
in the churches. The churches are infiltrated with the most diabolical of anti-Christ followers, and in many cases; they
find a safe sanctuary in the churches in order to recruit for the Kingdom of Darkness. Many churches, Youth Groups, Sunday

Schools, and the like are being utilized by satanic groups right under the noses of the leaders in the church.
In short, this is all a spiritual battle and war, and it has to be dealt with through prayer, fasting and crying out to
God in repentance. We allowed Jezebel, and the other forces of Satan to operate, and we must either repent of tolerating
these hypocrites or suffer the very severe consequences. The time is ripe and the time is short here in America.
My prayer for you is that the churches will wake up and repent (especially the leadership) of ever allowing these satanic
forces to operate in their churches and in the Body of Christ. We must pray that the powers of these evil human and demonic
spirits will be stopped in The Name of Jesus Christ and by the blood of The Lamb in His Name and all for His glory.
The time is very short, and we must turn to God The Father in all humility, the fear of God, and then He will desire to heal our land, and
to restore everything that the enemy has stolen from us. He desires to bring restitution as in Acts 3:19-21, after we
repent and turn to Him with all of our hearts.
Praise His holy Name forever. Amen and amen.
The illegitimate spirit of Jezebel has put itself in the highest places of our government, our churches, and our society at large. This evil spirit is not ordained or supported by our almighty God. It is not able to fight against God and His people, and yet it tries to come against them despite the truth in their lack of real authority and power. The ultimate power comes from our God and The Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, but this illegitimate spirit attempts to fight. They are in a form of psychosis which is called a delusion of grandeur. They are sending out fear by way of false information which exalts their power. God laughs at their efforts of futility because He sees that their day of reckoning is coming. Please pray that God will raise up hundreds of men of God who have the spirit of Jehu who will confront this evil satanic spirit and put it down, down, down like Jehu. God hates this spirit, but He wants to use His people to confront these forces of the devil. Where are the men like, Joshua, Caleb and Jehu, and like John and Paul and the brave warriors of God? May they be raised up in these last days and as never before in Jesus’ Name. The Jezebel spirit is usually found in women, but it can also be found in some men. It is rampant in our society, and we need to learn how to confront it physically and in prayer. This spirit is extremely cowardly, and any person who has the courage to confront it will have the power of The Holy Spirit to support them. The Jezebel human and demon spirits back off at any person who will stand strong against them as Jehu did. This spirit knows that the power of God is supreme, and she or he will back off, and usually; they will keep attempting to destroy the true Christians until the spirit of Jezebel is completely destroyed and put down as in the case of Queen Jezebel in The Bible.

The Great and Mighty Promises from God!

The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea on the Yoido Island. Sr. Pastor Emeritus Yonggi Cho and Sr. Pastor Younghoon Lee. Home of "Church Growth International" Founder Yonggi Cho, English Ministry with Conferences, magazines, manuals, etc.

The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea on the Yoido Island.
Sr. Pastor Emeritus Yonggi Cho and Sr. Pastor Younghoon Lee.
Home of “Church Growth International”
Founder Yonggi Cho, English Ministry with Conferences, magazines, manuals, etc.

The Great and Mighty Promises from God!
Peggy Kannaday
We are all living in the greatest time ever, and yet it will be the most perilous time to date. It is the time when the church wiil become the pure and holy Bride of Christ, without spot, wrinkle or blemish.
What a great day to be alive, as we have been counted worthy to live at the end of this age. It is an honor and a great privilege to follow Jesus Christ in these end times.
We know that our great and mighty Savior, Lord and soon coming King went about proclaiming that we repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He was warning the people that today could be their day of death.
He knew that each human being needed to be right with Him before they departed from this life, and no person knows exactly when that time will occur.
There are leaders today that are teaching a very free grace that does not require any repentance at all. This is an unbiblical grace that is unsanctified by God, and it is a false doctrine.
Let’s follow Jesus and all that He taught us.
Matthew 4:17
“From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. …”
Jesus The Christ was always going from town-to-town admonishing all of the people to repent. When a tower fell and many people died; the disciples went to Jesus, and they asked Him if those people who died more evil than all of the other people who survived?
Jesus told them that is was a warning and an example, because He told them to repent or they also could likewise perish.
There are many places in The Word of God that we are told to repent, and then we are told of the rewards that would follow. Below, in 2 Chron. 7:14, He is telling His beloved saints that “if” they would humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways; He would heal their lands. How great and mighty is that promise? It is awesome, and it is greatly needed today as our lands need healing as never before.
2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version
14 “If my people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their lands.”
The Bible is replete with the rewards for those who obey The Word of God, and who will deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow Jesus Christ.
They will be rewarded in this life and in the life to come, but of course they will have tribulations, but they are to be of good cheer because Jesus Christ has overcome the world. It is with great tribulations that we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Being persecuted for righteousness sake brings great rewards as we walk closely with our Lord and our God, and as we are led by The Holy Spirit.
King James Version (KJV)
Acts 3:19-21, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; 20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: 21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began”.
The above scripture tells us that the Lord is going to bring refreshing and restitution to all those who stay in repentance, conversion and who have had their sin blotted out. All those who remain in the Presence of The Lord will be greatly blessed, and everything in their lives that has been blocked, stolen or destroy will be renewed.
The Book of Job show how that Job suffered so much evil from Satan, but in the end; God blessed him tremendously for his faithfulness to Him. It will be the same for all those who suffer for the sake of Christ. They will be rewarded in this life and the life to come as to their obedience to Jesus Christ.
Grace is free, but it cost God everything, and it should never be taken for granted or presumed. We know that many came to Jesus, and told Him how they how done works in His Name, and He told them, “I never knew you; you who work iniquity.”
We must actually “know” Jesus Christ first and foremost, love Him with all of our hearts, and we must obey Him. Many need to seek The Lord with all of their hearts today, and if they do; they will find Him as the scripture says.
Revelation 2:5
5 “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”
The Bible is filled with the negative results of rebellion, disobedience and sin. However, the Lord tells us how we can regain our relationship with Him through repentance.
Repentance is a wonderful provision of almighty God. It is miraculous because even when the prodigal son left His Father and all to rebel and do his own thing; the Father ran to greet him when he humbled himself, and turned from his wicked ways, and he came back home to his father
Our Father in heaven is always eagerly waiting for His prodigals to come home to Him. He will run to meet you when you turn ever so slightly back to Him, and He will give you a new beginning that is bright and beautiful.
Today, we have many prodigal sons and daughters who need to turn back to our great and mighty God.
We all need to return to our first love of the Lord Jesus Christ, Father God and be filled anew with the glorious Holy Spirit.
Jesus is coming back for His holy bride, and we need to make ourselves ready for His coming. We are to be holy as He is holy, and we need to grow up into His image.
Come to Him today. He will run to meet you, and He will cause you to always triumph in Him. Amen and amen.

Peggy Kannaday is the Managing Editor of “Church Growth International”.
Contact: USA 803 500 1267,

The Will of God is Supreme

10882137_10204550191088638_1906484908972849180_nWhat is the will of God?

Peggy Kannaday

The Bibles lists over 66 Scriptures telling us the will of God directly. The whole Word of God is revealing the will of God through countless true events, Scriptures and the lives of the men and women of God. We can learn everything we need to know about the will of God by studying the Bible, and by praying for understanding of God’s perfect will. God’s perfect will is superior to His permissive will. His Rhema Word is needed for personal direction, and we must be guided 24/7 by The powerful Holy Spirit to be able to actually perform and do the will of God.

1 Thes. 5: The Three Directives for a very joyous walk with God.

16 Rejoice evermore. We are commanded to rejoice when we are being lied about and persecuted. If you are hated; rejoice; it was the same for our perfect Lord Jesus Christ. It is an honor to be hated as Jesus was hated. It means that you are growing into His image.

17 Pray without ceasing. To pray without ceasing is necessary in our close walk with The Lord Jesus Christ. When we neglect this great privilege even for one day; we can easily open a door to Satan’s dominion to try and trick you, corrupt you, defile you and to push you away from the throne of God.

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. One of the prerequisites for entering into heaven is to have a grateful heart. We have so much to be grateful for. Every morning that we wake up; we should enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. We need to be like David who told his own should to bless the Lord. It doesn’t matter if you feel like blessing God for all of His tremendous benefits; you tell yourself to do what is pleasing to God, and all that is within you will start blessing the Lord early in the day. There are many scriptures concerning God’s will:

Romans 12:2 , King James Version (KJV) 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Elim Welfare Town, an outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea. Free and wonderful place for seniors and youth. Training is ;provide for the youth and prayer and care for all.

Elim Welfare Town, an outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea.
Free and wonderful place for seniors and youth.
Training is ;provide for the youth and prayer and care for all.

This Scripture tells us to prove His will by no being taken in by the beast, anti-Christ, and false religious world system. It is telling us that we have the power to overcome the world, and we can look forward to life of the overcome which is to rule and reign with Christ a thousand years into the future. Most Christians would agree that we are currently very similar to the Laodicean church in many instances. Most Christians, especially in America can see this worldliness very clearly. The Lord is about to deal very harshly with those hypocrites in the Laodicean Churches. He is about to vomit them out of His body. However, on the positive side; the very Christians who go through the Laodicean Churches, greed, immorality, and every abomination will receive a great reward. Those that can stay close to the Lord, and who can do His will; will be rewarded with the honor of sitting on His throne with Him.

Rev. 3:20, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

Revelation 12:11 11 “And they overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Those Christians that refuse to submit to this evil end time church will be greatly blessed by The Lord Jesus. This church thought that they had everything,, but they came under great judgement by the Lord Jesus because He could see through their facade of fake holiness. God’s will is for His people to go over and not under. He wants His people to be more than conquerors through Him and His all encompassing power, The Holy Spirit, The Word of God, Holiness, His all knowing assistance, and His ability to be with us always and at all times.

1 Thessalonians 4:3 “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality;” God knows the horrible consequences in this area of our lives. We are bombarded by Satanic forces to try and deceive us into thinking that this activity is normative, natural and satisfying, when that is the opposite of the truth. The truth is this sin will lead you into total destructive both in your body and your mind. God wants His people to be pure and holy in this area of their lives, or they will suffer great heartaches, disappointments and untold sorrow. Sex is not at all the way the movies, the TV and the romance novels portray. Do not be deceived by Satan’s evil tactics to bring you to hell with him.

1 Peter 2:15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. The Bible tells us not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good.

Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? Many people will cry Lord, Lord, but Jesus will say I never knew you, depart from Me; you who work iniquity.

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” The will of God is to have all of our priorities in order, and after that all we need will be given to us.

The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea on the Yoido Island. Sr. Pastor Emeritus Yonggi Cho and Sr. Pastor Younghoon Lee. Home of "Church Growth International" Founder Yonggi Cho, English Ministry with Conferences, magazines, manuals, etc.

The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea on the Yoido Island.
Sr. Pastor Emeritus Yonggi Cho and Sr. Pastor Younghoon Lee.
Home of “Church Growth International”
Founder Yonggi Cho, English Ministry with Conferences, magazines, manuals, etc.

Luke 9:23, “And He said to all, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” To do the will of God means that you must deny your own will and desires. These should always be secondary to The Lord’s will in your life. Jesus only did what His father told and showed Him to do daily. He prayed before He did anything, and God led Him in every way while He lived as a mortal man on this earth. That is why we mortal humans know that He set the supreme example for us, as He did all that He did on the earth as a mere man. Now, we can take up His cross and follow Him. If Jesus did not lean on Himself when He walked this earth; how much more should we rely on God to bring us through this life on earth victoriously. We must trust in Him with all of our hearts, unreservedly, and with full confidence in His Word which is the total Truth for all ages. We must delight ourselves in Him and He will give us the desires of our hearts. He wants every human being to be with Him forever. Delight in doing the will of God daily. For those who please God; He will cause even your enemies to be at peace with you. God wants your desires to be His desires and to be fulfilled completely.

When our ways please the Lord: He will make even our enemies to be at peace with us.  Obeying God and doing His will prove our love for God, and being led by The Holy Spirits make us His real sons and daughter. My prayer for you:

Dearly beloved, Learn the will of God, but don’t stop there. Do and preform the will of God throughout your whole life. The time is short, and we must be faithful servants of the most high God of the universe. There will be so much witchcraft, sorcery, brain washing, mind control, deceit, trickery and treachery coming your ways during these end times that if it were possible; even the elite would be deceived, However, when you walk closely with the Lord, and you do His will; you will be able to have the victory. He always causes His beloved people to triumph! Praise His Holy Name Forever!



Peggy Kannaday

Are You Still in The Faith?

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.
2 Corinthians 13:5

Are You Brave and Very Courageous?

Revelation 21:8

King James Version (KJV)

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


Many years ago, a friend of my mother said to me that she refused to go through the tribulation. Since then, I have heard many other Christians saying similar things.

We, Christians of all people should have no fear of death. We overcome Satan by The Blood of The Lamb, The Word of our testimony, and we love “not” our lives unto the death.

This is the Scripture that tells us how to become “Overcomers”.

Fear is our greatest enemy because it activates Mute SwanSatan’s plan in our lives. If Satan can get you to fear what he can do to you; then he can manipulate you and even control your decisions.

Fear is a lack of faith and trust in the power of God. Fear comes when our faith is not strong.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Without faith; it is impossible to please God.

How do we attain faith? Faith is not only a fruit of The Holy Spirit, but it is also a gift of The Holy Spirit.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by The Word of God or The Holy Bible.

When we read, listen to, and study God’s Word our faith grows stronger and stronger.

The Word of God tells it like it is, but it also provides the redemptive side to our lives, our future and our work on this earth.

The Word of God provides faith, hope, wisdom, knowledge, anointing to teach, power to believe God, and it contains all the power of Jesus Christ inside of its words.

The world was formed by His Words spoken through the power of The Holy Spirit. It is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, sayest The Lord Jesus Christ.

Come to the River of Life, faith and Light. Come to The Word of God and find a regenerated faith and hope and love for God.

The enemy hates the Word of God, and he goes to any length to try and discredit it, and he has been trying to destroy it for centuries. However, it remains as strong and as powerful as ever.

We need it now more than ever before. Dust off your Bible, and jump into a sea of love, joy, peace and renewed faith.

I have The Bible in every form possible.

I love to listen to it on my electronic mp3 player, I love to hear it on youtube, I love to check out Scriptures throughout the day. It is like being resurrected spiritually.

How is your faith? Are you still in the beautiful arms of faith in our loving God through Jesus Christ and activated by The Holy Spirit?

If you have all kinds of fears and phobias; The Word of God can deliver you from them all.

Speak the Word of God that tells us that God did not give us a spirit of fear, timidity or cowardice, but He has given us a spirit of power, perfect love and a sound sharp clear mind.

Speak the words of life, and the words, deeds and thoughts that bring death, fear and doubt will vanish.

What we speak is crucial to our mental, physical and emotional health. The Word of God brings new life and vitality to our minds, our hearts and our bodies. It renews our immune system, and our ability to bear fruit for The Kingdom of God.

Ps 1:1a

Blessed is the man that walks not in the way of the ungodly……


But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law does he meditate day and night.

He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his

leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall

shall prosper.

My prayer for You:

Dear Father God,

Please give all of Your children a love for Your Word and a love for The Truth. It is the Truth that sanctifies us and Your Word brings new life into our lives.

It refreshes our salvation, and it generates new trust in You. It is powerful and it is sharper than any two-edged sword.

It causes us to grow up into the image of Jesus Christ, just by absorbing it daily like the Israelite at the manna in the desert.

Thank You For Your Glorious Word.

May we come back to our first love for You and for Your Word in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen, amen and amen.

Peggy Kannaday is The Managing Editor for “Church Growth International” which is a non-denominational ministry headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.








YouTube Video
“Church Growth International” Introduction Video shown at The 25th
Silver Anniversary Conference in Seoul, Korea!YouTube:



Why Do The Heathen Rage?

Psalm 2

King James Version (KJV)

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

o person is above the law. The Constitution has never been legally changed. It is still in effect.

All of the illegal executive orders are worthless because they are all “unconstitutional”. They are not worth the paper that they are written on.

I’ve been fighting these NWO mercenary terrorists for 9 years since moving to Regent Park/Glenn Ridge, Fort Mill, SC. I have learned how they operate, and I have learned the power of prayer, binding, loosing, and speaking out the truth.. The pen is far mightier than the sword. I joined to share what I know has worked over 9 years of daily attack.

These criminals have tried to ruin my work, my reputation, my property and to try and murder me. They are very covert and careful not to be caught and so they try and make their crimes completely unexplainable or like an accident.I know that these traitors are cowards. They go way out of their way to save their own skin, and yet they try every way to destroy a patriot or a law abiding citizen.

Their leader is a psychopath, and they use occult practices to try and enhance their evil forces. However, they have not been able to stop me or may work in 9 years because The Lord Jesus Christ is on my side. It must be very frustrating for these criminals.

Gideon in The Bible gathered 22,000 soldiers, but the Lord had only 300 good men selected, and Gideon was victorious.

God must be on your side in order to win any battle.

My prayer for the militia, the patriots and their loved ones.

Dear Father,

Please build a fiery and flaming hedge around all of the patriots going out to take back our land. Please apply Your Blood over their minds, hearts and bodies.

Please give them wisdom from You as to how to proceed. Please protect them from all harm, evil and temptations. Please give them supernatural boldness and courage in doing what is right and just.

Please bring our country back to our heritage because America was founded on Jesus Christ. Please restore our Constitution, Bill of rights and our Declaration of Independence. This country is of the people, for the people and the people are to rule in America in accordance with our Constitution, justice for all, freedom for all, the pursuit of happiness for all and not just for a few of the elite. We ask in love, unity and one accord in Jesus Christ’s Name and all for His glory. Amen and amen.

by Wayne Blank

Gideon, from the Hebrew word meaning hewer or feller, was the son of Joash, an Abiezrite (Judges 6:11), from the town of Ophrah in the Manasseh territory (see Tribal Lands) of Samaria, a short distance from Mount Gerizim (the view from the summit is seen in the photograph below). Also known as Jerub-baal (Judges 6:29, 32), Gideon was one of the series of Judges, or tribal leaders, whose story is substantially detailed in recorded Bible History (Judges chapters 6-8).

View From Mount Gerizim We first read of Gideon at a time when “the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of The Lord; and The Lord gave them into the hand of Midian seven years.” (Judges 6:1 RSV). When the time of punishment was completed, The Angel of The Lord appeared to Gideon and said, “Go in this might of yours and deliver Israel from the hand of Midian; do not I send you?” (Judges 6:14 RSV). With some reluctance, and a request for signs that God was truly with him, Gideon finally accepted his calling (Judges 6:17-22).

Gideon’s first attack was somewhat modest; under cover of darkness, Gideon and ten of his servants destroyed the people’s altar of Baal, and cut down the Asherah pole that had been erected beside it (Judges 6:25-27).

Using a Shofar, Gideon then mustered a force of 22,000 Israelites (Judges 6:34-35). Of that number, God had only three hundred selected (Judges 7:2-7) so that they would know that it was God who delivered them from the vastly larger force that had been troubling them. And so He did; the 300 Israelites obliterated an army of 120,000 Midianites (Judges 7:19-25, 8:10) and drove the invaders back beyond the Jordan.

The memory of this great victory is referred to a number of times in The Bible (1 Samuel 12:11; Psalm 83:11; Isaiah 9:4; 10:26; Hebrews 11:32). It was so complete that the Israelites had peace for 40 years afterward (Judges 8:28) – exceptional for the times.

Gideon died at a good old age, and was buried in the tomb of his fathers. Incredibly, soon after his death the Israelites again drifted back into idolatry and other degenerate behavior, a cycle that would last for centuries until their total defeat and exile, as God allowed – first the Kingdom of Israel (the “Lost Ten Tribes”) in the north by the Assyrians in 721 B.C. (see Ancient Empires – Assyria), and then finally the Kingdom of Judah in the southern lands around Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. (see Ancient Empires – Babylon).

Fact Finder: Is Gideon referred to as a man of faith in the New Testament?
Hebrews 11:32-33

Jesus: The Whistleblower

The Communication's Building The "Church Growth International" Office Building, Newspaper, and Communication's Building.

The Communication’s Building
The “Church Growth International” Office Building, Newspaper, and Communication’s Building.

Jesus: The Whistleblower Margaret (Peggy Henderson) Kannaday Jesus was not only our Savior, our Lord, and the King of the Universe, but He was also a whistle blower. Whistle blowers are brave, and they want to expose the evil deeds of darkness and the hypocrites in the Body of Christ. They want to work the work of The Lord in destroying “all” of the works of Satan. Whistle blowers are “not” wimps. They are mighty men and women of valor as Jesus Christ was when He overturned the tables of The “Den of Thieves” who were using His Father’s House to make money. Jesus spoke out against the “Religious” leaders continually. He called them vipers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, whitewashed sepulchers, and He said that they will travel over the ocean in order to make one proselyte and then make them twice the son of hell as they are. Today, we are living in similar times. People giving themselves high sounding titles have infiltrated our churches, schools, and every type of ministry. These people are the rogue or shadow Christians. They do not walk in the Light of Jesus Christ. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15). “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? (Matthew 23:33). Why did Jesus blow the whistle on these reprobates? He knew their hearts. He saw their motives in everything that they did. Jesus was totally pure and holy, and He only did what His Father showed Him to do. He didn’t have a self-centered bone in His body. He saw right through the hearts of the leaders who were stalking him, harassing Him and lying about Him continually. All those who have the same heart, mind and Spirit of Jesus Christ, and who desire to follow Him completely, and to live a righteous life; will be persecuted by those who are doing their own thing under the pretense of following Jesus. You will know them by their fruit. Jesus was a target individual. The perpetrators stalked Him, and tried to get Him to say something that they could use against Him. They followed Him; not because they loved Him, but because they wanted to destroy Him. They wanted to kill Him before His time to die, but they were unsuccessful. Only when the proper time came were these criminals allowed to stir up the people against Jesus in order to have Him crucified. All of these things were a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Jesus knew what He would suffer, and He surrendered all for the sake of even one human being. Today, the people who are called “whistleblowers” are being gang stalked, harassed, fired, shunned, and in some cases they are murdered, and it is made to look like an accident or suicide. These are very courageous people who desire to speak the Truth in love even if it means horrible consequences to them, their family, their friends and their work. That is why it is so refreshing to hear countless whistle blowers speaking out the truth through the alternative media sources. They know the risk, but they care more about The Truth. Jesus Christ “is” The Truth, The Way and The Life. I do not like the term whistleblower to describe a person who speaks the Truth regardless of the consequences. Let’s start calling those who are exposing all of the evil deeds of darkness, Truth Bearers. Let’s call those who desire to do the Lord Jesus’ work of destroying all of the works of Satan as Overcomers of evil. Let’s all be exposers of the evil deeds of darkness and also Christians who desire to destroy all of the works of Satan. These are our duties and the commandments from our Lord Jesus Christ. Dear Father, Your people are speaking out the Truth in America despite the fact that they know they will be attacked by the mercenaries, the anti-Christ factions and the minions of Lucifer and Satan. Thank You Lord for these people, and I pray that their numbers will increase exponentially to the glory of God in Jesus’ Name. Please protect these Christians, heal them, and deliver them from the false prophets, false teachers, false, apostles, false Christian leaders of every kind, and the hypocrites. Please raise up Your mighty standard in America against those who only desire to demoralize, and destroy our beloved country. Please bless all those who stand up for the Truth in Jesus’ all-powerful Name, amen and amen. Peggy Henderson Kannaday has been the Managing Editor for “Church Growth International’ for 22 years. She was a missionary in South Korea for over twelve years before moving to Fort Mill, SC. Contact:, Phone: 803 500 1267 , 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715.


file5401267274601LIFT UP THE NAME OF JESUS!
Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday
John 12:32, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.”
Have you noticed that there is an attempt to squelch the Name of Jesus Christ! The elite powers (the wicked in high places, Eph. 6) are trying to make it a crime to pray in the Name of Jesus Christ.
This attempt alone should make people stop and think. Why? The countless names of so-called deities are allowed and even encouraged to be spoken except for this one Name which is the Name above all names.
I heard that the Name of Jesus Christ is not allowed to be mentioned in certain government locations. The Name of Jesus Christ makes satanic powers and demonic minions shudder. His Name breaks the powers of our enemy Lucifer and his countless servants.
There is a great attempt to erase the Name of Jesus Christ from off the earth and to crush the Word of God. This attempt has been going on over many centuries, and it is now coming to a crescendo in America.
This fact alone should give the occult practitioners and those in the dark pagan religions a clue as to Who is the real and only living God. However, I have discovered that the wicked in high places have gone to extreme lengths to program, brainwash and deceive the masses.
Most people are not free thinkers, but they follow the crowd. The Bible tells us that the majority of human beings will take the broad, easy and well-traveled road which leads to eternal death, darkness and hell.
Of course the masses are being taught that there is no such thing as hell or right or wrong. That way the masses can be railroaded by the anti-Christ forces into submission. The anti-Christ powers are rampant today. They know that their time is very short to deceive many more.
They must deceive their followers completely in order to get them to obey their orders and to cooperate with their diabolical schemes. Every plan of Satan, Lucifer, The Beast system, The False Prophets, the anti-Christ System will come to nothing, and so these rulers of the darkness must keep their minions in the dark at all times, and keep them in a state which psychologists call “Delusions of Grandeur”.
These servants of the NWO are mercenaries, and they are being rewarded for doing their evil deeds of darkness. They are being told that they will be promoted and that they will live forever without the possibility of suffering for their crimes and satanic works.
I notice that if anyone lifts up the Name of Jesus Christ; they are demeaned as crazy, a religious fanatic or stupid. Why do you think this is happening more and more as the anti-Christ system is being forced on all the nations of the world?
It is because if the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is lifted up; He will draw all men, women and children to Himself. Wherever His Name is exalted; He is there to receive the people, heal them, deliver them and to save their souls from eternal damnation. That is why these principalities, powers, wicked in high places, rulers of the darkness desire to stop the Name of Jesus Christ from even being spoken out loud.
If the people of God would stand strong and not give in to these ungodly rogues; many thousands could be saved daily. However, due to their compromise involved with the non-profit status and other pressures from the rogue system; there are few ministers who are not effected by the disdain for the Name of our Lord Jesus. They are being trained very insidiously to say other words instead of Jesus Christ.
The love of money in many instances is greater than their love for The Lord Jesus Christ and obedience to His Word. It is obvious that many ministers have sold out to demonic and satanic powers, and many think that it is okay because so many others are doing the same thing.
However, God almighty and His Son Jesus Christ to not accept any excuses for such sins of omission and commission. The love of money is the root of all evil, and all Christians need to flee from this temptation.
When a minister signs over his or her ability to minister freely, and comes under contract with the secular authorities, and they allow those powers to dictate what they can say and what they cannot say; they have signed a death warrant. Their ministry will die without the liberty of being allowed to fully obey The Lord and to be led by The Holy Spirit.
Christian leaders should know better because this tactic was used in all of the Communist countries to possess control over all of the churches and ministries. It is not a secret that this submission to a secular and anti-Christ system will bring many problems in the future for a man or woman of God.
How many Christians have sold their souls out through this means, and now they are falling further and further into sin due to this opening of satanic forces into their churches. These ministers need to repent of their weakness in this area, and they need to renounce their contract with the devil.
All power in heaven and earth belongs to Jesus!
Matthew 28:18-20:
18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you away, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
We, His beloved followers, disciples and ministers must stop surrendering our freedoms to our enemy and the anti-Christ followers. We must start obeying the Scriptures at any cost to our lives.
Our reasonable sacrifice is our life given over to Jesus Christ, and now the anti-Christ system is attempting to take the mention of His Name away from His people.
We need to rise up, and lift up The all-powerful Name of Jesus Christ all over America and the world. We need to praise His Name together, exalt all that He has done in freely giving His life for our salvation, blessings, healing s and deliverance.
Let’s lift up The Name of Jesus Christ, and He will draw all people to Himself! Glory to God!

Letter and Prayer for Patriots


Dear Fellow Patriots,

The Lord Jesus gave me Psalm 37 when I came here to Regent Park/Glen Ridge, Fort Mill, SC.  It has helped me through these last nine years of being a target.

It was so encouraging to me because I was being harassed in this place, since moving here in 2005.  Many of my neighbors fly the American flag, but they are not patriots.  They seem to be NWO mercenaries because they pretend to be normal citizens and even some pretend to be Christians, but they harass me 24/7, they seem to break every law in the books in SC and they have nor regard for our country and our people.

Gang stalking is a very secret and covert crime.  The perpetrators do everything behind the scenes. Why? Because they are cowards of the worse sort.

I believe they are attacking me because of my Christian work, my patriotism and my prayer life.  They hack my computers, and try to block all relationships, by spreading rumors and lies.

I would love to meet a Christian patriot in York County, SC. I would even love to meet a true follower of Jesus Christ in this Regent Park property.
It seems many of the people in Regent Park are either being deceived, confused about what is really going on here or they are under mind control.

I appreciate all of your comments and messages, and I know that this is a most crucial time in the history of American and every decision we make; will effect countless people in the future. What happens here in the states effects all other nations because we used to be strong, and we used to protect the weak countries, but now we are among the very weakest of all countries due to the anti-Christ, beast system that has come into our country and our territories.

We need to pray about every decision, as we know our Biblical counterparts always did when they were able to have the victory through the power of almighty God.  The Lord reveals to us in His Word that Joshua and Caleb had to go into Canaan to take back the territory that had been stolen by the enemy.

God was with Joshua and Caleb, and they were under His authority and so they triumphed. As long as we put The Lord Jesus Christ first; we will always triumph over Satan and his dupes.

I know that the enemies that are trying to take over our country are literally trying to provoke us to anger, to war and to do what we would regret later.  That is why we have to move very humbly, carefully and in alignment with the will and Word of God.

My prayer for all of you:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We turn to You in prayer for Your wisdom, knowledge and direction in what we need to do to save our beloved country.  We pray that You will give the patriots Your witty inventions and creative ideas, as to how to conquer the enemies along with their weapons and devices.

All of their weapons, devices, ammunition and vehicles belong to the people of America because they were paid for with our money and our taxes.  We need to take them back so that they will be used properly and for justice for all people and not just for the elite. If they are not going to be used as they were intended to be used (to protext the innocent), then these weapons, vehicles, underground bases, ammunition, etc. should all be destroyed so that they cannot be used against the innocent citizens.

We pray that You Father God will protect, heal, deliver and restore all that has been stolen from the people of America.  We pray that You will receive all of the honor and glory.

We pray Father that You will go before those who are courageously standing for liberty, and You will fight the battle for them as You have done many times throughout history.

We pray that we will praise and worship You as You deserve, and we know that through praise, worship and prayer; we will always have the victory because You always cause Your people to triumph.

We pray that You will bring great confusion, division and the fear of God upon the enemy of our nation and our people.  In 2 Chron. 20:v 17; ” Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you.”
Thank You, Father God, and we ask all of these things in The all powerful Name of Your Son Jesus Christ and all for Your glory.  Amen and amen.

The people of God (especially the leaders need to repent for allowing this evil to take over our land during our watch.)   When we are right with God; He will cause even our enemies to be at peace The church as a whole needs to humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from our worldly and evil ways, and God has promised to hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and to heal our lands.

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The timeless truth of that proverb (14:34) is the verdict of the record of every civilization, empire and nation in history. Its relevance for our times is indisputable. In a day when spiritual and moral structures are disintegrating, when the social order is threatened by a narcissism bordering on anarchy, when pervasive skepticism and mistrust are eroding human relationships, no word of truth deserves our attention more than this by Charles Hodge.

I know that The Lord Jesus Christ protects His own because of my own circumstances.  I can’t even count the attempts on my life and the narrow escapes that I have had in my lifetime.   When we walk closely with the Lord, and we do not allow any opening to Satan; we are under His covering and protection until the time that The Lord in His wisdom calls us home.

I love all of you, and I do not want even one of you to perish due to lack of knowledge, prayer support,  lack of faith in the power of God or for any other reason.

I am being persecuted for my viewpoints, but I know that my ideas are The Truth.  They have been proven to me over and over again in my life.  Have faith in the all powerful, all knowing and omnipresent God of the universe, and He will bring you through, as He did with our founding fathers who trust in Him.

They were only 25% of the population and they were a rag tag band, but they had almighty God on their side.  Glory to God!  They founded our nation in love for God, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness for all people no matter their color, financial status, their class or whatever their individual differences.  All Americans were treated respectfully until our nation was inundated with those who desired to destroy our great heritage, our people and our nation.  They have flooded our country with plans out of the pit of hell to demoralize our children, our families, our schools, our health care,  our morality,  and to cause such corruption whereby they can just come in and take over.
I pray that all of their plans will come to nothing, and they will be pushed back to Eden.  I pray that all of their evil deeds will be exposed and all of the works of Satan will be totally destroyed; not only in America but throughout the world.  If America goes down; it will bring in the domino effect and no country will be under any protection.

We need to pray for the Ukraine where a Christian leader is being bullied and invaded.  We pray that Christians all over the world will pray for these smaller countries that are being invaded illegally.

When America started going along with those who wanted to take God out of every area of our society; we started into a decline which has reached the lowest point today in 2014.  Let’s take back our territory through, repentance, prayer, praise, worship and standing strong in Truth and Justice for all.
WARNING to all those who are involved in covens, cults, secret societies, pedophiles, gang stalkers and the like. The Word of God tells you clearly:


19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him (JESUS CHRIST) that sat on the horse, and against His army (THE ARMY OF GOD).

20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him (JESUS CHRIST) that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.


Are You a Targeted Individual?

This video tells what is involved in gang stalking, and where this illegal activity originated. It is copied after several totalitarian regimes.
These gangs also steal your property, your mail, you finances, and they do many more things that cannot be mentioned in a video. These perpetrators use occult means in order to carry out their insidious attacks, and they are told that they are immune from prosecution.
These perpetrators are being deceived, and in the end; they will be slaughtered by the very authorities that they were working under. The Brown Shirts of Hitler’s regime are perfect examples of what will happen to people who choose to betray their fellow neighbors and good citizens in their country.
As the Word of God says, “Those that live by the sword; die by the sword”.

The Anti Christ System is Emerging

Picture from the “Church Growth” Magazine

The Anti Christ System is EmergingThe Anti Christ System is Emerging
We know that there are many theories about the Antichrist and his system.
The word Antichrist is made up of two roots: αντί + Χριστός (anti + Christos). “Αντί” can mean not only “against” and “opposite of”, but also “in place of”,[3] “Χριστός”, translated “Christ”, is Greek for the Hebrew “Messiah” meaning “anointed,” and refers to Jesus of Nazareth[4] within Christian, Islamic and Messianic Jewish theology.
The core of the Antichrist system is to not only oppose The Lord Jesus Christ, but it is geared to replace Him. It is the same old deception that the devil used in the Garden of Eden. It says that God is not a good God, but He only wants to do harm to humanity by setting forth a guide book called The Bible that gives mankind a bunch of rules and regulations to obey.

Lucifer says that The Bible is a book that restricts mankind, and keeps him from his potential to be “like” God. He puts out a total lie that mere mortals can become like god through reincarnation and through following the fallen angels and the demonic, dark realm.
The anti Christ system of today is the same as in the Garden of Edan because Satan has no creative ability. All of Satan’s ideas are just in opposition and rebellion to what God speaks and sets forth in His Kingdom.
The various types of churches under the umbrella of the “emerging church” and other false churches are attempting to set up a new order which is opposed to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are attempting to appeal to mankind’s selfish and prurient desires which are very popular in many societies at this particular time.
Definition of PRURIENT
: marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire; especially : marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire

These false pastors will never come to your community as servants of Satan, but they will come to your local area as angels of light who will actually be there to steal, kill, destroy, deceive, trick and undermine everything of our Lord Jesus Christ and His beloved saints that are attempting to live a godly life. They use new and unidentifiable names that appeal to the unlearned, but you will always know them by their fruit.
They very craftily pervert the Word of God. I heard one of them say boldly (as if he knew what he was talking about), “The will of God is whatsoever”. If a person knows the word of God; they will quickly realize that statement is a total misquote, and cannot be found in the Bible.
The Bible tells us that “To rejoice evermore, prayer without ceasing and in everything to give thanks is the will of God in Christ Jesus’. However, most of the people who attend these false churches would not know that, as these teachings are very popular with those who have no desire to know The Bible, and they do not have a love for The Truth.
In these last days, we all need to have a very strong love for the Truth, and we need to study The Truth, The Word of God with all of our hearts or we will be deceived, tricked and led astray. Many of the newer translations of the Bible change words and take out the power words, IE. “fasting”.
Jesus was constantly warning the people about how we are to be very careful not to be deceived by the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Satan was an angel created by God, but he became very arrogant and jealous of Jesus Christ and so he rebelled and tool 1/3 of the other holy angels with him to oppose our Lord Jesus Christ and to try and take away God’s heritage by deceiving humanity. Satan actually wanted to be equal with almighty God, and that is an exercise in futility. There is absolutely no entity that even comes close to being equal with our all power, all knowing, and omnipresent God who created us and the entire universe.
One the powerful and holy angels rebelled against God; they immediately submitted themselves to the fallen angel Lucifer. By committing this act of blasphemy; they lost all of the honor and power of their original place and position.
It is similar to a person who is walking with The Lord Jesus Christ, and who has all authority over the devil, but then they rebel, sin and make the devil their god. They immediately lose all of their esteemed abilities, and they come under the jurisdiction of the occult.
The occult realm has some weired, and strange powers, but compared to almighty god; their powers are nominal and their power to attack God and His people is limited to what The Lord Jesus Christ allows as in the case of Job, Joseph, Daniel, Paul, etc.
The devil’s authority is under the dominion of almighty God, and it is also temporary until The Lord Jesus comes to earth, destroys the wicked, and sets up His glorious Kingdom of this earth.
That does not mean that God condones what the devil does through people who are under the control of Satan. God gives every human being a totally free will, and God has given us His handbook that tells us what to do to avoid the lies of Satan, and to be able to live a victorious life through Him.
However, the enemy of our souls, has tried to destroy the Word of God in every way he can. He has not been able to do that, and he is doomed. He knows it, and so he is busy trying to lead as many human beings as he can to the slaughter.
The fallen angels that came down to earth left all of their angelic characteristics behind, and they became corrupted in their natures. They wanted to have intercourse with the women of the earth, and so they did. They also wanted to defile the earth, because it was the magnificent creation of almighty God.
They killed their own children as sacrifices, and they went about doing every type of abomination in order to destroy the purposes of God and His Son Jesus Christ. That is why God had to bring the flood to wipe out these evil creations.
That is why God had to send His only begotten Son to earth to die on the cross to redeem all those who put their trust in Jesus Christ. God made this provision at a great cost to Himself. Jesus Christ was able to live a sinless life, thus making Him the Lamb of God; slain for our sins.
Jesus was crucified and rose again on the third day, and then He ascended into heaven, but He did not leave us comfort less, but He sent His Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us and to bring us into All Truth.

Today, we have the result of the evil Satan has wrought on the earth. People are being fed delusions of grandeur by way of lying wonders, false doctrines, disinformation and the like, and so they are so confused about what is true and what is false.
They are being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, but The Lord Jesus tells us we need to grow up, mature and be strong in Him and He will always cause us to triumph.

[10]He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
[11] And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
[12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
[13] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
[14] That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
[15] But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
[16] From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

The Antichrist system is underground and their most heinous crimes are in the lowest parts of the earth. These criminals know that all the money in the world will not save them from the anger of the people if they learned of what went on covertly.
The kidnappings, the killings, the pedophile molestations, the torture of innocent people and the sacrifices that they do to worship their god Satan,. These criminals use covens, cults, secret societies to trick people into joining their groups, and once these unlearned people get tricked; they are then blackmailed if they try to get out of the dark groups. Why? Because all of their immoral and insidious underground and covert rackets, rings and gangs of every type do the most illegal activities known to mankind.
Because many people today are rebelling against the God Who created them, and they are turning to darkness; they have come under a strong delusion. These people are trying to justify their lives by trying to turn normal people to their delusional lifestyle. They believe that this will somehow bring them to a place in society that is acceptable.
For example, pedophiles are one of the most hated people in our society, and yet these criminals try every conceivable method to legitimize it so that they will be considered normal. After all, if they can get enough VIPs and others to join up with them; their most horrible crimes will become acceptable.
The type of people hate the Word of God because it tells it like it is.
Luke 17:2, James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”

These people have no knowledge of God and so they are perishing. They do not seek after the truth or God because if they did seek Him with all of their hearts; they would find Him. He is the Truth, The Way and The Life, but they have decided to follow after their own selfishness, greed and lusts of every kind. They will have their reward. God is not mocked; whatsoever you sow; that is what you will reap. Those that live by the sword; die by the sword.
Those that kill the innocent will die the same way, and it is better that they were never born.
I notice many “Christians’ today have never really become born again. They warm a pew, but many have never been born of the Holy Spirit of God. They need to realize that fact, and start seeking the Lord Jesus with their whole hearts, and He will come to them, and He will transform their entire lives for good.
Fort many years, I thought I was a born again Christian because I loved God, I believed in God, and I went to church, etc. However, when I read the Bible; it was not open to me as it should have been.
I started going forward in several churches to received Christ, and the well meaning altar workers told me that I was indeed a Christian, but my life was still the same.
Being a born again Christian is not just believing in God, because the demons believe and tremble, but it is in seeking Him first, loving Him first, and obeying Him first and foremost. Our very lives devoted to Him is just our reasonable service.
I would like to pray for you:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please deliver the people of today from the snare of the enemy of our souls. Please give all of us a daily love for the Truth.
Please save the people who are being led to the slaughter by scrupulous, false leaders and counterfeit churches that are rising up to distort, deceive and destroy the innocent and unlearned. Their purpose is to get as many as they can to submit to the Antichrist system and to follow after their own pernicious and diabolical practices for their own profit, power and satanic motives.
Please Father God, expose all of the evil deeds of Lucifer and his servants, and please destroy all of his works, hiding places, finances, army, weapons, vehicles and their authority which should be dissolved and given to the righteous in Jesus’ precious Name. Amen and amen.

The Lord Jesus preached for us to beware of these reprobates, hypocrites, den of thieves ant deceivers.
Jesus wants His house to become a House of Prayer, love, unity, and worship. They Kingdom come, and Thy perfect will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Amen, amen and amen.

Peggy Kannaday has been the Managing Editor for “Church Growth International” since 1991 (, and she hold a M.Ed. Degree in ESE/Counseling (3.82 GPA) 1981,and a B.A. Degree in Clinical Psychology/Sociology.
Please contact at:,,, and 803 547-2164, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715.


the blue house in seoul, korea33DO NOT BE DECEIVED
Peggy Kannaday
1 Cor. 6:
9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
There are many false doctrines being circulated through the churches that are under the control of the anti-Christ system through their non profit system. In order to maintain their tax exemptions; they submit to secular and ungodly rules and regulations.
These “Christians” have decided to put their greed ahead of the Word of God, and all of their churches should be boycotted. The demands on those giving them their tax exemption will grow greater and greater.
These so called “Christian” leaders are selling their freedom to be led by The Holy Spirit for a mess of pottage. They have become prisoners to the anti-Christ system and their insidious, ungodly agenda.
You will know these leaders by their fruit. They care more about the money than they do about the people under their authority, and that is why they are not making their churches a House of Prayer for all people as we were commanded to do by our Lord Jesus Christ.
The evil empire is more afraid of prayer than all of the weapons of mass destruction put together. That is why prayer has almost become obsolete in many churches, and if it is allowed; it is usually never the priority.
God has given His people “all” authority over the enemy, and yet we are not exercising this great power. Why did God give us, His people, this authority? Because we are to use it to take back our homes, our families, our communities, and our nations from the illegal take over from our worst enemies.
These enemies of God and His people have already been defeated on the cross some 2,000 years ago, and we are told by The Lord that nothing will by any means harm us as we use God’s authority to conquer all of His and our enemies.
However, we Christian have succumbed to the morals of the world. We have in many cases surrendered our mighty power to gain prestige, power, money and security.
There is no security in the world or the world system. It is all passing away. The help of mankind and especially satan’s dupes is vain and worthless.
Many people are selling out their souls for what will be burned up in the coming time. They are being deceived, tricked, deluded and promises are made to countless people that can never be fulfilled.
1Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. 5I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? 6But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.
The Christians will judge the world and the angels, but we are being told that we are nothing which is the opposite of what The Lord Jesus says about His people. We are so honored by God, and we have our names written in the Book of Life.
Because I am a Christian, and I love The Lord above my life; I am being harassed, robbed, lied about, and shunned by those who say they are Christians, but are not. Because I love God; I am hated by those who should be showing kindness to me.
History is repeating itself as we are going down the dark tunnel that was a failed attempt to take over the world by Hitler and his followers. The brown shirts are the equivalent of the present day nephilim hybrids who are used and than eliminated.
They were used to harass the Jews, and those who helped the innocent people, and then they were all slaughtered. The plans of satan continue on and on, but they will never be realized as they are all delusions of grandeur.
Satan uses the same old lies that mere mortals will become gods \O/. What an unbelievable lie. Satan tells his dupes that they will never die, but they will keep coming back until they become perfect.
What a load of garbage. These poor deluded people are going to have a tremendous shock when the very people in authority who they worked for; turn on them completely and betray them and then destroy them.
The people who betray their own families, their country and do it all for temporary reward are not to be trusted by even satan. They are worthless as they only know how to kill, steal, lie, cheat and destroy.
What they have sown; they will also reap. These murderers, pedophiles, abortionists, and the like will all die as they have killed. Those that live by the sword; die by the sword.
These servants of satan will die the same way that they killed the innocent unless they repent and turn to Jesus Christ.
Wake up Christians, and take back your homes, your families, your areas, your country and the world. The Lord will be your defense and rearguard. He will fight the battle for you. He will bring it about as we trust in Him.
Expose all of the evil deeds of darkness, the infiltrators, the fronts that are used to launder money and to bring down our country. Do not buy products from companies that are obviously trying to cause our children and our people to become like immoral animals.
Do not reward evil, but reward those who are building up our people, and those who are doing what is right. Pray that the Lord will destroy all of the works of satan, his hiding places, his ritual sites, his weapons, his devices, his vehicles and all of his servants that are unredeemable just as Joshua and Caleb
were commissioned to destroy all of the nephilim hybrids because they would destroy His beloved people and God knew they only cared about making His people into immoral beasts ready to take the mark of the beast and end up in hell for all eternity.
Dear Father God,
Please raise up Your mighty standard against these inhuman beasts who are programmed to only kill, steal, lie, cheat, trick and destroy Your beloved people.
Please raise up the men and women of God who have the spirits of Joshua, Caleb, and Jehu. Bring down the spirit of Jezebel and witchcraft that is rampant in many churches.
Please raise up the good shepherds who will care for the one sheep. Bring down the hirelings, and those who have made a den of thieves out of our Father’s House.
Please bring the people of God together to build Your glorious last day church for Your honor and glory in Jesus’ Name, amen, amen and amen.
Let us turn to almighty God with all of our hearts, minds, souls and strength, and He will work His mighty wonders in this country and all over the world. Bless His holy and glorious Name!

How to Pray The Korean Way!

peggy-photo-1-27-2012.jpgpraise and worship

Many years ago, I prayed a simple prayer. “Lord, please teach me how to pray”.
Later, after my daughter got married; I was sent by The Lord to Seoul, Korea to be a tent maker for 13 years.
It was an awesome experience. I learned more than words can express about how to pray.
The Koreans not only taught me how to pray, but they also taught me the way to pray.
I learned that prayer was not something that you did periodically when you were faced with a severe problem, but prayer was a way of life to the Korean people.
The Koreans prayed before they drove their cars, they prayed upon entering their churches, they prayed everyday for their children, and they prayed in the City Hall area when their country needed help.
The Koreans’ prayers changed their nation during hard times over and over again. I asked my associate if she was ever concerned when one million North Koreans were lined up on our northern border? She said, “No, because we will go to the City Hall area, and thousands of our Christians from many churches will pray together. She told me that the good Lord always answered their prayers, and so they didn’t worry about their circumstances.
I learned that The Korean Prayer Warriors also had an indomitable faith in The Lord’s supreme and almighty power to answer their prayers. Their faith was so strong that the results were already evident to them in their minds.
If only all people could learn the power that the church united in prayer has in every area of their lives. What a changed world this could and would be if we simply would pray “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. When we pray as Jesus Himself taught us, then The Holy Spirit moves mightily to bring The Kingdom of God into our territory.
The Lord wants His Kingdom to be manifested in our lives, and He wants what is already bound in heaven to be bound on earth, and He wants want is loosed in heaven to be loosed on earth.
I lived in Korea during one of their elections. The conservative candidate was winning, and then we looked at the TV Screen, and the conservatives’ name and photo were switched, and it looked like the leftist candidate was winning.
The leftist was pronounced the winner, and the conservatives asked for a recount which they were not allowed to have. The leftist President of South Korea was exposed for what he was, and he later committed suicide when he came under investigation.
During this time; many of The Christian pastors along with their members visited the City Hall area in Seoul, Korea to pray. Now, to the glory of God, South Korea has a wonderful, Christian President that understands business and every aspect of government because he was head of the Hyundai Corp. He is also an Elder in his church.
Praise God that the Christians prayed for their country, as we are commanded to do in The Word of God. There is unlimited power in the prayers of agreement among the Christians who come together in the Name of Jesus Christ.
That is why He came to give us the Keys to The Kingdom of God. He wants us to take our territories for His Kingdom honor and glory.
I learned that this can be done when the Christians come together to pray for every need. It is a beautiful experience to go to The Osanri Prayer Mountain, and see the people praying in the many daily services, and in the prayer grottoes.
Prayer in Korea is not the last resort, but it is the first priority.
I do not worry about the future of the Christian Koreans because I know that they will turn to the Lord, and they will overcome every obstacle through the power of prayer, faith and total trust in The Lord’s mighty power.
Dr. Yonggi Cho always says that he simply “prays, listens and obeys”. It is very simple, but the Korean Way of Prayer is amazing, and the answers are life-changing, nation transforming, and out-of-this world.

Peggy Kannaday
Regent Park/Glen Ridge
707 Torrey Pines Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29715
803 547-2164



Peggy Kannaday

Luke10:17, “And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy Name. 18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. 19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.”

The church has been given all power and authority through the Holy Spirit over the enemy, satan, the devil, lucifer and all of his creepy critters.  However, to a great extent; we are not exercising that tremendous power to overcome in this world.
The church is under an assault by the powers of darkness and evil.  We are being told daily about satan’s plans for us.  Many Christians are being used by the enemy in many cases without their knowledge in spreading satans, propaganda, disinformation and lies. When we as Christians receive information;  it can come from any one of three sources,
1.)  Satan, and the mental telepathy that his followers use to make us think that we are hearing from The Lord Jesus.  When God gives us a revelation, dream or vision about coming disaster; He always makes it redemptive, or He provides a way of escape as the Word of God declares.  When it comes from the source of satan; it is geared to create hopelessness, despair and discouragement without any solution whatsoever.
2.)  From the true and living God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).  This is something that is very good, and it brings a glad heart in the receiver because even if it is a warning, rebuke or admonishment; it is sent to the Christian with love, faith and an attempt to assist the believer in his or her life situation.  In short, it is redemptive and not destructive.
3.) From our own mind or from the minds of other human beings.  Our thoughts come from our own understanding or from the source of another person’s words.  Words are very crucial and they hold the power of life or death.  If a word brings death without a  hope for redemption or salvation; it is to condemn, bring fear, bring hopelessness,  accuse, to kill, steal, destroy and deceive The Lord’s precious followers or to deter potential Christians from coming to The Lord.

Satan is a big braggart and liar, and his followers are the same.  They love to promote themselves and exaggerate about their power.  They are actually having delusions of grandeur about their future because they are too arrogant to admit their defeat which has already taken place some 2,000 years ago.

Satan claims all types of powers that he does not possess.  He claims to be able to read our minds.  We as Christians have the mind of Christ if we are walking with Him.  
What is happening is that these creepy critters of satan can send messages to the minds of susceptible people through mental telepathy, and this occult process deceives people into thinking that they are being controlled by and understood by the enemy.
Satan and his dupes want use to believe that he is equal to God and even greater than God.  This belief could not be further from the truth.
Satan is very limited in his understanding because he only can use what is given to him.  When he gathers all of this data; he does not have a clue as to how to use the information.  Why?  Because he is puffed up with pride about all of his knowledge, but he has no wisdom which only comes from The Lord Jesus Christ.
Wisdom is a high gift from The Lord Jesus that gives us supernatural ability to use the information that we have to the very best use.  

We make hundreds of decisions daily, and only through the supernatural wisdom from almighty God are we able to make the supremely best decisions.  This a magnificent gift from God that comes through our seeking this gift, and for having the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom.

Satan has a huge amount of useless information that he gathers, but he is clueless as to how to use it.  That is why his servants are always shooting themselves in the foot.

When the religious leaders had Jesus crucified; they had not idea that they were fulfilling the ultimate plan of God, and they were fulfilling prophecy.  The Bible tells us that they did not even know that they were crucifying the Lord of glory who would then take away the sins of the world for all those who turned to Him with all of their hearts.

Those throughout the ages that seek The Truth with all of their hearts will find Him, and His Name is Jesus Christ. Unlike the brain washing we hear; satan is not very smart or he would never had chosen to try to fight with the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Jer. 29:13, “And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart.”<

Noah's Ark Main Sanctuary  in Osanri, Korea.  Near the DMZ.

Noah’s Ark Main Sanctuary in Osanri, Korea. Near the DMZ.

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Church let’s stop listening to the propaganda being put out about the plans of satan, and start spreading the Good News about what Jesus Christ is going to do on this earth.  
Jesus Christ is going to build such a glorious last day church that the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against it.

I am so looking forward to the church that the Lord Jesus builds in the coming days because it will not be involved in building up man’s kingdoms or man’s plans, but  The Lord Jesus Christ will be The one and only Head of His glorious last day church.

Let’s take on the minds and hearts of Joshua and Caleb who conquered the Promised Land and destroyed the nephilim hybrids in obedience to The Lord.  Today, these hybrids have multiplied, but they are defeated by The
Blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of our testimonies, and we love not our lives unto the death.

The enemy of God and His people is intent on destroying His inheritance, and blocking others from coming to The Lord. His hybrids are here to defile, pollute, rape, kill, deceive and to steal everything that rightly belongs to the Living God, The Creator of the Universe. Jesus Christ however, is the total victor, and so please do not be tricked or deceived by the insidious and erroneous plans of the anti-Christ and his dupes.
Dear Father,
We will take back the territory that satan has illegally confiscated through Your mighty Your Holy Spirit.  We will obey Your commandment to expose “all” of the evil deeds of darkness going on covertly in our area, our country, and all over the world.
We know Lord that You came to earth to destroy all of the works of satan, and to set the captives free, but You gave us this authority according to Your Word.  When we occupy and take back the Lord’s territory in Your Name; You will be with us, protect us, and You will bring the victory.  
You always cause Your people to triumph.  We thank You, we praise You, and we pray that You will receive all of the reward for Your suffering in Your Name and all for Your glory.  Amen, amen and amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday,
Managing Editor
Church Growth International,
Regent Park/Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803 547-2164

Peace in the Midst of a Storm

Peace is from The Prince of Peace

Noah's Ark in Osanri, Korea.  Near the DMZ.

Noah’s Ark in Osanri, Korea. Near the DMZ.


Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in The Morning!

Home Sweet Home

Isaiah 1412 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said” in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
17That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

18All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.
19But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.”

The above Scripture describes Lucifer’s boasting and how he ends up. He is all hot air, boasting and bragging. He was finished on the cross of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, but he is still trying to deceive as many ignorant human being as he can trick.
Satan is a liar, and he has no truth in him. He is a created being who was created by the true and living God of the universe. Satan is a cherub type of angel, but since he fell; he no longer has the angelic attributes of an authentic angel who has not left his first estate.
Satan’s dupes are also liars, and whatever they say is in an attempt to deceive, trick and distort the truth. The truth is found in the Word of God as seen below. The below describes what will become of all those who reject almighty God and choose to rebel along with satan; who have turned from the Living God.
Defeat of the Beast and False Prophet (Rev. 19: 17-21)
17 “And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; 18That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
19And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.”

I hear on the Internet about the horrors that are coming to the earth in the last days, and that is true to a certain degree. It will be a horrible time for all those who have not received the seal of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Eph. 4:30 “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
God’s wrath is coming upon all those who curse God, and who try and destroy His people. The wrath of God is not going to be poured out on God’s beloved saints. Those who have made God their refuge will be protected, saved and sealed unto the day of redemption.
Do not be deceived into thinking that you must take the mark of the beast and follow the anti-Christ in order to survive. That is a lie out of the pit of hell. Receiving Jesus Christ into your heart and life, and making Him Lord over your decisions is your way out of the darkness that is coming.
Christians “will” go through persecution, but that comes from satan and his dupes. Job was persecuted horribly, but God blessed him in his final days doubly. Satan wanted to turn Job against God but his plan did not work.
Satan’s plans will all come to nothing in the end. He is already defeated, and everything that he is doing is empty and the only power he has is to deceive human beings into believing him
Ps. 37:
37, “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.
38, But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off.
39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble.
40 And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him. ‘

The dichotomy between the destiny of the good and the evil is reiterated throughout God’s precious and holy Word. There is no doubt as to what will become of the wicked and all those who follow the evil one, the devil, Satan and all of his fallen angels, spirit guides and all of his deluded servants.
They are all delusional and are enjoying their delusions of grandeur while they are still able to do so. Soon they will be cut off without any remedy.
God is allowing the wheat (the righteous) and the tares (the wicked) to grow up together until the end of this age which is almost here. Then God will send His mighty angels to the earth to gather up the tares and throw into everlasting flames, He will gather His elect into His barn of love, safety and a glorious eternity.
We are shown God’s ultimate and perfect plan as below:
The Parable of the Weeds Explained
(Zephaniah 1:1-6)
Matthew 13:36 “Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and His disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. 37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; 38The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; 39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. 41 The Son of man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”

I am always amazed at how human beings have a great propensity to follow darkness when they have such a wonderful life and light that they can turn to at any time. It is so strange to me that people cannot understand that they are being duped big time.
My heart goes out to these people who have chosen to turn from being on the winning team and purposely have chosen to go along with a temporary high, a transient buzz, a quick fix, quick money, and an easy way to get what they want, which always involves making a deal with the devil.
Making deals with the devil always end in tragedy, degradation and usually death and destruction in the end. The devil can provide temporary rewards, but he is extremely cruel and in the end he will totally betray his victims and slaughter them because it is his nature.
Jesus came and died on the cross to remedy the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden. God, The Father sent His only begotten Son to come to earth and die a horrible death for the fall of man and the sins of mankind.
There was no other way to bring redemption out of man’s desire to rebel against almighty God. God allows what He knows is all working together for the good of those who love Him, and who are called according to His purpose (Ro.8:28).
God’s plan is beyond our comprehension in its greatness, and awesome power of love, redemption, restitution and salvation. Some day those who have chosen to follow God and Jesus Christ will fall on our faces and worship God forever and forever.
We see through a glass darkly now, but when we are in our resurrected bodies; we will see God in His glory, and we will understand what was done for even one human being. It is so beautiful and the love of God is more powerful than all evil.
Jesus’ blood is more powerful than all the blood of satan’s sacrifices for evil power and evil purposes. We overcome by The Blood of The Lamb, the word of ou;r testimonies and we love not our lives unto the death.
Rev. 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”
God is about to spew the hypocrites out of His mouth. Now, is the time to draw near to God and stop our petty jealousies, competition and games of who is the greatest. These a very childish endeavors that will end in futility and possibly the judgement.
Avoid Divisions (Romans 16:)
17 “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. 19For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. 20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”

The Lord is so wonderful to be patient, and warn us over and over again through His Word about what is coming and how to escape the horrors of the wrath of God on those who curse Him and follow His adversaries. Their end is clear, and it is God’s way to weed out the tares, and all those who are fighting against Him and His beloved people.
God has allowed Satan to work because man chose to believe satan over Him in the Garden of Edan, but Jesus then brought a way of escape for those who reject satan and his ways and who want to follow after truth, justice and love.
Those who want to disobey God will reap the consequences of choosing evil over good. God in His love and goodness have given all mankind a tremendous gift of eternal life with Him in a please of beauty where there will be no evil.
However, it is surprising how so many reject the most wonderful free offer and gift that they could have receive or conceive. How can these people neglect and reject so great a salvation?
We are given free will by an all-powerful God who could force every human being to follow Him. However, he wants a people that choose Him voluntarily unlike satan who uses bullying, threats, bribes and empty promises to get his servants to follow him.
The Lord wants more than servants; He wants Disciples, Friends, and a Family for all eternity. Come to Him and find a glorious new life.
My Prayer for you,
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive our sins in choosing to follower the biggest bully and his lies. Please bring us into a reality break where we can see him as he really is, and we can see You as You really are.
You are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and there is no other being that comes close to You in your power, knowledge and goodness. Help us to serve You and receive Your Son Jesus Christ, and help us to make Him our Savior and Lord In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday, B.A. (Clinical Psychology) and M.Ed.(ESE/Counseling) is The Managing Editor of “Church Growth International” the English outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea.

Why Do the Nations Rage?

Noah's Ark in Osanri, Korea.  Near the DMZ.

Noah’s Ark in Osanri, Korea. Near the DMZ.

Why Do the Nations Rage?
Peggy Kannaday
Psalm 2:1-5, (King James Bible)
1 “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”

I love Psalm 2 because it summarizes and speaks about the futile and vain plan
of Satan and those who follow him, and it also reveals God’s attitude toward their attempt to dethrone Him and to come against His beloved people.
Those that have pushed themselves up into positions of power are the kings and rulers in our societies. They have a strong desire to break down the influence of The real King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a deterrent and a threat to their voracious appetite to control and gain all power over the people.
This anti-Christ spirit has grown over these many years, and it is now being culminated at the end of this age. There is a complete conflict of interests between Jesus Christ, and His anointed, and the anti-Christ and his followers.
Jesus Christ came to give us an abundant life. Satan comes only to kill, steal and destroy.
Jesus Christ is the awesome Lord over all, as He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Satan can only try and deceive people into believing that he is as powerful as almighty God, but there is no power that even compares with the power of our Lord, Savior and coming King of kings, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ came to this earth and died on the cross to redeem mankind from their sins, selfish ways and their evil. Satan is in the business of trying to lure humanity into every type of evil sin in order to bring them down and into the slaughter.
Satan is powerless to force human beings to follow him, and so he uses deception, trickery, lies and empty promises to ensnare people (who do not have the knowledge of our great God) to fall into his web of eventual horrors.
Satan is delusional concerning his future and about the power of almighty God. He goes around as a roaring lion seeking those who he can devour and lead into an eternal hell.
Rev. 19, describes the horrible end of the anti-Christ, the false prophet and the beast.
19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh
The Lord has to laugh at the arrogance, the sheer gall and the confusion of His enemies and the enemies of His anointed. All of their energies, time, resources, and attempts are destined to be thwarted. Everything that Satan does to come against the Lord and His people will be dissolved and brought to nothing.
We are always hearing about the plans of Satan and his dupes, but our God has a far greater plan that will come to fruition. God’s plan will never fail.
Psalm 2:6-12,
6 Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto Me, Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of Me, and I shall give thee the heathen for Thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession.
9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.

God has a solution for fallen mankind, and that is an awesome plan of redemption.
We do not deserve it, but the Lord proved His love for each human being by dying on the cross for our sins, even when we were in sin. His love is unspeakable.
God, The Father sent His only begotten Son to this evil earth, and He allowed Him to be stalked, tortured and finally crucified for our salvation, deliverance and our eternity to be with Him. This was the ultimate sacrifice for even one human soul.
Our wonderful God warns all of those who oppose Him to be forewarned that they will be eventually annihilated if they persist in their vain and futile plans to take over all of the world and the people in the world.
He admonishes these evil empire rulers to be wise. However, only those people who have the fear of God have wisdom. These leaders have no fear of God, as they believe in the erroneous deception that they are gods.
They are very mentally deranged in their thinking, and that is why many of them are able to kill even their own family members and many innocent people to gain more power for themselves. They are totally self-centered and ego centric.
Some that claim to be “Christians” are also involved in this evil empire, and they are being used to spread disinformation, propaganda and Satan’s heinous plans to the world. They are on the radio, the TV, the Internet, and you will know them by their fruit which is to bring hopelessness, terror and lies to God’s people and the innocent people who do not know The Truth, The Way and The Life.
These false teachers, false prophets, false apostles, false pastors and evangelists, etc. are always talking about the exploits of our enemies, and they are not talking about the glorious plans of our Lord Jesus Christ. Before The Lord returns; He will have His beautiful bride. She will be without spot, wrinkle or blemish. This is a wonderful hope and prospect, and we, God’s people are to be in the process of making ourselves ready to be part of the glorious church.
We are hearing from many about the plans of Christ’s enemies, but the Bible tells us that the gates of hell will “not” prevail against the Lord’s Church. Praise God for those men and women of God who are teaching the real Word of God.
We, Christians have so much to look forward to on this earth in these last days. The Lord is allowing a great time of truth to be revealed, as the wheat and the tares are coming into maturity. People will have no excuse, as to which way they choose to go, and who they will serve.
Those that choose to go the way of the world and the anti-Christ system will be gathered up and thrown into the fire, but those who choose to serve the Lord will be gathered into His barn of safety and protection.
When the Bride is prepared to meet Jesus Christ, and when Jesus returns; what a tremendous time of joy, blessings and restitution that will be. It will be a time when The Lord’s Kingdom will come on this earth for 1,000 years.
At the end of that time, Satan will be released for a season to be allowed to tempt those who were not tested in the previous time on earth. After that period of testing, hallelujah, Satan will be bound up, and sent to hell for all eternity. What a great day that will be for all of God’s beloved people.
The heathen are raging along with Satan, because they know that their time is very short to try and deceive the people and to lead them to the slaughter.
This is a wonderful time in history when we will see the fulfillment of the plans and purpose of almighty God. Keep your faith and trust in Him very high, and He will bring you through everything very victoriously.
He always causes His people to triumph. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. There is none other that is even to be compared to Him.
Let’s rejoice and praise God that we have been counted worthy to be part of this glorious grand finale. Pray that you, yours and all people will be counted worthy to escape what is to come, and to be able to stand before the Son of man.
We are not to surrender to the plans of Satan and his dupes. Instead, we are to praise God;, stand in prayer, spiritual warfare and the power of The Holy Spirit.
My prayer for this evil age:
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You for Your great and mighty promises found in Your precious Word. You will always be with us even unto the end of this age. You will never leave us nor forsake us.
We pray that all the evil deeds of darkness in this world will be exposed, and that all of the works of Satan will be destroyed, along with his hiding places, weapons, devices, vehicles, and everything that is being used against You and Your anointed.
We pray that all of those evil works will be replaced with the works of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His Kingdom come, and His will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Lord will raise up a mighty standard against him. Please raise up the men and women of God who will have the spirit of Joshua, Caleb, Josiah, Jehu, Joseph, John, Peter and Paul, and those who have served You victoriously over these many years.
Please bring all of these handlers, gang stalkers, coven,cult, secret society members, and traitors to our country and our people to justice, judgement, prosecution and hopefully to repentance.
May Your Name be lifted up and glorified on this earth. For Thine is the Kingdom, power and glory forever and ever. In Jesus’ precious Name we ask these things and all for Your glory. Amen, amen and amen.

Noah's Ark in Osanri, Korea.  Near the DMZ.

Noah’s Ark in Osanri, Korea. Near the DMZ.

Peggy Kannaday is the Managing Editor of “Church Growth International” which is the English outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea.
Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday,
Managing Editor
Church Growth International,
Regent Park/Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803 547-2164

Be Strong and Courageous

The church will be one, as the Lord and the Father are one.

The church will be one, as the Lord and the Father are one.

Joshua was commanded by The Lord to be strong and courageous. It was not a suggestion, but it was an order.
The Lord knew that Joshua would have to stand on His Word in order to attain the victory.
Joshua 1:5, “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. 6 Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I swear unto their fathers to give them. 7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whither soever thou goest. 8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 9Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua knew that the Lord would fight the battle for him.

Jericho’s wall fell down totally through the power of almighty God. It came down through the power of total obedience to and trust in God.
The Promised Land could not have been taken without these two crucial elements being in place.
The Promised Land had been taken over by the nephilim. Nephilim are hybrids bred from a human woman and a fallen angel.
Goliath, the giant was a classic example of an ancient nephilim. However, the modern versions are much more disguised and more humanoid.
Because of the evil deeds of the nephilim hybrids; God’s creation had to be destroyed with the great flood in Noah’s time.
The only people that had not been defiled by interbreeding and various, hideous mutations were Noah and his family.
The nephilim hybrids were cannibals, and they engaged in all types of occult sacrifices and the killing of innocent blood.
The Lord told Joshua to kill “all of the nephilim who were the inhabitants of The Promised Land.
Why? Because God loved His people, and He knew that the nephilim would defile them and end up destroying them if they were allowed to live.
However, some escaped and intermingled with God’s people. This attempt to change the human DNA and to demoralize all human people is still in progress to this day.
The nephilim were and are the terrorists we see throughout our societies. They are now called psychopaths, sociopaths and schizophrenic psychotics. They are our modern day criminals, coven members, cult members, secret society members and many of them are considered “The Elite”.
They are controlled by demon spirits, and they take their marching orders from Satan.
However, their size has been scientifically altered to become more like the average human being on the surface. However, internally they are cold-blooded.
Satan’s main weapon is deception and trickery. His “people” come as normal looking people; the same way that he sends and disguises his evil angels as angels of light.
However, they have the nature of their father, who only comes to kill, steal, deceive and destroy.
Today, God’s people need to have the same strength and courage that Joshua needed. Before the Lord returns; it will be like the days of Noah when the nephilims were defiling and destroying mankind.
In the coming time; we will see many “people” who are being controlled by satanic powers. They will be committing every type of atrocity and heinous crimes.
We, Christians do not need to be afraid. Jesus was continually warning His disciples, “Do not be afraid”.
God uses weak people to do His great exploits. When we are weak; then we are strong in The Lord Jeaus.
2 Cor. 12
9 And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

The Bible tells us that perilous times are coming in the last days. The Word of God tells us that men will faint because of fear.
Just like Joshua conquered the Promised Land. We, God’s people can conquer our Promised Lands.
Our Promised Land is comprised of all of God’s glorious promises in His Word, The divine handbook for all saints.
We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.
He has already conquered Satan; the world and everything in it. To the extent that we trust in Him; we will overcome satanic beings, the world and our flesh to the glory of God.
The name Joshua means Yeshua or Jesus. We, like Joshua are commanded to be strong and courageous. We are not only required to stand and hold our position, but we are ordered to “take back” the territory that we have abdicated to enemy forces.
God is calling more and more Joshua’s to occupy until He comes back.
Let’s put on our full armor and fight the good fight of faith through praise, prayer and spiritual warfare in the Name of Jesus Christ, the blood of The Lamb, The Word of our testimony,and we do not love our lives unto the death.
Jesus Christ came and died for our salvation, to set the captives free, and to destroy “all” the works of Satan. He wants to use us to accomplish this end, just as He did Joshua.
Let’s be strong and courageous in behalf of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we conquer our areas of influence, more people will be won for the Lord and His Kingdom. Hallelujah!
Dear Father,
Help all of us to have supernatural strength and courage through our faith in You and Your great power.
When the enemy comes in like a flood The Spirit of The Lord will raise up a mighty standard against him and his dupes.
Father, You always cause Your beloved saints to triumph.
Thank you, and may all glory go to God in Jesus Christ’s precious Name! Amen and amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday,
Managing Editor
Church Growth International,
Regent Park/Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803 547-2164


Give thanks to The Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to man.

Give thanks to The Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to man.

Dear Friends,
The gang stalkers, the handlers, the perpetrators, and those who pretend to be targeted individuals have a real money making racket going on, and then they blame their illegal activities on the Federal, state and local Government officials.
I am not a fan of an over-sized Government, but the claims of the GANG STALKERS that The Government is responsible for what a group of Russian mafia types, gang stalkers, and thugs are doing in our neighborhoods is insane and ludicrous.
When I moved to Fort Mill, SC in 2005; a man took my photo while I was walking out of the library. The regular Method of the gang stalking rackets is to make a false report on their target or victim, and then they take this erroneous “report” to everyone in the target’s sphere of influence, and they tell everyone that their criminals activities against the target are authorized by The Government. This is a total lie.
It is being done by people who are criminals, and who are outsourced by the elite or those in power who are actually put of a rogue element in our society. Everything that these criminal gang stalkers do along with their handlers is kept very secret and this lucrative racket is totally covert in its operation.
Everything these criminals do is camouflaged, and hidden from the public’s understanding, and it is all blamed on The “Government”, but most of the Government Officials in my state are not aware of these crimes against innocent citizens in their states.
I live in Regent Park/Glen Ridge in Fort Mill Township, SC, and I have been continuously gang stalked since 2005. The perpetrators live all around my home now, and so they can readily trespass on my property, and by the time the Sheriff’s office personnel arrives; the perpetrators are hidden in their homes.
They cruelly killed my dog at Halloween in 2006, and then they tortured my friend’s dog this year, 2010. They use all types of covert harassment tactics which are the same as other thiid for by Christians, but now it seems to be used as a “front”, and a racketeering haven for every type of covered up criminal activity.
All of the subversive activities are whitewashed and camouflaged. The perpetrators spare no expense in their cover ups.
It is a shame that true Christians were not able to acquire this property which was originally dedicated to the Lord and His work. My prayer is that all of these illegal activities will be exposed, and all of these perpetrators will be prosecuted for all of the damage they have done to innocent people.
Please pray that the corruption in Regent Park/Glen Ridge will all become public knowledge so that this property will be used as it was intended to be used as a Christian community. Please pray that godly men and women will be able to acquire this property, and they will be good stewards of this lovely and valuable area.
It is now being used for ungodly and very evil, self-serving gain for a few, elect people who have no business being here in this area. They pretend to be Christian leaders, but they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
It is so sad to see many very innocent people being duped, deceived and led to the slaughter by these so-called “Christians”. These people also use demonic spirits to enforce and seduce their targets, victims, and their cohorts as they are involved in rituals, witchcraft and sorcery to control and manipulate the people (especially the young people).
My prayer for Regent Park:
Dear Father,
We pray that the Regent Park property which was where the old Heritage USA was located will become everything that You would have it to be. We pray that godly men and women will be sent to take back this property for the Kingdom of God.
Please bring in those with the spirit of Elijah and Jehu to push back and down the spirit of Jezebel here.
Please raise up mighty prayer warriors who will occupy this territory until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back.
We pray that this territory will become a real Christian community as was prophesied.
Please expose all of the evil deeds of darkness going on here, and please destroy all of the works of Satan in this place in Jesus Christ’s almighty Name and by The blood of The Lamb.
Thank You, Father, Thank You Lord Jesus and please come Holy Spirit to Regent Park, and have Your way. Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done here, even as it is in heaven.
Please destroy the heresies being sent out from this place that are going all over the world. Please bind those doctrines of demons and cancel out all of the schemes of Satan concerning this property.
When the enemy comes in like a flood; the Lord will raise up a mighty standard against Him. Thank You, Father; we pray that this place will be a place where You will be truly worshiped in spirit and in truth.
We pray that this will be a place where the Lord Jesus Christ will be lifted up, and He will draw all men, women and children to Himself. May This property be used 100% for Thy Kingdom, honor and glory in Jesus’ Name. Amen and amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday
Managing Edtor
“Church Growth International”

Regent Park/Glen Ridge
707 Torrey Pines Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29715


Peggy Kannaday

Peace in the Midst of a Storm

Peace is from The Prince of Peace

Isaiah 14:4-12 says:

“...take up this proverb against the King of Babylon, and say, …How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:4-14).

Many Christians are preaching positive and faith filled messages.  Praise God for those ministers of God.
On the other hand; I am hearing many doom and gloom ministers who seem to be promoting the lies of satan.  Satan has no truth in him.  He is brazen, arrogant, proud, and he is deluded completely, as we see in the above Scripture.

He speaks very highly of himself, and he deceives others into believing his lies.  That is the only power he has, because if he doesn’t deceive people; he has no authority over them.

Satan says that he is “like’ the most High.  In his dreams.  There is no other even remotely “like” our God.  

The rumor that satan propagates is that he is equal with God.  That is the biggest lie of all.  Satan is a cherubim who was created by God.  He was one of the angels, and angels are created entities that do not have a soul.
In fact, mere mortals will judge the angels according to 1 Cor. 6.  Satan is not only a created angel or cherubim, but he is also a fallen angel which puts him way below the Lord’s obedient angels.

The enemy has many demons who also propagate his lies, (even in our sleep).  It seems that many Christians think that every dream, vision, revelation, idea or thought comes from God.  
That is why Christians can be deceived so easily.  

Horrible dreams that are totally non-redemptive would be very likely from a demonic source.  Why?  Because the enemy wants to put us into discouragement without any hope of redemption.

When our Lord Jesus warns us of upcoming doom; He does it with a condition, and He gives a way of escape similar to how he warned Nineveh.  He gave Nineveh a way out, and that was to repent, and they did repent down to the cattle.  
However, the enemy gives us dreams to demoralize and paralyze us into a state of fear.  Why?  Because fear activates Satan and his forces of evil.  

I remember in 1990, before the Lord sent me to Seoul, Korea;  I dreamed a horrible un redemptive dream.   At the time; I thought it was of the Lord, but later I realized that it was the enemy trying to deter me from going overseas.

In addition to the dream about being tortured, my secretary at the time, told me that North Koreans were the worst at torturing their captives.  I also had another person try to put fear into my heart about moving to Korea.

I am hearing more and more of these ungodly messages these days from “Christians”.  They tell the horrors that are coming, but they offer no word of hope, faith or encouragement to the listener.  This should not be received, as it will put dread, fear and stress in your heart.

Christians have all hope, faith and courage because the Lord Jesus has told us that He is with us and He will never leave us or forsake us.  He has told us that His love will be with us always.

We have thousands of great and mighty Scriptures to hold our arms up during our battles and to keep us in faith, hope and courage no matter what the circumstances are.  Do not believe the lies of satan because he is always bragging about his great powers, and if you believe his lies; they will be activated.

Yes, satan has very exalted plans, which are actually delusions of grandeur.  Remember, how he told Eve and Adam that they would be like Gods.  He is still singing that same old tune to this very day.

Many if not most New Agers, Satanists, Luciferians, and others have believed this lie, and they believe that they will be like Gods.  They believe that they will not die, but they will be reincarnated until they become “like” God.  Doesn’t that sound familiar?  That is the same lie that the devil has been putting out in the world since the Garden of Eden.

There are countless people who say that they are Christians who seem to be working for the enemy of our souls.  Whether or not they really understand what they are doing is not being made known readily, and so we need to seek The Lord for the gift of discernment.  They could be infiltrators who are actually followers of the anti-Christ system or they could be just individuals who have not yet learned how satan operates his diabolical evil empire based on lies, deception, and deceit.

I’m not trying to say that we should just preach the benefits of being a Christian either.  That is not the whole story.  We have great and mighty promises, but they are conditional.  We need to hear the “whole” Word of God, and not just the warm and fuzzy side.   

We need to hear more of our responsibilities, i.e. denying ourselves, taking up our crosses and following the Lord Jesus Christ.  We need to hear all sides of our walk with Jesus Christ.

My message is in response to the doom and gloom messages that are bringing discouragement, anxiety, hopelessness and fear to the Christians.  Those messages that offer no solutions, no help, and no redemption for the future.

Let’s start teaching the truth in love which is caring for the hearers, and desiring for them to have the great blessings from the Lord that come from the Word of God.  Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  

It is far better to just read the Word of God than to promote the plans of the enemy.  God’s plan is so magnificent, but many times it seems to be pushed back, as if it was second to the enemy’s plans.  This is one of the many lies out of the pit of hell.

God’s plan will prevail.  God’s Truth will have the victory.  Do not listen to how powerful Satan is because his power is only in how much he can deceive the Christians, and the people into doing what he wants them to do.

Please know God’s plan because it will be fulfilled 100%, but the plans of satan will be destroyed.and  Satan, the false prophet, the beast and all the followers of the anti-Christ system are going to be thrown into the lake of fire.

Rev. 19:19, “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army.

20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.”

Satan is a liar from the beginning, and there is absolutely no truth in him.  He only comes to kill, steal and destroy everything in his path.  Do not listen to the devil, but to the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your heart and listen to His Word.

Deut. 31;6, ‘Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the “enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

Jesus tells us to be courageous and to have total trust in Him.  Please know God’s plan for you is to bring you all the way through to the end, and He will be with you all the way.  Remember that He always causes His people to triumph and to be more than conquerors through Him!

We always overcome by the Blood of The Lamb, the Word of our testimonies, and we love not our lives unto the death. Amen!

Oh, The Awesome Grace of God!

praise and worship

The Communication's Building

The Communication’s Building

President and Chairman of The Board for "Church Growth International" and Sr. Pastor Emeritus of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea.

President and Chairman of The Board for “Church Growth International” and Sr. Pastor Emeritus of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea.

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

The Awesome Grace of God!
Peggy Kannaday

I was listening to an Internet Christian radio show, and the host and hostess were telling about how five witches had called them on the phone,  and they had turned themselves and their lives over to The Lordship of Jesus Christ.
One of the witches explained how she had been raised as a Christian, and then later she turned against her heritage, and was attracted to the occult.  She practiced wicca,
reikki, and other demonic activities.
One day, she happened to listen to a tape that was not of the same genre because she had no joy in the witchcraft, and she kept hearing the phrase, “You are being deceived”.  She prayed about it, and she realized how far she had fallen away from the way that she had been raised.
She realized that the occult realm was not working for her because she had no peace in her heart, and she could not even sleep at night.  
She later learned through Christians that she had fallen for the lies of satanic powers, and she thought she was helping herself by doing her rituals, etc.  She had believed that by working these spirits and powers; she was enhancing her prosperity, her prospects and her life.  
She came to understand that all of the so-called white witchcraft was a trap, and a delusion.  She started going to church, and found the love of God there from the pastors, and she dedicated her life to Jesus Christ.
If a person does not find the love of Jesus Christ in a church; they should pray and find a church that demonstrates the fruit of The Holy Spirit in the leaders.  Many leaders have burned out, and they have become like businessmen and women.  Since they have lost their first love of Christ; they have grown cold toward God’s beloved children.
Witches, and other occult practitioners who are entering into the church; please pray and look for a place where you can be cared for, where Jesus Christ is lilted up, where the Word of God is esteemed and taught as it is, and where you can grow up in the image of The Lord Jesus Christ.
This morning when I was sharing with my prayer partner about the witches that were coming to The Lord Jesus; suddenly, I realized the dichotomy between how our God treated the witches in the Old Testament and how He pours out His grace upon them in the New Testament and in the present time.
Please read Exodus 22 to learn about the property and social responsibilities that were required in the Old Testament times.  Witches were an abomination to almighty God, and they were stoned to death.  
Why?  Because out of God’s love; he did not want human beings to be defiled through their witchcraft practices, and so by destroying the witches; it put an end to much horrible evil which would come from their curses, hexes, rituals, sacrifices, etc.  
He was attempting to protect the innocent people.
God commanded His people in earlier times to destroy the witches as soon as they were exposed.  He had good reason for it as I have learned myself over the last years.

Ex. 22:18,” Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”

Our God knew how alluring witchcraft was to the innocent, and He hates the horrible fruit of satanic and demonic rituals and ungodly attacks on the innocent blood.  Witches are required to use “innocent” blood in their sacrifices and rituals.
God hated the activities of witches and occult because of His love for the all people. Today, we have millions of the unborn, children and innocent adults being used in rituals and for sacrifices unto their god of Satan.
Why is this allowed to go on unchecked?  I know that there have been estimated to be two million worshipers of satan in the USA today.  That is probably a conservative calculation.
When I first moved to my current area of residence, I was told I was told by a witch who was posing as a Christian that in the 1970’s,  there were some 10 covens in my proximity, and due to the infiltration in this area; I could imagine that there would be some 30-50 or more covens in this area due to the way people are dying of all types of disease, and animals and children are disappearing, etc.
When the moral character of a neighborhood or area goes down for no apparent reason; it would be related to witchcraft covens praying against the people, the Christians, the Churches, and praying for all immoral and illicit  activities to grow and become rampant.
In my area alone; there seem to be pedophile rings, gang stalking rings, porn production broadcast areas, and every type of immoral and illegal racket used to make money, and also used to defile the property, the people and the whole area.
I suddenly realized, “Oh, the grace of God” as He was allowing all of these witches, cults, secret society members and occult practitioners to freely go to the cross of Jesus Christ and find the grace and forgiveness that they need to be saved.
However, I also understood that these people who had been stoned and not allowed to live in The Old Testament were not cognizant of the great grace that they had been granted by our Lord and our God through the cross of Jesus Christ.
I was so amazed at their lack of clarity of thought, and then I remembered my own mind prior to coming to know The Lord Jesus Christ on August 31st, 1972.
I remembered how my family had bought  a beautiful  home that had been used previously by spiritualists when I was a small child.  My family did not understand the occult at all even though they were Christians.
I remember how I came under a tremendous attack to my life, my mind and thinking processes during my school years.  However, none of my friends and family members knew or understood what I was going through.
I believed in The Lord and wrote poems unto the Lord all the time, and I loved the Lord, and I loved God with all of my heart, but I was not born again as I was not able to know how to bind and ward off the demons that were attacking me with migraine headaches confusion every single day.
I was plagued with thoughts of suicide, and I had a lot of trouble in school, particularly with mathematics of all types.  I later got married too early, was later raped by a psychopath, and so after that period of time; I was 29 years old; I thought my life was over for many reasons.
I felt like a complete failure in life, and I did not want to go anywhere, and I felt so alone when I went to church where there were so many seemingly happy families.
I was able to work full time, but I had lost all confidence in the world system, and I realized that there was no help in looking to any type of manmade institution because there was so much corruption in the world.
All the hopes and dreams that I had when I was younger were demolished after I was raped and had to go through a lengthy capital trial as the victim.  I learned everything about the system, and what I thought was good; turned out to be very unjust.
One Sunday, I was visiting my home during this very difficult period of time, and my mother said that I should go to church  I just said, “no, because it made me even sadder”.  Then, she said the very key words, she said to me, “Do it for your daughter”.
That was August 31st, 1972, and I went to the  little Christian Church around the corner.  
I remember the sermon spoke about how we had to doubt something that was a known truth in order to really believe it with all of our hearts.  The Pastor told about how for many centuries, people thought the tomato was poisonous and so no one ate tomatoes.
However, one day, a person doubted this seeming fact, and he took a bite of a tomato, and needless to say; it was good, and what would we do without it today?
The point I received from this anointed message was that I had a little doubt about Jesus Christ, and I felt guilty because of it.  This guilt was a hindrance to really turning my life over to Him.
God was so gracious to me, and He let me know that it was okay that I had a little doubt, because that made my faith stronger.  
I remember that I was up in the front of the church after that sermon, and I was weeping and weeping.  I do not remember walking to the front, as I believe tha,t I was carried.
As I stood there in the front of the church weeping and weeping, huge weights were being lifted from my back, my life and my mind.  I was literally being cleansed and purified supernaturally by the Lord Jesus Christ as I was repenting of my sins, and I was filled with such tremendous love, joy and peace.
The Lord spoke two things to me there.  The first was that every Word in the Bilble was
true, and the second was that I would never die.
I was floating after that for eight years, and the Bible came alive to me and the words leaped off of the pages and literally exploded into my brain.
All of my learning problems related to understanding mathematics and other subjects were gone.  In fact, The Lord led me into the field of working with those who had learning disabilities and other disorders, and into the area of counseling.
I graduated with an M.Ed. in 1981, with a 3.82 GPA.
Since that momentous day, the Lord has used me in another area, and I have been The Managing Editor for “Church Growth International” for 22 years this Nov. 2013.  I worked as a Missionary overseas in Seoul, Korea for 12 years before moving to Fort Mill, SC.
My walk with the Lord has been glorious, but at the same time; I have come under much persecution through being gang stalked for 8 years.
The gang stalking has given me much understanding of the an underground world that I never knew existed previously.  Through 8 years of being gang stalked and 8 years of researching the occult realm; I have learned that Jesus Christ and other saints were also gang stalked horribly.  
The stalkers followed Jesus Christ around wherever He went to try and destroy him and His testimony.  Finally, they had Him killed, but of course that was part of God’s glorious plan of redemption for all mankind.
When Jesus said, “It is finished’ ; that statement brought the total victory for those who accept the sacrifice of the body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I understand that all of these perpetrators, gang stalkers, pedophiles, porn producers, killers of the unborn and all those who have decided to join up with the anti-Christ system have been given the most wonderful offer of grace that was not available to the witches and pagans in the Old Testament.
As long as a human being has breath; there is a window of opportunity to turn to almighty God through our Lord Jesus Christ and find grace, forgiveness and salvation.
My prayer is that all who are involved in the occult and anti-Christ system will turn to our most gracious Lord Jesus Christ before it is too late.
May our gracious Lord have mercy on all those in darkness. Amen and amen.

The Great Encourager

Take up our crosses and follow Jesus

The cross in front of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea

The Great Encourager
Peggy Kannaday

Encouragement is one of the key ingredients to success in any endeavor. That is why it is such a valuable and precious commodity.

I have heard of true cases where one simple word of encouragement brought a person out of a dark pit of heaviness, and it caused the person to forge ahead into great heights of brilliance.

To be an encourager; you must have a generous heart. You must have special insight into
what is needed to activate greatness in a person who has been pushed down and who feels defeated by life. It is a tremendous gift to be an encourager.

What does the root word mean? It is a means whereby a person is inspired and activated with confidence in order to forge ahead with the needed approval and support.

How often does a person feel so alone in their work and choices, but with a little encouragement; that same person will move forward with boldness to accomplish his or her goal.

World English Dictionary
encourage (ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
— vb
1. to inspire (someone) with the courage or confidence (to do something)
2. to stimulate (something or someone to do something) by approval or help; support

An encourager (plural encouragers) Noun:
It is one who gives encouragement.

There have been many encouragers in our lives throughout the years, but there is only One who will be there throughout the long haul. God almighty is our greatest Encourager in this life and His Word is powerful to motivate, inspire, empower, and to move us into supernatural realms of victory.

When you know that The God who created the universe in on your side; nothing can come against you. When you love God and are called according to His purpose; you have the Holy Spirit working in you, through you, for you and He is your confidence, your encourager and He is your overcoming power for success in any and all of your pursuits in this life.

When we read the Word of God; we are not only hearing what God is saying, but we are also being empowered with the Presence of God. He is The Word, and He is The Truth, The Way and The Life.
Through His Word; we can be in a constant state of being encouraged by the Greatest Encourager of all time, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Joshua 1:9, tells us that he was commanded to be strong and of good courage. He was commanded to not be afraid or dismayed because the Lord God was with him wherever he went.
Joshua and Caleb were able with the help of God’s encouragement to bring down Jericho and to conquer the Promised Land. Today, with this type of encouragement from our Lord Jesus Christ; we can conquer our area of influence for the Kingdom of God.

Philippians 4:13, give us the encouragement for any and everything we will ever attempt to accomplish when the Word of God says that we can do “all” things through Christ which strengthens us.

Many times in my life the above verse kept me going. Just repeating it in your mind and out loud will give you the strength you need to carry on and forge ahead.

God’s Word brings comfort, protection, Truth, deliverance, health, wisdom, love, joy, peace and it fills us with new faith, hope and courage to complete our lives in the victory that He has won on the cross.

In short, our Lord and our God is our greatest Encourager through His powerful Words of Life.

We will all need encouragement at some point in our lives. It is a fact that the enemy of our souls is very busy in every aspect of our lives trying to bring discouragement to us.
Discouragement is rampant in our lives in these end times.

When we hear the bad news; it is often intended to bring us to hopelessness, distress and apathy in our seeming inability to overcome these difficulties. However, when you are being bombarded with negative reports; just open up that Book that is above every other book in the world, and read the Words of our Great Encourager Jesus Christ.

He is always found in His Word to bring us through each and every experience, trial or tribulation in our lives. He has the perfect Word of encouragement for you as you look to Him and open His Book.

We read so much every day that could bring us to a place of distress, but when we open The Book; we can be so encouraged, inspired and renewed in The Holy Spirit of God.

If you are an encourager; you take after Your Father God and His Son, Who are so very brilliant in transforming what is lacking in our lives into what is filled with love, faith, hope, new life and vitality.

My prayer for all of God’s people:
Dear Heavenly Father,
We pray that all of Your people will be granted your gift of encouragement to those in need. Please bring us into the paths of those who need a kind word of encouragement, a pat on the back or a word that will inspire us to move onward and upward into our destiny.
Words that are fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver. In short, it can be the precise key to a person’s ability to fulfill their destiny with greater confidence, assurance and enthusiasm.
Please grant us this powerful gift and may it be used for Your honor and glory.
In Jesus’ almighty Name and for Your glory. Amen and amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday has worked for Dr. Yonggi Cho for some 22 years as the
Managing Editor for “Church Growth International” which is the English outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea.


Across the street from
The Yoido Full Gospel Church

Peggy Kannaday
(Luke 13:1-5)
What did Jesus say to do in a time of disaster? There were two disasters that The Lord talked about.
The first one was about those who lost their lives because of Pilate, and also those who lost their lives because the Tower of Siloam fell on them.Jesus used these two instances, as an opportunity to teach those Galilaens about what their attitude should be in response to these disasters. We are now being faced with one disaster after another, and we need to learn what Jesus taught about the subject.
Jesus was quite clear in saying that those that were killed were not any worse sinners than the people that survived and lived. Jesus was saying to the people that when a terrible catastrophe occurs; it is a warning to all that survive the ordeal.
Jesus not only tells the people that they are no better than the ones that perished, but He goes a step further, and He tells them that they should repent or they also will perish.
When we see the disasters through the news reports; what do we do? First, and foremost; we repent of our own sins, and we turn to God. That is the most important response.
After that, we need to pray, and The Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us. Those that have matured in the Lord; the real sons and daughters of God are those who inquire of The Lord before they do anything.
They know that whatever they do; it is of small value unless it is in obedience and anointed by The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will show us how to pray and what to do.
Disasters are being televised in every area of the world today, and our first response is to humble ourselves, pray, seek God and turn from any and all of our own evil ways. It is a warning to us, and we must realize that it is only by the grace of God that we have not perished.
Repentance is a wonderful opportunity to be refreshed, renewed, and revived in The Lord. The Lord went about saying, Repent for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Why did Jesus emphasis this point? Because we do not know when our time to die will come, but The Lord Jesus was warning us to always repent in order to be right with Him.
We are never to take our salvation for granted because we are told to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, and also that those who endure to the end will be saved. We are told to take heed when we think we stand; lest we fall, and we are not to think more highly of ourselves than we should.
Presumption is something to be shunned. It is only by the grace of God that we will be saved, and all the works in the world will not usher us into The Throne of God.
Jesus preached repentance all of the time because He loved all of the people, and He didn’t want even one person to perish without eternal salvation with Him. We here in these perilous times need to do the same.
Each new disaster and tragedy is an opportunity for repentance, refreshing, renewal and revival. When we do what Jesus taught us to do first, then we will be greatly effective
in whatever He leads us to do.
Jesus only did what The Father revealed for Him to do, and how much more should we only do as He directs. Let us put The Lord Jesus Christ in His rightful position as The Head and Lord of The Church, which is His Body.


Christ is sufficient for all

Christ is sufficient for all

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday
We all know the history of The Promised Land in The Old Testament.
There were only two bold and courageous men named Joshua and Caleb that were able to take the territory for The Lord’s glory.
Their battles were in the physical realm at that time, but these battles were a type and shadow for our example in the spiritual realm today.
What were the prerequisites for Joshua and Caleb that enabled them to possess their Promised Land?
1.) Their trust was totally in The Lord God to fight the battle for them.
2.) Their obedience to God’s commandments regarding all aspects of the battles, i.e., timing, places, weapons, and all other requirements which will bring the victory.
3.) Their boldness and courage that caused them to care more about accomplishing the will of God than they valued their own lives.
Jesus Christ came to this earth in order to save that which was lost, to bring new life, and to equip His people to become more than conquerors.
Romans 8:37 (King James Version)
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us”.
He also came to utterly destroy all of the works of the devil..
1 John 3:8
“He that committed sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”
God sent His Holy Spirit so that we, His beloved people would be living witnesses for The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus also told us that before we could spoil the enemy’s territory; we had to first “bind” the strongman over that territory.
Mark 3:27
“No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”
Jesus told us that what we bind is what is already bound in heaven and what we loose is what is already loosed in heaven. We, His beloved people have been given the power and authority to bind what is bound in heaven and to loose what is loosed in heaven. Thus we are bring the Kingdom of Heaven to this earth. Hallelujah!
Matthew 18:18
“I tell you with certainty, whatever you prohibit on earth will have been prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven.”
Jesus’ model prayer is saying the same thing because that is how He wants us to pray as well.
Luke 11:2
“And He said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.”
The enemy’s will is very clear; it is to lie, kill, steal and destroy everything good and of God, and God’s people and the Lord’s wonderful plan and purpose for their lives. However, The Lord Jesus Christ was sent by God, The Father to bring His people, salvation, new life and to fulfill all of God’s glorious purposes on this earth despite the constant battles from the enemy of our souls. In short, The Lord wants us to overcome this world with His mighty power which He gained for us on the cross.
The Lord wants to give His people the abundant life wo that we can take our Promised Land for His Kingdom, honor and glory.
While we are resident of this earth; there are one of three ways to go and combinations of these three “ways”.
First and foremost is The Truth, The Way and The Life, which is by and through the almighty power of God.
There are also two other ways; man’s way and the devil’s way, these last two ways will always end in total futility, death and destruction in the end.
Proverbs 14:12
“There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. … There
is a way which seems straight before a man, but its end is the ways of death. … ”
History is replete with empires that went with man’s and satan’s ways, i.e. Hitler’s Third Reich, and they always ended in utter annihilation.
The Bible calls it the “blind leading the blind, and they both fall into the ditch”. This type of idolatry is rampant, as we don’t seem to be able to learn from history, and so we continue to repeat it over and over again.
Many people these days have decided to follow the dark side, and they are led by demon spirits who will use them, abused them, and lead them to the slaughter for all eternity. The demons that they conjure and send out will turn on them and destroy them, and then torture them forever in hell.
The ways of the world will all come down in the end because the temporary prince of this world is doomed.
Rev. 19:20
“And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.”
I believe that our job as The Lord’s people is to take our Promised Land under the direction and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Commander-in-Chief of God’s great endtime army.
First, we need to repent as we are told that those called by God’s Name should humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, and then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our lands. He is waiting for those who have been given His power to repent of allowing the killings of the unborn, the human trafficking, the drug trafficking, the many other illegal, immoral and evil activities to abound in our respective lands.
Second, we need to pray, so that The Lord’s House will become the House of Prayer for all peoples as it was intended to become. The Jezebel spirit, and all of the other spirits over our land that are controlling so many so-called Christians must be bound and brought down so that the Holy Spirit will be able to move in the churches and among the people of God.
Look around you, and you will find the spirits that are moving in your area.
Third, the people of God need to start being led by The Holy Spirit and the Word of God instead of listening to manmade doctrines, doctrines of demons, and man’s ways regarding The Lord’s Church. Jesus Christ is the only Head of The Church; listen to Him, and study His Word to His people.
Romans 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”.
If you will be led by The Holy Spirit; you will be in the right place at the right time, and that is crucial in the coming days. The Lord will then be able to use the church as He wants to build His glorious last day church. His church will be the most powerful and wonderful of all time.
Don’t become discouraged if you are warring with the Jezebel spirit, etc., and it seems as if you are all alone Remember Elijah thought he was alone, but the Lord told him that there were 7,000 others who had not bowed their knees to Baal.
Always remember that the greatest men and women of God in The Bible and throughout history were often having to stand alone. Praise God; they were not alone as they were totally backed up by almighty God. He is our greatest defense and rearguard. If He is for you, then who can be against you?
Think about Abraham, Elijah, Esther, Joseph, and of course The Apostle Paul, and how they gained the victory through The Lord due to their love of The Lord, their obedience, and their tremendous faith and trust in almighty God.
Trust in The Lord, keep the faith, pray and stand strong. The victory has already been won, and so go ahead and take your Promised Land for The Kingdom of God and for His glory,
Peggy Kannaday is the managing editor for the “Church Growth International” Ministry which is headquartered in Seoul, Korea.
Please contact her at:,, phone: 1-803-547-2164, Regent Park, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Pray The Korean Way!

Dr. Yonggi Cho

Dr. Yonggi Cho

Pray The Korean Way!
Peggy Kannaday
Many years ago, I prayed a simple prayer. Lord, please teach me how to pray.
Later, after my daughter got married; I was sent by The Lord to Seoul, Korea to be a tent maker for 13 years.
It was an awesome experience. I learned more than words can express about how to pray.
The Koreans not only taught me how to pray, but they also taught me the way to pray.
I learned that prayer was not something that you did periodically when you were faced with a severe problem, but prayer was a way of life to the Korean people.
The Koreans prayed before they drove their cars, they prayed upon entering their churches, they prayed everyday for their children, and they prayed in the City Hall area when their country needed help.
The Koreans’ prayers changed their nation during hard times over and over again. I asked my associate if she was ever concerned when one million North Koreans were lined up on our northern border? She said, No, because we will go to the City Hall area, and thousands of our Christians from many churches will pray together. She told me that the good Lord always answered their prayers, and so they didn’t worry about their circumstances.
I learned that The Korean Prayer Warriors also had an indomitable faith in The Lord’s supreme and almighty power to answer their prayers. Their faith was so strong that the results were already evident to them in their minds.
If only all people could learn the power that the church united in prayer has in every area of their lives. What a changed world this could and would be if we simply would pray ,”Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” When we pray as Jesus Himself taught us, then The Holy Spirit moves mightily to bring The Kingdom of God into our territory.
The Lord wants His Kingdom to be manifested in our lives, and He wants what is already bound in heaven to be bound on earth, and He wants want is loosed in heaven to be loosed on earth.
I lived in Korea during one of their elections. The conservative candidate was winning, and then we looked at the TV Screen, and the conservatives’ name and photo were switched, and it looked like the leftist candidate was winning.
The leftist was pronounced the winner, and the conservatives asked for a recount which they were not allowed to have. The leftist President of South Korea was exposed for what he was, and he later committed suicide when he came under investigation.
During this time; many of The Christian pastors along with their members visited the City Hall area in Seoul, Korea to pray. Now, to the glory of God, South Korea has a wonderful, Christian President that understands business and every aspect of government because he was head of the Hyundai Corp. He is also are true Elder in his church.
Praise God that the Christians prayed for their country, as we are commanded to do in The Word of God. There is unlimited power in the prayers of agreement among the Christians who come together in the Name of Jesus Christ.
That is why He came to give us the Keys to The Kingdom of God. He wants us to take our territories for His Kingdom honor and glory.
I learned that this can be done when the Christians come together to pray for every need. It is a beautiful experience to go to The Osanri Prayer Mountain, and see the people praying in the many daily services, and in the prayer grottoes.
Prayer in Korea is not the last resort, but it is the first priority.
I do not worry about the future of the Christian Koreans because I know that they will turn to the Lord, and they will overcome every obstacle through the power of prayer, faith and total trust in The Lord’s mighty power.
Dr. Yonggi Cho always says that he simply prays, listens and obeys. It is very simple, but the Korean Way of Prayer is amazing, and the answers are life-changing, nation transforming, and out-of-this world.
Peggy Kannaday
Regent Park/Glen Ridge
707 Torrey Pines Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29715
803 547-2164

This entry was posted on January 18, 2013, in Uncategorized. Leave a comment

Churches will Become Houses of Prayer in The Future

Seoul, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Churches will Become Houses of Prayer in The Future
Jesus Christ turned the tables over in His Father’s House, and He said that His House would no longer be a den of thieves but a house of prayer.
Instead, many churches have become businesses with tax exemption.
Many countries are suffering great injustices toward the helpless and the innocent,
The churches are thriving in these countries, but the people are in great peril and persecution.
The churches are not praying in most cases or these countries would become righteous, and the suffering of the poor and innocent would be stopped.
The church as a whole is not using its awesome power of prayer.
We have been given all authority over the enemy Satan and our own flesh, but we have to activate our power through believing prayer.
Each week, churches all over the world are given the perfect opportunity to pray together in one accord.
There would need to be several prayer leaders who have the burdens to pray, and then all would agree with the prayer leaders.
One will put one thousand to flight and 2 ten thousand. How powerful would that be each week?
What love, unity, victory and peace that would bring into the churches.
We read in Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 34 that God will raise up a church in the last days that the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against.
What will be a sign of this last day church?
The ministers in the glorious last day church will care for that one soul. They will be willing to leave the 99 and go out and find the one soul that is in trouble.
The last day pastor will be like our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, and he will be willing to lay down his life for one soul, just like Jesus Christ was willing to lay down His life for one soul.
How do we get from here to there? How do we get from a church that is carnal and like the Laodicean’s church to the glorious last day church?
It is through prayer. The prayer of the righteous avails much.
Also, when you have many righteous praying together, daily and weekly; it will transform the whole world.
It will change the Government, the people, the businesses and the morals of all of the societies all over the world.
We must find leaders who will lead by example. Those who take on the role as servant, and those who will deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
The church and the Body of Christ have all of the power in heaven and earth given to us by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, the blood of the Lamb and the Word of God.
We pray, and we can move upward and onward to a position of 100% VICTORY.
Jesus Christ has already won for us everything that we, our churches, our families, our nations need for a life of abundance, righteousness and success.
All we have to do is appropriate the total provision through heartfelt prayer and fasting as needed.
Right now, there are very viable Christian men and women of integrity who would be good stewards in the highest positions in our countries.
However, they cannot do the job without our prayers, because our warfare is not on the human level, but it is in the invisible, supernatural realm. The most honest, nobel and Christian leaders needs our united prayer to protect them from the powers of darkness, deception and control.
We must pray that God’s men and women will be raised up in each country. The men and women who will be good stewards of the authority that they have been given.
We must continue praying for them even after they have come into power, or they could be put in such a pressure cooker that they could cave in after many trials, attacks and temptations. The big guns are always targeting our leaders.
We all need to pray that almighty God will raise up the prayer warriors, the churches of prayer and the men and women of God who have the boldness and courage to stand strong in these evil last days.
If our current churches become Houses of Prayer; there will be hope for the world.
The anti-Christ system can be thwarted and all of the plans of Satan can be pushed back to Eden.
Satan has targeted the greatest and the best for destruction, but when the church prays; all of his evil deeds will be destroyed.
We need to pray that all of the evil deeds of darkness will be exposed and that Jesus Christ will destroy all of the works of Satan, as Jesus came and died to accomplish.
We need to have Godly men and women to be placed in the highest positions, but we also must understand that our battle is not with flesh and blood. We, the church are accountable to God for our leaders, as even when The Lord raises up godly leaders; it is our prayers that will keep peace, righteousness, law and order in the land.
Our battles are with the power, principalities, rulers of darkness and wickedness in high places. We can only combat these powers through united prayer.
Wake up churches, and take your places to become Houses of Prayer.
I know for sure, that if the churches in America do not start praying, praying, praying; we will not have any churches where we will be allowed to pray in freedom and liberty.
Righteousness is needed for the effective prayer, and the church-at-large also needs to repent so that The Lord can heal our lands.
There is so much sin in the camp that needs to be purged through solemn assembles which will pray, fast and repent. We need to purify our churches as recorded in 1 Cor. 5, by turning over the reprobate Christians to Satan so that they will repent before it is too late for them.
Then The Lord will be able to restore everything that the canker worm, Caterpillar and locust have eaten in our lives, our families, our churches and our lands.
The Lord wants so badly to reward and restore His beloved people, but because of our carnal and Laodicean behaviors; The Lord’s hands are tied.
Our loving, but just God cannot reward rebellion and sin.
We hear many messages of prosperity and the blessings of God, but always remember that every blessing is provisional and conditional. The whole Word of God is Truth.
If my people….”humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our lands”.
God’s promises are based on our obedience, our devotion, our faith and our use of all that we have been given.
God rewards all that diligently seek Him. God’s grace needs our response in obedience guided through our love for God.
We show and prove our love for God by our obedience to His commandments.
Do not be deceived. God is a God of grace and love, but He is also a God of justice and Truth.
My prayer for the church:
Dear Father,
I pray that your people will turn to You with all of our hearts, and we will become the House of Prayer.
Each Christian is a living stone being formed to come together and build the last day glorious church.
Please make all of us into the people after Your own heart and a people that will please You, oh Lord.
Please raise up those with a spirit of Joshua, Caleb, Josiah, Jehu, and countless prayer warriors, and worshipers all over the world.
The world is about to get shaken and shaken and shaken and only what is founded on the rock of Jesus Christ will remain. Only what is of our God will remain.
We pray that we will all be counted worthy to escape what is coming on the earth and be able to stand before the Son of Man.
We thank You Lord with all of our hearts for Your wonderful goodness and mercy. We thank you Father for sending Your Son to die for even one of us sinners. We pray that You, Lord Jesus will receive all the honor and praise for your great and unspeakable sacrifice on the cross. We pray all these things in Your Name and by Your blood and according to The Word of God. Amen, amen and amen.
All those who have made The Lord their refuge, their fortress and their everything will be delivered. Those who endure to the end will be saved.
Those who work out their own salvation with fear and trembling will receive their reward.
This is not the time to go into apostasy as many churches, but this is the time to turn to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with all of our hearts.
May all the churches throughout the world move upward and onward and may we all become part of The glorious Houses of Prayer for all nations which will make up the end time Church. We ask everything in The Name of Jesus Christ, by The blood of The Lamb and according to The Word of God and all for Your glory Lord Jesus Christ. Amen, amen and amen.

This entry was posted on January 18, 2013, in Uncategorized. Leave a comment

Gangstalking Update

God will raise up the real church which is the pure and holy Bride of Christ.

“My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.”

Gangstalking Udate
Peggy Kannaday
Gangstalking is an insidious crime. Its inception was found in The Garden of Eden when the enemy of mankind came to Eve and then Adam to deceive them into believing a great lie. He was able to convince this first couple that God was “not” good, and that God was evil. It was just the opposite of The Truth, and the enemy of our souls has been using the same tactic ever since.
The devil’s greatest tool is deceit, and he has been able to lure many Americans into the crime of gang stalking by presenting it as being legal, and good. However, it is completely illegal and it is evil to the core.
The perpetrators are deceived into attacking innocent people, and they are told that it is legal, and they are rewarded for doing it. Those that are the handlers of the perpetrators use many types of rewards to motivate their perpetrators. The handlers use the perpetrators to do their dirty work, and the handlers must constantly keep the perpetrators attacking the targeted individual through lies, perks and deception.
The perpetrators work very hard for their handlers because that is how they can live and have their livelihood. The greater their harassment against the targeted individual; the greater their reward.
The targeted individual is a person who has a moral compass. He or she is lied about, and they are treated as if they are the criminals. The people who go along with this crime and who turn their heads at what they see in their sphere of influence are just as guilty as the actual perpetrators.
The handlers and perpetrators come into an area and literally take over illegally. They seem to be told that nothing will happen to them when they break the law on a daily basis. They seem to believe that they are immune from the laws of the state and the country.
They seem to think that they are entitled to steal the property of the targeted person, to wiretap their phones, to hack their computers, to slander their good names, to kill their pets, to try and cause them to have accidents every time they drive and to try and destroy their lives, their futures, and their families and friends with total impunity.
However, all of the above presumptions are false. Eventually, the truth will all be revealed. Meanwhile, these criminals are reveling in their own delusions of grandeur. They are playing their games, trying to compete with each other, and trying to win the prizes that are offered to them.
Their objectives and goals are obvious. They desire to demoralize and destroy all those who will not bend their knee to the anti-Christ system and the anti-Christ.
These same attempts were tried throughout history, and these goals always failed in the final analysis. Why? Because truth and justice always rule in the end.
These modern day perpetrators are very much like Hitler’s “brown shirts” which were a group of very immoral hooligans who did the bidding of Hitler, and then Hitler had them all slaughtered or imprisoned.
These handlers and perpetrators are all the dupes of satanic spirits. They are being used by their own enemy who will lead them all to the slaughter in the end.
Our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ gives mankind complete freedom to make their choices concerning good or evil. Unfortunately, for these handlers and perpetrators they have chosen the darkness over the light. They will have their eternal reward unless they repent before it is too late.
The Word of God is foolishness to all those who do not believe in almighty God. These handlers and perpetrators have infiltrated many churches these days, and their goal is to try and debase the Word of God. They are teaching that they have a higher revelation. These wolves in sheep’s clothing are in grave danger to try and destroy the pure and holy Word of God.
Many leaders in the churches are being deceived into betraying their own sheep. They have become hypocrites and counterfeit pastors, apostles, prophets, teachers and evangelists. Jesus warned us that they would travel over an ocean to win one follower under themselves to make them into their own image and not the image of Jesus Christ.
Beware of those who lift up their own doctrines, ministries and ideas over the Word of God. Beware of those who do not lift up The glorious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ above all, His righteousness, and His Word.
My prayer for all of those who are being targeted 24/7:
Dear Father,
You sent Your only Son to earth to save those who have been deceived. May they turn to Your Son, Jesus Christ. Please draw them to Yourself.
Your Kingdom come; Your will be done in America and all over the world. We know that You will build Your glorious last day church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
We know that the enemy of our souls is trying very hard to deceive, kill, steal and destroy, as his time is getting shorter and shorter. He is a totally defeated enemy, and Ps. 2 and Ps. 37, tells us that You laugh at his futile plans because You know that his day is coming. Hallelujah!
Please teach us to pray that all of the evil deeds of satan will be exposed and all of his plans, weapons, hiding places, and devices will be destroyed. Please teach us to pray that You will bring justice, judgement, prosecution, and hopefully repentance in behalf of all the targeted individuals and for all of the innocent blood that has been shed.
You Father are not mocked, whatever a person sows; that is what he or she will also reap. Truth and justice trump lies and injustice. Greater is He who is in the remnant Christian, than he who is in the world. Thank you Father that our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
You have given Your people authority over all of the works of satan, and nothing will harm us; as we trust in You. You have provided everything we need for an abundant life and the total victory over the prince of lies and the powers of darkness.
Thank You Father, come Holy Spirit and heal, deliver and protect all of the targeted individuals and please restore our futures, our works and our plans from God for our lives. Please reverse all of the evil that has been sent our way, and turn all of these evil attacks into blessings for us all according to Ro. 8:28.
Thank You so much, and may You be glorified in all of our lives, and may Your Kingdom come and Your perfect will be done in earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Christ’s Name and all for Your glory. Amen, amen and amen.
Answer to email inquiry below:

Dear Friend,
Thank you for your email asking about a good book on gang stalking. I would love it if I had found a book that was really helpful in explaining this crime of gang stalking. I have read many books, and I found that they mostly gave an expository rendering of what they were experiencing. These books gave no real help for the reader because they neglected to reveal the source of the attacks (satanic) in origin.
Common sense tells us (targeted individuals) that when we look back upon our prior lives; we were always under some type of attack, i.e. getting us to marry the wrong person to being raped and having people attempting to kill us, etc. When you realize that you did not do anything to warrant these attacks, and that you love The Lord Jesus Christ with all of your heart; you understand that everything our Lord Jesus said is happening.
He told us that we would be hated if we follow Him, and He said that they would try to destroy all of those who are His anointed (Ps. 2, Ps. 37, etc..) Job, Joseph, David, and many other godly men and women were attacked in similar manner. Throughout history we find that satan has been very busy trying to discredit and destroy God’s people and His Word.
Because the origin of gang stalking is satanic; its solution must be in the spiritual realm through Jesus Christ and the Word of God. As Jesus prayed and quoted Scriptures to satan in the wilderness; He was totally victorious, and we must do the same.
When we focus on the very insane acts of these perpetrators; we will sound CRAZY. The books that I read made the writer sound crazy because the psycho behaviors of the perps that they wrote about sounded ludicrous. I would not have believed all of that expository writing myself if I had not moved to Regent Park in 2005.
The percentage of psychos is probably very high among the perps because they have to be the type of person who has no moral compass, foundation or scruples.
No normal person would think that they are doing “good” by harming people. What you have heard about these people thinking they are doing good is in my humble opinion a bunch of hooey and disinformation.
People who cannot or do not distinguish or know right from wrong are considered insane, and they are considered unable to stand trial as a normal person, and also they are deemed a threat to themselves and to society. These people are literally placed in a mental institution until they understand what is right and what is wrong.
However, the problem in prior cultures is that Stalin and Hitler used these type of people to harass, persecute and to try and intimidate the normal citizens.
These people in Germany were the brown shirts and they were very expendable by the dictator, and they were exterminated. They are the people who the elite use to do their dirty work, and then the elite slaughter them so there will be no problems with them in the future.
The elite are comprised of the ruling class of individuals in a society. These are the people who have come down a long bloodline, and they intermarry, interbreed, and they been transformed into demonically controlled creatures. Their inbreeding and satanic rituals and sacrifices have made them very blood thirsty, and they are not able to think on a rational level. They have committed so many heinous crimes against humanity and the innocent that their inequities are passed down over and over throughout many generations.
They are so corrupt and purely greedy, selfish and lustful that they have no care for anyone other then their own and sometimes they also will kill their own if they find it advantageous to their agenda.
We see that the kings would offer their own sons and daughter in sacrifice for their own gain, power or ability to win a battle, etc. This has not changed over time, and it has only gotten progressively worse. That is why our God has to stop all of the evil before there will be no human being left on this earth that can be saved.
Our God had to bring the flood to save Noah and his family because they were the only people who were pure enough to save.
Today, it is almost a evil as the days of Noah, but we know The Lord will be coming back for His own in due time and with a triumphant shout.
The only perps that could be innocent are those children they use, and those mentally challenged people that have a moronic IQ of below 70. I do know that e there are those people who are basically puppets, robots and they act like zombies due to their dementia, demonetization, their mind control, and they could have brain damage, and many other problems that would cause them to be unable to resist the handlers’ pressure, threats and bully tactics.
My prayer for you and all the other TI’s.
Dear Father,
Please reveal Your Truth, Way and Life to all of the TI’s, perps and their handlers. Please pour out Your Holy Spirit on all those who are being deceived in America
and throughout the world.
Please bring justice for all of the innocent people and please bring restitution for all of those who have been gang stalked and persecuted for righteousness sake.
Please bring Your people together to build your last day church in our area, our country and all over the world.
Thank You, Father in Jesus Christ’s almighty Name. Amen and amen.
In His love and for His glory,
Peggy Kannaday

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday,,
Regent Park/Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803 547-2164

Keep The Unity of The Spirit

The church will be one, as the Lord and the Father are one.

The church will be one, as the Lord and the Father are one.


Ephesians 4:3
Eph 4:3  Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Eph 4:4  There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
Eph 4:5  One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Eph 4:6  One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Eph. 4:3-6, tell us to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit.  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary tells us that we are to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit:
Endeavor is a verb which means:
1:  archaic : to strive to achieve or reach

We Christians, that comprise the Body of Christ are commanded to strive to maintain the unity in the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Because we are one body, one Spirit and we are called to one hope of our calling.  We have one Lord, one faith and one baptism, and one God and Father of all, Who is above all, through all in all of us.

JOHN 17:
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. 22 And the glory which Thou gavest Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one: 23 I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me, and hast loved them, as Thou hast loved Me.

The answer to our Lord Jesus Christ’s prayer is on its way.  We do not see this unity in the Spirit at this time, but wait on the Lord,  have faith and patience, and He will bring it to pass.

Unity of the Spirit is not as the world teaches.  The worldly churches teach that we are all to be blended together so as to destroy our Lord’s Word, His message, His authority and His position as the one and only Truth, Way and Life.  The only way to almighty God, our Father in

The true unity of the Spirit is to preserve the authenticity of Jesus Christ, and to accept no other counterfeit.  We must know the Lord in Spirit and in Truth so that we will not be deceived by all of the false Christ’s, false doctrines, and false ministers that will be rampant in the coming end times.

The lies of Satan are on every side telling us that there are many ways to God, and Satan is sending  out many very alluring false Christ’s who come as angels of light.  Many today are being totally deceived by these deceivers.

That is why; it is very crucial that we understand that our God “will” build His church in the coming times, and it will be the glorious last day church which will be the Bride of Christ that our Lord will come back to receive unto Himself.  Hallelujah!

The enemy of our souls is trying  24/7 to block this awesome work of God.  However, God’s church will be a reality, and it will have the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and it will have His love one for another.

We, Christian should make ourselves ready to be worthy of participating in this beautiful church and family of God. are to pray and seek the Lord, each and every day as to what we are to do, and we are to learn how to be “led by The Holy Spirit” because this will be a crucial necessity in the Lord’s true Church.

No human being will be leading the people of the real church that will be built by Jesus Christ as the Head.   The Holy Spirit will lead these people, because they have learned to be led by The Holy Spirit in their daily lives.

The church system that is being thrust forward in many churches today will become a total travesty to those who know their God.  The church will become a safe haven, refuge, worship/Bible study center and House of Prayer.


1 JOHN 3:8-10
8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

LUKE 10:19 NKJ
19 “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

20 And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

MATTHEW 28:18-19 NKJ
18 Then Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
1.     God has legitimately purchased all authority in heaven and on earth through His death on the cross.
2.      We, His people have been given His authority to do His will and His work.
3.      The enemy has illegitimately and illegally taken authority over the territory that belongs to our God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and His beloved saints.
4.      Our participation in the will and work of Jesus Christ is to take back the territory that Satan has confiscated by default.
5.    This must be accomplished through the good fight of faith in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace.

We need to pray according to the Word of God.  We must know the Word of God, and we must fight the good battle of faith in bringing the Word of God into reality and to bring the Kingdom of God upon this earth.

My Prayer for all:
Dear Heavenly Father,
We pray in the unity of Your Spirit that You will expose “all” of the evil deeds of darkness in our area, our country, and the world.  We pray that You will destroy “all” of the works of Satan, his weapons and his hiding places in our area, our country and all over the world.
We pray that Your Spirit will raise up a mighty standard against the enemy and his powers, principalities, strongmen, strongholds and wickedness in high places.  May all of these evil spirits be confounded, and put to flight, and may all the schemes of Satan be pushed back to Eden.
We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and the salvation of all those in darkness.  We pray that they will have the light of heaven come upon their minds so that they will call out in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Please raise up your men and women of God  to take back Your territory from those who have stolen it illegally.
We pray for the church that the gates of hell will not prevail upon it.
Thank You Father God,  Lord Jesus, and please pour out Your Holy Spirit upon all people to draw them to Yourself.  May Jesus Christ’s Name be lifted up so that He will draw all men, women and children to Himself.
We pray and ask all of these things in the almighty power of the Name of Jesus Christ and all for His glory, amen, amen and amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday has been the Managing Editor of “Church Growth International” since 1991.  C.G.I. is the English outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church which is headquartered in Seoul, Korea.under the Sr. Pastor Emeritus Yongi Cho and Sr. Pastor Younghoon Lee.

Prayer for God’s Property

Prayer for God’s Property
Dear Friends,  I am a Christian living in the Old Heritage USA property, which is now called “Regent Park”.  This property was paid for by Christians many years ago.  This property is near Charlotte, NC and it is in The Fort Mill Township in SC.

There are two or three normal churches that have recently moved to Regent Park, and the Upper Room was “not” torn down as planned.  This is wonderful evidence of the fact that

God is going to use this beautiful property for His glorious purposes.  God is answering the prayers of countless Christians all over the world who helped pay for this property, and

they know it is to be used for the true Christian.

We are all praying that the Lord will send His people to this area to pray for our area, our people and our country.   We are all praying that this area will be a House of Prayer for all people.

However, a group of covens, cults, and a secret society have also tried to control this property.   These subversives are also part of the anti-Christ system.  However, they all pose as good Christians, Prophets, Apostles, etc.  However, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Many young people are being deceived and led to the slaughter through their false doctrines.

Gang stalking is a very covert crime, and I had never heard of it until I became a “targeted individual” myself.  I would not have believed such evil could happen in America as I lived overseas as a missionary for over twelve years.

These perpetrators killed my dog on Halloween, they tail gate my van and try to run me off of the road, they trespass on my property, they steal, kill animals, and put the blood on my door posts and they urinate on my rugs.

They do rituals from midnight to 3 a.m. against me, my family, friends, and my life and my work.  They also use directed energy weapons through the two walls connecting my townhouse with their townhouses on either side.

The cult has its own police force which are comprised of cult members and hooligans.  These people have cost me thousands of dollars in all that they have destroyed, stolen and ruined.

I was very amazed about this secret crime, and so I wrote blogs and books about it, and many Christian women

have contacted me for prayer because this is a spiritual battle.

There are many subversive groups all over this country doing pedophile rings, kiddy porn, meth labs, and many other

illegal rackets.  They make their money through these rackets and also through their unscrupulous take overs and thievery gangs.  They also seem to have money from misappropriated gov. monies.

My pray for all of the victims of these gangs, rings and rackets.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray that you will apply Your blood over all of the innocent lives that are being murdered, tortured and harassed in this country and all over the world.

We pray that You will expose all of their evil deeds of darkness, and that You will destroy “ALL” of the works of Satan and his cohorts.  Please raise up Your mighty standard of men and women of God who will take back the territory that has been confiscated illegally and through default.

Please raise up Your Joshua’s, Your Calebs, Your Daniels, Your Josephs and Your Pauls who will occupy this country and claim it for Your Kingdom, honor and glory.

Thank You Lord Jesus, Thank You Father, and please pour out Your Holy Spirit upon all of these perpetrators, their handlers and their victims.  Please reverse all of the schemes of Satan and those curses that are sent out against Your beloved people.

We praise You Lord for all of Your wonderful goodness, and Your powerful works.

Thank You in the all-powerful Name of Jesus Christ and all for Your Glory.  Amen and amen.

Dear Friend,
Thank you so much for your most kind and thoughtful email.  I pray that
the gift will be multiplied to you multimillion fold for your future
and for your wonderful ministry.
I would appreciate a prayer for me and for all the other targeted
individuals.  We are being harassed by our neighbors and the community
we live in on a 24/7 basis.  My home is surrounded by a coven and many
of the coven members are paid gang stalkers.
They seem to be subversives, and they fly false American flags.
They killed my dog in a horrible way at Halloween in 2006.  They put
blood and urine all over and they use DEW through my walls on both
sides and from across the street.  I had never heard about gang
stalking until I moved to Regent Park in Fort Mill, SC and it started
to intensify against me since 2005.
There is a church on this property that used to be Christian, but they
seem to have turned into a type of cult and secret society.
With all that said; The Lord Jesus has protected me, healed me daily,
and He works it all together for my good.  I have become much stronger
through all of this.
Those that are targeted just need additional prayer, and we are not
receiving it from the “church”.
I know you care for people with God’s love, and so I know the Lord will
hear your prayer.
Thank you so much in advance.
In His love and for His glory,
Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday,,
Regent Park/Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803

Dear Friend,
I appreciate your prayers and the prayers of your friends so-o much.
The reason most people do not know about this crime is because
it is all done covertly, i.e. pedophile rings, kiddy porn, human and
drug trafficking, etc.  All of their harassment and activities are very
hidden behind the walls, at night, and when others are not watching.
It is all very sneaky.
Yes, I read all of Rebecca Brown’s books many years ago.  I ordered the
spiritual warfare Bible that you recommended.
I have all of Win Worley’s stuff and everything imaginable that could
help me pray for our country and our people and the nations.
I have “War on The Saints” which I have been
trying to read, but due to my work (at home on the Internet); I have
not been able to study it as I should.
I have to format my pc’s quite often due to the viruses, malware,
keyloggers, etc.
It seems that these people had one month to get into my home and do
rituals, sacrifices, etc.  There was one month when
my home was purchased by me, and it was empty until I moved in.  When I
first moved into this house; it was nightmarish, as there was
a terrible oppression and darkness.  It seems as though they opened
some type of portal into my townhouse, as my townhouse is part of
a three townhouse building which has two sides in common.
Praise God; that He has greatly dealt with these demonic forces by way
of prayer, praise, worship, etc.  Thank You Lord Jesus!!!
However, they still try to cause me to have an accident every time I
drive, and they trespass, make noises all night, and they
use the directed energy weapons constantly.  They also try to block the
work that I do 24/7 by hacking, and controlling my phone calls,
and they keep the targeted individual isolated by poisoning the minds
of everyone in their vicinity.
The “church” on this property has its own police force which is paid
for by our HOA dues.  They seem to be participants in this gang
stalking, etc.
People that do not know you; seem to believe unfounded reports very
readily.  However, praise The Lord; I still have friends that I have
made through my writing, and also my old friends that really know me
and are true Christians.
I pray daily for these people, and I believe that I have compassion for
them,  but they get their living from all of this, and so that makes it
hard for them
to get out of it.  I think they are being blackmailed in some
It must be a horrible life for them.  None of them seem to have normal
jobs as their cars are always at their homes, and there seem to be
various rackets
going on in this old heritage USA property.  They may get some of their
money through the rackets, and some it may come from misappropriated
monies from the government.  They seem to have an inexhaustible supply
of money, power and people.
Thank you so much for your kindness in praying for the innocent
Christians and others who are being targeted (they are mostly lone,
older women) who
have recently lost family members through death.  Also, please pray for
the children as there seem to be many pedophiles among these gang
Please pray that all of the innocent will be protected (babies,
children, adults and animals), and please pray that all of these
rackets (including the gang stalking)
will be exposed.  Please pray that The Lord will save these people, and
those that are pretending to be Christian leaders will come to
Please pray that the young people will not be deceived that are in this
once church, but now like a cult and secret society.
Thank you so much Father, Lord Jesus, and please come Holy Spirit and
bring us into all Truth in Jesus’ Name.  Amen.
Thank you again Glynda, and Lord bless you in a mighty way for your
kindness and compassion, and may it all be returned to you multi-fold
times over.
In His love and for His glory,
Peggy Kannaday

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday,,
Regent Park/Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803

Pursuing God

Church Growth Magazine

Church Growth Magazine

Peggy Kannaday
1 Peter 3:11-13
King James Version (KJV)
11 “Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue (pursue) it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
13 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?”

Pursuing God is no longer an option or a luxury of the top spiritual leaders in the Body of Christ.  It has become a requirement for all true Christians in order to avoid all deception from the enemy and his servants who seem to be working around the clock with overtime.

The pursuit of our God, His holiness and His Truth will make the difference between our salvation and our being led to the slaughter by the prince of lies.
He always comes as an angel of light, and he always deceives those who are not walking hand in hand, mind to mind and heart to heart with our glorious Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

One of the definitions in the Greek for dioko,  which is: the term  for the verb pursue means to:
:” to seek after eagerly, earnestly endeavor to acquire”.  In the Vines Expository Dictionary pursue means to seek after eagerly.
In the Spiritual realm; it will be crucial to pursue the real, true, living God, the Creator of the universe in order to overtake, capture, kill or defeat the enemy of our souls, satan, lucifer, the devil and all of his principalities, powers and strongholds that are trying to take over the world and everything in it.

In Jesus Christ, we Christians have been given all authority over the enemy of our souls in order to overtake him, capture his illegal territory gained, and to defeat all of his evil works.  To pursue God is to seek Him and His righteousness first, and then to pursue the enemy is to take back the territory that he has confiscated from God’s people.

The Bible tells us to love God with all of our hearts, minds, souls and strength, and to Seek His Kingdom First and His righteousness first, and then all the other things will be added unto us (Matthew 6:33,” But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”.

Each and every day we need to pursue God, as we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.   Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling “For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12-13).

Our salvation is both positional and progressive.  We need both methods of becoming sanctified, which is to become holy, as our Lord is holy.

We must not be passive in our pursuit of God daily.  He is always doing His part, but our part is to seek Him with all of our hearts and pursing Him through prayer, studying His Word, praising Him, worshiping Him, speaking His Words, seeking His will and His Way, witnessing about Him, and being led by His Holy Spirit.
The Bible says, “Be ye holy as I am holy”.  This is not a suggestion; it is a commandment.  Pursuing God produces holiness, which brings cleansing, sanctification and purity.
David prayed in Psalm 51, “Create in me a pure heart, and renew a right spirit within me.”
We need to ask The Holy Spirit to do His mighty work of revealing our sins of commission and omission to us, so that we can repent, and then He cleanses us from all sin.  We are also to be purified through the Truth.  The Word of God is Truth, and It washes us and sanctifies us; it is the washing of water by The Word.
Some Christians have stopped their pursuit of God after praying the sinner’s prayer.  This is only the beginning of our walk with almighty God.
We will receive as much of Christ and being in Him, as we spend the time and effort in pursuing Him daily.  One day without doing everything heartily unto the Lord can bring some opening for the enemy to use to divert our attention away from the Lord.
If  we think that we can forget about God one day; that could be the day that you make a disastrous decision in your own understanding and you fall.’
David fell, and so we can fall as well.  Even though David repented; it was a long arduous process for him with many losses and much suffering before he was restored unto the Lord.  Falling only takes a split second, but restoration takes  time.
We must Pr.3:5-6, Trust in Him with all of our hearts, and “not” lean on our own understanding, but in all our ways; acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths.”
In short, we need Him every day.  The one day that we decide to do it “our” way, could be the day that you make a wrong choice or decision like David did when he saw Bethsheba.
Every day has a life of its own.  We cannot say we will do this or that in the future, but we are to take one day at a time.  Every day has enough evil of its own, and we must walk closely with our Lord in order to have the power to submit unto The Lord, resist Satan, and then He will flee from us.
If we neglect to put God first each day; the evil of even one day could come upon us.  Satan is like a roaring lion; seeking any Christian he can deceive, trick or devour.  He is working very hard to take as many as he can with him to hell.
Satan works 24/7, and he is always ready to pounce upon the weak, the weary, the wayward and those who are not pursuing God at all times.
What is our goal in pursuing God?  It is to become more and more like Jesus Christ.  He needs to increase, and we need to decrease on a daily basis.
Every day in this lifetime is very important.  This life goes by so quickly, and it is like  vapor compared  to all eternity.
James 4:8 “Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you”.
The Word of God constantly admonishes the Christians to draw nigh to God.  Pursuing God daily should be our top priority especially in these perilous days.
The only way that we can grow up into the image of Jesus Christ is to pursue
God with all of our hearts 24/7.
The world has every kind of distraction, that pulls us away from our glorious Lord Jesus.  We are bombarded by the temptations of Satan everywhere we go.
That is why our constant pursuit of God must be totally conscious and intentional on a daily basis.
To pursue God must be our daily prayer and objective.  We are to rejoice evermore, pray without seeking and in everything we need to give thanks.  This is the will of God  in Christ Jesus concerning all of us.
If we do the will of God; we will stay close to Him, and we will not go astray and disobey.
Our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ has made His Word so clear and easy to understand.  It is as simple as the song, trust and obey; there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.
In these last days, it will be imperative to “know” God intimately. Why?  Because there will be so much deceit, deception and lying wonders all around us.  To know the real and authentic Jesus will be our salvation and our protection from all of the lies of satan.
Knowing the real will eliminate our being tricked by the counterfeits that will be manifested in the coming times.  Pursue God with all of our hearts, and stay so close to Him that nothing can get between you and the real Lord Jesus Christ and our awesome King of kings and Lord of lords.
Many false prophets, apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists will be trying to deceive countless multitudes.  The horrible lies of satan are rampant in the church today in some locations.
Beware, and cling to The Lord Jesus Christ and you will be able to escape the mass deception that is coming upon the earth through the anti-Christ and his system of control, manipulation, lying wonders and deceptions of trickery.
Satan has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve, that he has been using for ages, but always remember that they are sorry copies of the real thing which comes from our Creator, almighty God.
Satan has no power unless he deceives his victims, and that is why we Christians must pursue, The Truth, The Way and The Life daily without interruption.  It is crucial to our very success in this life and in the life to come.
Pursue God with all of your hearts during these end time days.
God will then be able to bring you through to total victory in Him.
Peggy Kannaday has been the Managing Editor for “Church Growth International” since 1991.
The “Church Growth International” is the English Outreach of The Yoido Full
Gospel Church headquartered in Seoul, Korea under the leadership of Senior Pastor Emeritus Yonggi Cho and Senior Pastor Younghoon Lee.
Contact: and


Photo from the “Church Growth” Magazine




The King punished the colonists for the Boston Tea Party. He passed the Boston Port Act, MARCH 7, 1774, effectively closing the harbor to all commerce, intentionally ruining their economy.

“The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor”, lithograph depicting the Boston Tea Party, 1846, Nathaniel Currier

Surrounding towns rallied by sending food. William Prescott, who later commanded at Bunker Hill, wrote: “Providence has placed you where you must stand the first shock…If we submit to these regulations, all is gone…” William Prescott continued: “Our forefathers passed the vast Atlantic, spent their blood and treasure, that they might enjoy their liberties, both civil and religious, and transmit them to their posterity…Now if we should give them up, can our children rise up and call us blessed?”

Upon hearing of the Boston Port Act, Thomas Jefferson led the Virginia House of Burgesses, May 24, 1774, to proclaim a Day of Fasting & Prayer, stating:

“This House, being deeply impressed with apprehension…from the hostile invasion of the city of Boston in our Sister Colony of Massachusetts Bay, whose commerce and harbor are, on the first day of June next, to be stopped by an armed force, deem it highly necessary that the said first day of June be set apart, by the members of this House, as a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, devoutly to implore the Divine interposition, for averting the heavy calamity which threatens destruction to our civil rights.”

The King appointed Royal Governor, Lord Dunmore, was so upset by this Day of Fasting & Prayer resolution that two days later he dissolved Virginia’s House of Burgesses. Virginia’s colonial leaders went down the street and gathered in Raleigh Tavern, where they decided to form a Continental Congress, which two years later would vote for independence from the King.

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The English closed down the Boston Harbor after the Boston Tea Party, and that action ruined the colonists economy.
Because of this tyranny, Thomas Jefferson declared a national day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer.  A small band of godly men came together to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and to turn from all sin, and because of their sincere fasting and prayer; the nation of America was conceived.
They knew that only almighty God could fight for them because they were too few and too poor to overcome such odds.  They trusted in God, and He fought the battle for them.  Hallelujah!
While I was a missionary in Seoul, Korea, a Communist was able to get into the office President by way of voter fraud and the deception of the South Korean people.
After this man’s presidency ended; there was an investigation held about his criminal activities, and so he committed suicide.
The Christians of South Korea came to the City Hall area by the tens of thousands to pray for a Christian President.  God heard their prayers, and now South Korea has an excellent, Christian President.
God honors prayer, and He especially honors the prayers of Christians who are in love and unity.
My prayer for America:
Dear Father,
I pray that all of the Christians in America will make their churches into Houses of Prayer for all nations and for all people from the bottom to the top. Please cause all of the people of  God to come together all over this country to pray in love, unity and in one accord.
Please forgive all of the Christians for our many sins, and please expose all of the evil deeds of darkness in our land, and please destroy all the works of Satan in our land.  Then, we pray that You Father God will raise up your mighty standard against the evil, and the Spirit of The Lord will move mightily all over America and even the world.
May Your Name be lifted up and glorified Father God, and may all American Christians fast, prayer and lift up the Name of Jesus Christ, and He will draw all of the people to Himself.  We ask these things in the all-powerful Name of Jesus Christ and for His glory..  Amen, amen and amen.

If Nineveh repented from the grass roots up to the top leaders; then America can do the same.
Countless thousands of Americans have given their lives for our freedom, and so our freedom is very precious.
We must stand strong together in love, unity and prayer to save our union.


Peace in the Midst of a Storm

Peace is from The Prince of Peace

The Innocent Blood
Peggy Kannaday

Joel 3;19, “Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land.”

Many countries including the USA are soaked in the abuse, torture and blood of the innocent.  Satanic powers are always  searching for innocent blood to offer unto their god , Satan.

Satan demands the innocent blood to be sacrificed for his servants to have their powers and their temporary rewards, i.e. money, fame, power, sex, etc.  Hundreds of thousands of children are being kidnapped, sold by their parents, and brought into bondage and later death by those who desire to profit from their innocent blood.

The unborn babies are destroyed by the millions.  These innocent ones never had a chance to live and fulfill God’s plan for their lives.

Satan requires his servants to not only destroy their own lives, but to also destroy the lives of the innocent in order  to gain their powers and to be able to do their evil deeds of darkness.

Without the shedding of innocent blood by satan’s servants; satan would be powerless to do his horrible works.  Satan has to deceive human beings into doing his bidding by offering them temporary rewards.

The rewards are very fleeting, and then, Satan comes to extract his pound of flesh.  The price is eternal damnation in hell unless his servants repent before they die.

Satan gives little, but he requires everything.  Satan’s work would be stopped; if the people all over the world would cease from being deceived by him, and they would stop doing his work for him.

That is why, I am proclaiming that all true Christians pray for the innocent, the unborn, and those that are suffering all over the world.

We need to pray protection, deliverance and justice for all of the innocent blood.

We need to pray that mothers and fathers will realize that abortion is the same as murder, and that even though it is legal; it requires a huge price to them in the end.

God allows rapes, murders, abortions, pedophile rings, kiddy porn, etc. because He gives us our own free will.  However, His Word forbids all of these evil deeds and works of Satan, and His Word explains the consequences of disobeying His commandments.

His commandments are not for His good, but they are all for our own good

Pray that all those profiting off of the death, torture and destruction of the innocent unborn,  children, teens and adults will be brought to justice and prosecution.

Pray that everything being done in secret will be exposed, and that our almighty God will destroy all of the works of Satan and his servants. Pray that the Spirit of The Lord God will raise up a mighty standard against the evil in our city, our country and all over the world.

Pray that The Lord will raise up countless prayer warriors, intercessors and prayer warriors in prayer houses all over America and the world that will pray for all of the innocent blood that is being shed and used by Satan to gain power, and to eventually bring destruction, death and desolation to our nations.

Pray that the Blood of Jesus Christ will cover all the people and especially the innocent ones.  Pray that The Lord will build a fiery hedge around all the people and the innocent ones will be protected from all harm, evil and temptation.

Because most Christians are unaware of what is going on in the satanic underground; they forget to pray for those who are being kidnapped, murdered, raped, tortured and put in porn films and snuff films.  Many Christians do not know what is going on even in their own neighborhoods, community centers, and various buildings because it is all covered up, and whitewashed.

Huge sums of money are being made off of the innocent unborn, babies, children and innocent people who have been victimized due to horrible circumstances.  As Christians; we are to put ourselves in their place and weep with them, and we are to try and deliver them, and if we cannot do those things;  it is imperative that we pray for them to be protected, delivered and restored.

Jer. 22:3, “Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place. For if ye do this thing indeed, then shall there enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, he, and his servants, and his people. But if ye will not hear these words, I swear by myself, saith the LORD, that this house shall become a desolation”.

Every Sunday our churches have many people gathered together, and they can have a prayer leader to pray for all the innocent unborn, babies, children and those who are being used and abused all over the world.  Our prayers can turn this tremendous tide of evil.

Without the innocent blood; Satan will be rendered powerless which is his condition without the innocent blood offered unto him by his servants.  Our lives would be transformed for the better if the Christians would stand in the gap for the innocent.

God is searching the earth for those who will stand in the gap and in the place of the innocent ones that are being slaughtered in their mother’s womb, are being encaged in secret locations, are being molested, raped and used in every kind of porn production, and then that are murdered in snuff videos which are sold for thousands of dollars.

Old Testament Times:

There are many scriptures that report parents selling their sons for wine and their daughters into prostitution, and this practice is evident today all over the world.
Children are also sold out and sacrificed as a way to gain powers and privileges or whatever.


“And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger” (2 Kings 17:17).


As per the FBI and the US Department of Justice, about 800,000 children under the age of 18 are reported missing every year, and almost 50 percent of all kidnappings involve family members. 80 percent of child kidnappings are for sexual reasons, irrespective of whether they have been done by strangers or acquaintances.

Article Source:

This is spiritual battle, and it can only be won through prayer, supplication, and our love and faith for the innocent human beings who are so very precious to almighty God.

Please agree with my prayer and please remember to pray every day for those that are having their blood shed everyday in rituals, sacrifices, covens, cults, secret societies,

Pedophile rings, human and sex trafficking, and the list goes on and on.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We stand together in love and unity with You to pray for the unborn, the babies, the children, the innocent human beings and the animals that are being mutilated in satanic ritual abuse.

We pray that You Lord will protect the innocent with and by Your blood, and we pray that You will deliver those who are now imprisoned and en caged in America and all over the world.

We pray that You will expose all of these evil deeds of darkness, and You will destroy all of the works of Satan.  Please set all of these captives free and also their perpetrators from the bondage of satanic forces.

We pray that You will raise up Your mighty standard against this evil, and You will bring justice,  judgment and prosecution in behalf of all the innocent victims throughout the world.

We ask everything in the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ, and by Your Blood and according to Your Word.  Amen, amen and amen.

This entry was posted on July 14, 2012, in America, Be Bold and Very Courageous!, Envy, FAITH, Faith That Always Wins!, false apostles, Fear Not!, Gang Stalking, Gang stalking Exposed in The Old Heritage USA Property, God is Able, INNOCENT BLOOD, Jezebel, Our Awesome God, Prayer for The Next Election and America, Satan Comes as an Angel of Light, Speak God’s Words and Change The World for His Glory!, The Church “Will” Become a House of Prayer, The Great Deception, You Can Be the Light and Salt in the World, You Can Overcome! and tagged abortion, America, BLOOD SACRIFICE, Christ, corruption, covens, covert harassment, cults, deceit, deception, did, false apostles, false prophets, Fort Mill, gang stalkers, Gang Stalking, God, Government, hacking, handlers, harassment, human trafficking, illegal community groups, illegal surveillance, INNOCENT BLOOD, Jesus, Jesus Christ, kiddy porn, lies, pedophile rings, perpetrators, persecution, PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, porn production, Prayer, Regent Park, SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE, SC, secret societies, sex trafficking, slander, slaughter, snuff files, sorcery, spiritual warfare, stalking, subversives, Targeted Individuals, The Blood of Jesus Christ, traitors, trespassing, truth, wiretapping, witchcraft, wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The Church will Rise Again

Photo from The "Church Growth" Magazine

Photo from The “Church Growth” Magazine

Flee Envy
Why?  Envy caused the “religious” leaders to become motivated by Satan to destroy the Lord of glory, Jesus Christ,
Envy caused Cain to kill Abel.  Envy caused the people of Babylon to turn on Daniel and the three young men of great righteousness. Shadrach, Mechach and Abednego, and their lives were preserved by almighty God, and they were vindicated.
What “is” envy?  The Bible tells us that envy is an evil spirit.  It goes around until it can find a living house to dwell in, and to do its evil work.
Envy is not based on Truth, but it is based on lies out of the pit of hell.
It even uses human lips to stir up jealousy, and insecurity in those who are unaware of its insidious intent.
A church that is undivided cannot be infiltrated by gossip mongers, envy and competition.  That is why the enemy of our souls has to stir up all types of divisions, strife and confusion among the members of the church.
It is sad to say, but gossip, unfounded rumors, and slander are rampant in the church of the living God.
Because competition is still alive and well in the church, as it was when the disciples were comparing one another with each other.
That is why Jesus commanded us “not” to compare ourselves with each other.  That is a deadly game.
That game will either produce insecurity or it will produce pride, and we do not want either one of those weakness and sins.
We need to learn to be very content and praise God in all of our own circumstances.
Why?  If we are led by The Holy Spirit everyday; we automatically know that He is guiding us, and He is only allowing what will be good for us.
It doesn’t mean that we will always have our way.  We really don’t want that.
If we have our way; then we will become spoiled brats.
Maturity in Jesus Christ comes from obeying The Lord even while suffering much hardship.
This is very pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is the tremendous example that He set for all of us.  He learned obedience to His Father by the things that He suffered.
Envy will come to say to you; this is not fair.  This other Christian has been given more than I have been given, or some other hook.
Satan knows where to place his evil hooks in each one of us.  When those hooks try to come to your mind; pray that they will find no place in you.
The devil could not find any place in our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ, and He has already conquered the world and everything in it.
Because He has overcome all that the world and satan can throw at us; we automatically know that with Christ in us; we have the hope of glory.
We can overcome; because He first came and overcame everything that the world, the world system and the evil one threw at Him.
We can do “all” things through our faith in Him and our love for Him.
If we look at ourselves and our weaknesses; we will be defeated by satan.  However, if we look up and focus on our great Redeemer, His Word, and we are led daily by His Holy Spirit; we will always be supreme winners in this life.  Hallelujah!
Dearly beloved of God, always remember to flee envy when it tries to come to you through the unsanctified lips of those who are being used by satanic spirits to try and tempt you.
Flee envy when it tries to come to you directly into your mind due to insecurities and a competitive heart.
Flee envy because it will lead you into witchcraft, control and the manipulation of others.  It is basically rebellion against the plan and purpose of God that He has for you.
Until you are mature enough to accept the plan God has for you; no matter how lowly; He cannot promote you.
All promotion comes from the Lord, and He knows who to lift up and who to put down.
If you are envious of those that God has placed in certain positions; He will by pass you because He cannot trust you to have the grace you need to have a meek, humble and quiet spirit.
God is looking for those who will be glad in the lowly jobs just as they will be very humble in the higher level jobs.
He wants to promote all of His children, but many would become puffed up with pride and they will fall.
Many of God’s children have stopped waiting on the Lord and they have stopped being led by the Holy Spirit and they have used their friends and their networks to promote themselves.
This type of artificial promotion produces a great deal of insecurity.  These self-appointed leaders are now attacking those who are the legitimate workers in the Body of Christ.
Because they climbed up to the top illegally; they want to destroy those who God selected.
If they would have just waited on The Lord; they would have had much more than they could have produced for themselves through deceit.
When we love The Lord with all of our hearts, minds, souls and strength, and we love our neighbors as ourselves; we will be on the road to recovery from the temptations of satan to have everything here and now.
Satan tempted Jesus to bow to him, but Jesus adamantly refused, and we have that power.  Satan will try and tempt you in your weakest area, and to accept satan’s offer is to end up in everlasting hell, torment and agony.
Submit unto the Lord, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Why?  Because you have the spirit of Christ in you.  You have the Light in You, The Truth and The Way in you.
You have been given “all” authority over the enemy, and with Christ; nothing will by any means harm you.
Whatever the Lord allows will strengthen you, bless you and cause you to grow into the image of Jesus Christ.
God resists the proud, but He gives the grace needed to the humble.
When a “Christian” has promoted him or herself into a position for which they were not prepared for; they will fall.
Only God knows the timing when a follower of Jesus Christ can be promoted into a position of authority.
This Christian should be free from the love of money, sexual temptations, and the lust for power, name and to be worshiped.
This Christian must be as contented cleaning toilets unto the Lord as they are in standing in front of huge crowds and being honored by others.
The Lord is looking for those that He can show Himself strong in their behalf.
Those are the ones that have the hearts, minds and humility of Jesus Christ.
I notice that many in the so-called leadership positions today are even more exclusive than the world’s celebrities.
They have their body guards, their entourages, their cliques and their friends who help them maintain their high level positions.
Us low level workers in the Kingdom of God are looked down upon, ridiculed and demeaned by the high and mighty men and women who believe that they are God’s gift to the world.
If one of us lowly peons would ever try to talk to one of these great gurus; we would be quickly deferred to one of their subordinates.
You would not be allowed to have an audience with the King or Queen of their domain.  It is their domain because the Lord Jesus Christ is not their Head; He would not be welcomed into their churches or into their ministries.
I am sad to say, but I believe many in our churches would crucify His good Name, and they would have envy toward Him; just like in the days that He walked upon this earth.
Those they walk closely are also forbidden to be part of the ruling class of leadership.  In fact, they are not allowed to be privy to their evil communications.
These high level leaders think of themselves as gods, and they will only communicate and fellowship with those of like mind, motive and corruption.
These so-called leaders have swallowed the same lie that Adam and Eve swallowed in The Garden of Eden.  They think that they are like God, and they try and convince their followers that “they” are tight with almighty God, and they should follow them.  They use witchcraft, sorcery and deception to gain followers who believe their lies.
They turn these followers into their own personal bond slaves, and they use false doctrines, deceit, conceit, and they prey upon their weaknesses to keep them under their bondage.
The young and immature are being led to slaughter by these unscrupulous wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Wake up people, and turn to Jesus Christ with all of your hearts, and He will lead you to the promised land, the green pastures and the still waters because He is the “GOOD SHEPHERD”.
Those that have His heart will leave the 99, and go out and help that one little, insignificant lamb.  Why?  Because The Lord Jesus would have died on the cross for that one little lamb.
These true shepherds that the Lord will raise up in these last days will have His same heart for those that the world, the worldly and the Laodicean church hate.
If you are not hated by the world, the worldly system, and the Laodicean church, then you need to turn to Jesus Christ with all of your hearts.
Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and everything you will need will be added unto you.  We will receive what we desire when we have proven our ability to handle these benefits and blessings.
The Lord will not allow you to have your desires until you prove that you are worthy to use them unselfishly and for the good of all.
God is preparing a people that because of their righteousness they will receive the wealth of the wicked.  However, they must be proven to be free of the stumbling blocks that could destroy them.  Countless “leaders” have fallen because they did not heed the Scriptures, and they were not ready to handle the responsibilities that they confiscated and usurped from others out of greed, selfish-ambition, lust for power and a corrupt character.
Many church pastors have become “spiritual leader’s, and they are totally in the hands of the evil empire or the world system.
The go about leading many innocent lambs to the slaughter.  They have sold their souls out for a mess of pottage. They will have their reward.
Do not envy or desire their wealth, their prestige, their positions, and their power according to Psalms 2 and 37.
God laughs at their evil deeds of darkness, and He will destroy all of their works of satan.  Judgment has already begun at the House of The Lord.
Stay on the narrow road where there are few. These are the remnant of God, and everything evil has been torn away from them, and they are awaiting the glorious last day church.
They are busy ministering, teaching and making themselves ready for the Lord’s magnificent plan to be fulfilled.
There is a remnant in every place, and God is perfecting His true saints daily.  They are becoming more and more like Jesus Himself.
This process produces people like, Joseph, Abraham, Daniel, Esther, Elijah, and all of those who overcame the world, satan and their flesh throughout the ages.
My prayer for you:
Dear Father, I pray that you will break the powers of satan off of Your people, and You will set the captives free.
I pray that Your Spirit will raise up a mighty standard against the evil that has come into the Church of the living God.
Your Kingdom come; Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Christ’s Name and by the blood of the Lamb.  Amen and amen.
Peggy Kannaday
Contact: 803 547-2164,

Our Awesome God

Our God is an awesome God, and as the old song goes, “He Reigns from Heaven above”.
Our nation was so blessed when we made God our Lord. However, we have been so blessed by God; that we have become like the Laodicean Church, and we “think” that we are rich, holy and that we can see. However, Jesus tells us in Rev. 3 that we are poor, unclean and blind.
Many Christians have a lukewarm attitude toward Jesus Christ and God almighty, and they are about to be spewed out of God’s mouth according to Rev. 3:14-16.
Actually, we are in a very miserable condition spiritually, but many do not seem to know it. We seem to be blinded by the god of this world and the anti-Christ system with all its lies, deceptions and delusions of grandeur.
Satan can only lie, cheat,steal and bully people in order to achieve his evil agenda. He has already been defeated on the cross of Jesus Christ.
Psalms 2, asks , “Why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing?  The kings and leaders are attempting to defeat our awesome God and His anointed, and it says that God laughs at their futile efforts.
It tells us what almighty God answers to these vain perpetrators.

Ps. 2:5 “Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto Me, Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee.
8 Ask of Me, and I shall give Thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession.
9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.”
Our God admonishes that He will send His Son and give Him the heathen for His inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for His possession. He tells these rebellious people to serve the Lord with fear, rejoicing and trembling, which is awesome reverence.
We have all of our lifetimes to choose “Who or What” we will serve. Our awesome, living God is evident in His creation; not to mention His people, His Word and His Life is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.
God is going to bring refreshing and restitution before He returns to all of those who will repent. He is going to raise up the prophets that will speak “His” Word according to:
Acts 3:19-21, King James Version (KJV) 19 “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
20 And He shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:
21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.|
I remember when I was brought from death, sin and darkness into the glorious Truth, Life and Transformation by Jesus Christ in 1972.
My whole life was totally changed and I was delivered of so many demons, burdens, sins and darkness that I felt like a huge bolder had been lifted off of my back.
It was so very awesome that I was literally floating above the earth and cares of this life for eight years. I still have that same awe of almighty God, but due to much persecution; I have landed on the earth, and God is always teaching me new and great things every single day.
Many powerful revelations, knowledge and truths can only be learned through much suffering and tribulation from the world, but be encouraged because our Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world.
There are not many really awesome people or activities in the world, but I hear the word “awesome’ overly used about almost any and everything.
However, what does awe really mean?
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company, says that it means:
AWE  [ɔː]n
1. overwhelming wonder, admiration, respect, or dread
2. Archaic power to inspire fear or reverence
Awe is not only wonder, admiration and respect, but it also includes dread or the power to inspire fear and reverence.
Do we fear God as He should be feared?  I think “not” in many cases; we think of Him as our own personal butler or Santa Claus.
However, this type of thinking is erroneous, and it will keep us from knowing Who our awesome God is in reality.  The Truth about our awesome God is far greater than we can understand now, because we see through a glass darkly today, but later we will know the truth and be down on our faces worshiping our awesome God because we will see what He has done in our behalf.
He who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is perverse in his ways despises Him. (Proverbs 14:2)
By the fear of the Lord one departs from evil. (Proverbs 16:6)
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to turn one away from the snares of death. (Proverbs 14:27)
In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge. (Proverbs 14:26; see also Psalm 112:7-8)
The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. (Psalm 34:7)
The fear of the Lord leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction; he will not be visited with evil. (Proverbs 19:23)
Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses. (Psalm 25:12)
The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. (Psalm 25:12-14)
These benefits are countless in The Word of God, and are listed throughout the Bible. In short, it is imperative to have the fear of God, as well as to have an awe of Him.
Psa 33:8 Let the whole earth fear the Lord! Let all who live in the world stand in awe of Him.
Act 2:43 Reverential awe came over everyone, and many wonders and miraculous signs came about by the apostles.
Heb 12:28 So since we are receiving an unshakable Kingdom, let us give thanks, and through this let us offer worship pleasing to God in devotion and awe.
Psa 65:8 Even those living in the most remote areas are awestruck by Your acts; you cause those living in the east and west to praise You.
Luk 5:26 Then astonishment seized them all, and they glorified God. They were filled with awe, saying, “We have seen incredible things today.”
1Ch 16:28 Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the nations, ascribe to the Lord splendor and strength!
Job 25:2 “Dominion and awesome might belong to God; He establishes peace in His heights.
Psa 5:7 But as for me, because of Your great faithfulness I will enter Your house; I will bow down toward Your holy temple as I worship you.
We can plainly learn from the countless Scriptures on the fear and awe of God; they are greatly important to our relationship and walk with God.
The Word of God is replete with the awesome power, character, holiness, and authority of our Lord and our God.
I pray every day that I and others will have the fear and awe of God that is needed to live a successful Christian life in devotion unto the Lord.
I can’t help but notice that so many young people and even Christians are into a human type of idolatry. They put certain celebrities, pastors, or famous people up on a pedestal. The only One Who can be put on a pedestal and not fall off of it is our lovely Lord and our God.
He alone is worthy to be idolized, trusted and worshiped. He alone is eligible for that type of awe, because He is our awesome God and our Lord Jesus
God  proved His love, sacrifice and devotion to mankind by giving everything that He had for us. He gave it all, so that we could be saved, delivered, healed and spend eternity with Him. How awesome is that?
Psa 29:2 Acknowledge the majesty of the Lord’s reputation! Worship the Lord in holy attire!
Psa 47:2 For the sovereign Lord is awe-inspiring; He is the great king who rules the whole earth!
Psa 52:6 When the godly see this, they will be filled with awe, and will mock the evildoer, saying:
Psa 89:7 a God who is honored in the great angelic assembly, and more awesome than all who surround Him?
In our day of constant entertainment; the real Truth of The Bible is being neglected, ignored, watered down, distorted and perverted.
Start reading your Bible everyday, and meet our awesome God for yourself. He is found in His Word, and He causes His Word to come alive because He is the only true and living God.
He is always waiting for us to come to Him and to open doors of our hearts to Him, and then He will come into our hearts and share His love, thoughts and life with us. It is truly awesome  to know the God of the universe who has all power, all authority, and Who created all things.
When you know God; you will have the fear of God, and you will be in awe of Him.  Then, you will have the beginning of wisdom in this life.
I pray that all of us will have the awe and fear of God as never before in these last days.
Peggy Kannaday, B.A.,M.Ed., has been the Managing  Editor for “Church Growth International” since 1991.  C..G.I. is the English outreach of  The Yoido Full Gospel Church headquartered in
Seoul,  Korea.
Yonggi Cho is the president, founder and chairman of The Board for C.G.I.  He is also the Sr.
Pastor Emeritus for The Yoido Full Gospel Church.
Contact for Peggy:,,
Regent Park/Glen  Ridge, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803 547-2164,,


Peggy Kannaday
Acts 3:19-21

King James Version (KJV)

19 “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

20 And He shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:

21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.”

Prophets are supposed to be speaking words of life according to Acts 3:21. Prophets, God wants to speak through “your” mouths words of refreshing, restitution and repentance. We need courageous prophets who will speak God’s Words to the people so they can have hope and faith in this life.
My prayer:
Dear Heavenly,
Please raise up the true prophets who will speak “Your Words’ of refreshing, restitution and repentance”.
Close the mouths of those who are “not” speaking Your awesome and blessed words.
Raise up Your mighty standard by Your Spirit against the evil that has come into the church and the Body of Christ.
Judgement begins at the House of The Lord. Please bring justice, judgement, repentance, and bring the people of God together that will build Your glorious last day church.
No weapons formed against us will prosper against this last day church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Thank You Father, Lord Jesus, and come Holy Spirit to bring Your true saints together to be in one accord and love.
In The Name of Jesus Christ and for Your glory. Amen and amen.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Hallelujah!


Dear Friend,
I live in the old Heritage USA property which is now called Regent Park.
I have been gang stalked since moving to Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines
Lane, Fort Mill, SC in 2005.
This property seems to be controlled by a cult/coven/so-called “Christian” group, and there
is no legitimate police department on this property. There seems to be
many types of crime rings here that are covered up, whitewashed, and are being conducted in
the various buildings, houses, businesses, ministry buildings seem to
be used as fronts.
The gang stalkers use every tactic to frighten the targeted individual.
These perpetrators try to run you off of the road every time you drive on
a road, and they tail gate your vehicle.
They killed my dog at Halloween in 2006, and they make loud noises suddenly
to cause you to have fear during the night.
They have blackened my driveway with firecrackers being set off periodically.
They have put mold, spider webs and defecation on my deck and the white walls,
and I have to clean it off daily.
They use all types of directed energy weapons through the walls, and
they have ruined many of my appliances. My TV was hit, and it caught on fire.
They try and control your PC, phone and they use illegal surveillance
so they know where you are at all times. They trespass and prowl at
night, and they put blood on my door posts, and deface my property on a
daily basis.
My most valuable ring was stolen and many of my most cherished property has been stolen.
They stole all my keys and remotes, etc. when they came into my home at Halloween in 2006.
They turn over my bird bath, flower pots and throw trash in my yard. Their methods are common to
all gang stalkers. All of these covert, secret society, cult, coven and so-called “Christian” members (hypocrites/wolves in sheep’s clothing) do the same things to their targeted individuals. It is all documented online.
The gang stalking network is akin to the other covert criminal networks which use these same tactics to try and control their victims through fear and intimidation. Some of the other covert or secret crimes are: pedophile rings, kiddy porn rings, porn production, porn distribution, human trafficking, sex trafficking, snuff film production, meth laboratories, identification theft rings, hacker rings and the list could go on ad infinitum.
The same methods are used with all of these covert crime networks because they set up their criminal activities in places that seem innocent, normal and the opposite of what these criminals are doing behind the walls. These perpetrators enjoy deceiving innocent people.
They can take a whole local subdivision, or tranquil area and make a regular crime syndicate out of it by using the homes, their attics, and any other buildings to run their illegal and lucrative rings.
There are some 27 million people who are victims of the human pedophile and sex rings, but these rings are all undercover, whitewashed, and the home, buildings, churches, businesses being used are their “fronts” so that they can stay in business for a longer time without being detected.
Pedophile rings are proliferating. Why?
Because mostly all pedophiles are those who were molested when they were young, and so they have never been able to mature emotionally, and they continue to prefer to be with young children and do to them the same as they had received in their childhoods.
Also, pedophiles are sometimes people who are afraid of sexually transmitted diseases, and so they desire to have a child rather than an adult for that reason.
Pedophiles can be easily spotted if a person has any discernment at all. They love to flaunt themselves in public with young children, and they love to play childish games with their victims in plain view.
Pedophiles are in the lowest levels of society, but sadly they are also in the highest as well.
Susan Sarandan was on Anderson Cooper, and she said to have pedophile rings or sex trafficking; those in authority must cooperate with the criminals.
Those in authority could be getting money, sexual favors or both, but if you find pedophile rings
that means there is corruption in the camp, and the authorities are allowing, promoting it, or they are part of it.
Please pray for the innocent babies, children and adults that are being used, abused, tortured, en caged, and raped behind the walls all over this country.
Please pray that those in authority will stop these crimes, and they will prosecute every one of these perpetrators and those who are their handlers and those who are their enablers.
Thank you.
Peggy Kannaday

Testimony to the power of almighty God:
The Good News is that the more these gang stalkers and perpetrators try
to torture me, frighten me, and attempt to kill me; the more grace,
love, courage, boldness the Lord Jesus Christ gives me.
Like you, I consider it an honor to be counted worthy to go through
this persecution because it has taught me so many things that I did not
know previously, and it has strengthened my faith greatly.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday,,
Regent Park/Glen Ridge, 707 Torrey Pines Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715, 803


Picture from the “Church Growth” Magazine

Peggy Kannaday
Today, in many countries including the USA, (land of the free) are being mocked, chastised, demoted and even gang stalked for simply believing in The Name which is above every name; The Name of Jesus Christ.
However, as the below Scriptures indicate, those that are ashamed of The Lord in this adulterous and sinful generation will be ignored when the Lord comes back. Only the brave and courageous will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rev. 21:8, “But cowardly, unfaithful, and detestable people, murderers, sexual sinners, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars will find themselves in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
In short, if we are so afraid of what people think that we would deny Christ; we are not worthy to to enter into eternal heaven where we will be with Him forever. The Lord only wants those who choose Him over everything else.
The Bible tells us that if we are still trying to please people; we cannot be a true servant of The Lord Jesus Christ.
We should not try to force people to receive The Lord because they may not be ready or interested in changing their lives. There are those who are content to stay as they are at present.
They have no desire to meet The almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ. Hopefully, there will be a time when they will understand that in Him all fulness dwells.
Many times, people will not cry out to Jesus Christ until their lives are in jeopardy, disarray, or they are in serious trouble. However, He is there standing at the door of your heart every moment of the day.
Mark 3:38, “For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of Him, when He cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
We also need to follow Jesus in denying ourselves, taking up our crosses and following Him.
What does that mean? It tells us in verse 24, it means that we are to lay down our lives for Him and The Word of God.
The Lord says that this sacrifice is our reasonable service unto Him. Our Father God, and His Son, Jesus Christ laid down everything they had for our salvation, our healing, our eternity with Him, and for our blessings from Him which are from infinity to infinity.
The Lord would not ask us to do what He did not already do for us. Because He overcame the world, now we can overcome the world through Him.
He would have done everything He did for us, even if we were the only one. That is how much He loves even one human being, and He does not want anyone to perish in hell.
However, he gives each individual a total free will to choose which way they want to go. He never will force a person to go with Him.
Why? Because He does not want puppets or automatons; He wants those who love Him with all of their hearts.
Luke 9:23, “And He said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. 24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it. 25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? 26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My Words, of him shall the Son of man be
ashamed, when He shall come in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels. 27 But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Kingdom of God.”

There is nothing that you could give that would out give God for us. If we try and save our lives for our own selfish desires; we will lose our lives for the Kingdom of God.
One of our beloved missionaries to Ecuador said it like this, “He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”. It is a win/win situation with Jesus Christ.

Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”

Our walk is a walk of faith in our Lord and our God totally. The just shall live by faith in the Son of God, because they know Him, they believe in Him, they trust Him implicitly, and they love Him with all of their hearts.
The Word of God read and heard daily is what keeps our faith alive. Our faith will grow the more we study and hear The Word of God.
Faith is what is needed to change our world. Faith is what is needed to remove our mountains, and faith is what is needed to triumph in this life.
Do not be ashamed of the Name, but instead put your total faith in the Name of our Lord, Savior and coming King of kings, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Peggy Kannaday, B.A., M.Ed., Peggy has been the Managing Editor for “Church Growth International” since 1991. This is the English outreach of the Yoido Full Gospel Church which is headquartered in Seoul, Korea.
The founder and chairman of The Board is Yonggi Cho, who is also the Sr. Pastor Emeritus of The Yoido Full Gospel Church, which started in an old Marine tent with 5 members in 1958.

Speak What God Has Spoken!

Speak What God Has Spoken!
Peggy Kannaday
Acts 3:19-21Image

King James Version (KJV)

19 “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:

21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.|

Verse 19: Repent means to stop, look, listen and turn from your wicked ways.
It says to be converted, which means to be completely transformed so that all of your sins will be blotted out.
Verse 19b:  Tells us what will happen if we, God’s beloved people will just do the above.  It is wonderful!

Times of refreshing will come.  From where?  From the Presence of The Lord of the universe.  How awesome is that?

Verse 20:  Then, Jesus Christ Himself will be sent to you.

Verse 21:   In short, The Lord Jesus Christ will not come back until the times of restitution of all things has been fulfilled.  These things are all of the words that God speaks through His holy prophets since the world began.

God’s restitution is awesome.  It involves magnification, multiplication, renovation and the renewal of all things that He has spoken.
God’s Words formed the earth and everything in it, and His Words are all-powerful.
God’s Words are always redemptive in nature.  His Words always provide hope for His people.
He even gave Jezebel and Ninevah space, time and the ability to repent.  In short,
God is extremely merciful and His mercies is from everlasting to everlasting.

His people and especially His “prophets” should never speak words of total doom and gloom concerning a person, a people, a country or the world.  Where there is life; there is hope.

God spoke words like:  “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven’.  
He told us that we have been given all authority over the enemy, and nothing will by any means harm us.
We are told to occupy until He comes.  We are told to stand strong.  We are told to take back the territory like Joshua and Caleb through spiritual warfare, because our weapons are not carnal, but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
We are told that we must judge in the church because we will be judging angels (1 Cor.6).

We are told that the God of Peace will soon crush satan under our feet.  We are more than conquerors.  We are told that no liars, wicked or cowardly people will be allowed in heaven.
My advice is that if God Himself did not tell you to flee; you could be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

What is coming that is being reported by some “prophets” will be all over the world, and the shaking will shake everything that is not of God.  If God is your ever present refuge;  you do not need to have any fear at all (Psalm 91).

If God leads us to move; then we should move.  If He tells you to flee; then flee.  
However, to do anything in fear could lead to disaster as fear activates satan.

To be controlled by fear is very dangerous to your health and welfare.  Fear and doubt are two of Satan’s greatest weapons.

Trust in The Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, and in all yours ways acknowledge God, and He will direct your paths (from Pr. 3:5-6).

I keep hearing some very drastic, hopeless and terrifying words going out over the Internet that are being spoken by “Christians” and those who consider themselves, prophets, watchers, etc.

These Words of total doom and gloom are causing many Christians to become confused and dismayed.  
However, if these Christians would just go to their Bibles and wipe the dust off of them; they will find new hope, new faith and new courage to forge ahead in victory.

God does always warn His people about impending disasters, but He always gives them hope for the future.

One example of how The Lord talks to even His most rebellious people is the famous Scripture:  “If My people that are called by My Name will humble themselves, pray, seek My face and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their lands”.

Ninevah was told that they would be destroy if they did not repent, and they repented down to the cattle.  Ninevah was one of the most wicked cities on earth at the time.  


Sodom and Gomorrah:

Abraham was trying to plead with The Lord for Sodom and Gomorrah as shown below from Gen. 18:32:

32 “And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Per adventure ten shall be found there. And He said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake. 33 And the LORD went His way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.

In short, if there had been ten righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah; The Lord will have spared these cities, but there not even ten righteous there.

How generous is God’s great mercy and kindness.  However, God is merciful, kind and loving, but He is also very severe, and He loves justice.  He always gives every opportunity and time to repent, but in the final analysis; He will bring judgement to those who continue to rebel against almighty God and His commandments.

Many people throughout history have chosen to go against God and all of His commandments, and His Word.  However, we have not learned from history, and so we are having to repeat it over and over.

The Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Mayan, and all other societies that turned to idols, and who sacrificed their children have come to nothing, and they are no longer in existence.

I heard that there are 27 million people being victimized in the human trafficking racket.  There are countless pedophile rings where children are caged, raped, tortured and are put in snuff films and kiddy porn.

Many of the customers are people who have the authority to stop this evil.  Huge amounts of money are made off of the ruined lives of the innocent.

If the Christians would pray the below prayers; God can expose, stop and prosecute these crimes against the innocent.

The new crime areas are our own neighborhoods, and local areas that have covert activities going on covertly. These areas are being used to make money, corrupt the people and to destroy our country and our people.
There are pedophile rings and porn production going on all over our local areas in the homes, the businesses and the buildings. It is all done completely hidden. Crimes include: pedophile rings, human trafficking, kiddy porn production, kiddy snuff films, meth labs, id theft, gang stalking and the list can go on and on.
These criminals and their handlers use any space that they can control. They love to use areas that seem very normal, and they can have profitable rackets going on (even in the attics, etc.).
It is all done very secretly and it is very evil because innocent children, adults and animals are used in the most unspeakable ways.
Dear Father,
Please expose all of the evil deeds of darkness in our area, our country and even all over the world.
Please destroy these works of Satan, and set these captives free from their greed, sexual addictions and sadism.
Please protect, heal and deliver the innocent, babies, children, and adults that are captive.  Please protect all of the innocent blood from this evil (even the animals that are used).
Please bring justice for all, and please bring an end to this evil in our area, our country and the world.
Please bring everything that is being hidden, covered up and white washed out in the open, and please set all of the captives free (both the perpetrators and the victims) in Jesus’ mighty Name.  Amen and amen.

The church must use the power of prayer and their authority today and before it is too late.
As we pray the Scriptures and the will and the Word of God; He will hear from heaven, and He will bring His Kingdom into our midst and on this earth as it is in heaven.  Hallelujah!

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday, B.A., M.ED.  Peggy has been the managing editor for “Church Growth International” since 1991.  “Church Growth International” is the English outreach of the famous Yoido Full Gospel Church headquartered in Seoul, Korea.


Picture from The “Church Growth” Magazine

Peggy Kannaday


Romans 10:17 “So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”
Jesus Christ has perfect faith, and He is also the Word of God. When we listen to The Bible; we are absorbing the faith, life and wisdom of God. We are being renewed, revived and resurrected by God’s Word.
Our faith in God’s Word and His Truth produces action from almighty God. In short, faith activates God into our lives, prayers and activities, as we pray according to His will and His Word.
To the contrary, fear and doubt activate the enemy of our souls. I have heard that many times when a doctor told a person that he had so many months or years to live; the person died at exactly the predicted time.
What happened? The person had faith in what a doctor said which was a type of curse or negative statement which was against the person’s best interests. It is a lie out of the pit because no human being has the authority to decide how long a person will live; it is only an opinion. However, if a person will believe the statement, and if that person accepts it as truth, then that person will fulfill his or her own demise in such cases.
Those who will trust and have faith in God many times go on to live their full lives. Do not receive or believe the statements that are from demonic sources. Pray to overcome the negativity all around us.
Now, people are putting out information that comes from the second heaven or the demonic realm. They are speaking these statements, as if they are true. Many of the Christians that are speaking out what they hear and see in their dreams and mind are thinking that it is coming from God.
However, if what you are hearing is “not’ redemptive, then it is probably from the demonic realm. Nineveh was a horribly corrupt and violent city, but God saved them because they repented, even though He had pronounced doom through Jonah.
Satan can only trick and deceive those people who believe what he says, and we know that he is the father of lies. Satan comes as an angel of light, but he comes to steal, kill, destroy and deceive.
In the Garden of Eden, satan had no power to force Adam and Eve to disobey almighty God. His only way to have power over them was to deceive them, because our God had given them a total free will.
“Where the Spirit of The Lord is; there is liberty”. Satan’s only power is in trickery, deceit, intimidation, deceptions, and bluffing his way into the hearts and lives of those ignorant of his devices.
Jesus Christ was sent by God, The Father to redeem what was lost in the Garden of Eden through the lies of satan and deceit.
Praise God; we now have been given all power of the enemy through the Blood of Jesus Christ, the word of our testimony and we love not our lives unto the death. Hallelujah!

Hebrews 11:1
11 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Have faith in God. He will never lead you astray, and He is always with you, and He will never leave you or forsake you. God’s love is stable, and He desires
your very best. God moves mightily for those who have their faith and trust in Him, His Truth, His love and His Word.

Satan’s consistent trick is to lure someone into doing some horrendous crime or activity, and then when the person gets into trouble; he just laughs and laughs.
Satan uses the person, and when he is finished; he finds a way to destroy the person; usually through suicide. He hates all human beings with a passion because we are made in the image of God.


Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

Satan is completely powerless without the people that he uses, abuses, deceives and eventually leads to the slaughter. When satan is exposed at the end of this age; people will be shocked at how small and disgusting he really because he goes around like a roaring lion. He is bully and bluff, and so do not be deceived by him as he is finished.
Satan was finished the moment that Jesus Christ said, “It is finished” on the cross.” Hallelujah!


Hebrews 11:3,’Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”

With the power of God through His gift and fruit of faith; we can move mountains, and we can bring forth things that are not seen, and they will then be seen due to our faith and trust in Jesus Christ and The Word of almighty God. In short, through the faith of God; we can make something out of nothing. How creative can we get? Creativity is God’s forte.
Do not continue believing the false disinformation that satan is pouring out 24/7, because if it does not line up with The Bible; it is from the satanic realm, and it is being used to undermine your faith. It is intended to frighten you, to discourage you, and to eventually destroy you.
Read and listen to the Word God, and you will have renewed faith and fresh manna to strengthen you each day. It will renew, revive and bring new life to you, and you can focus on The Truth, The Way and The Life and you will have a love for God and the truth, and you will not be deceived by the lies and disinformation sent from satan.
My prayer for you:
Dear Father,
Please protect your people and all people from the lies and deceptions from the throne of our enemy satan and his dupes. Please give us Your super faith, as Your faith is all-powerful. Help us to walk in Your truth so that we can walk in Your Way and in Your Life.
Be glorified in our lives in Jesus’ Name. Amen and amen.

Be a Late Bloomer!

Are you an early, late or a no bloomer? Remember the old admonition, “Bloom where you are planted”.
Matthew 13 is a very profound Chapter in the awesome New Testament. It explains the great parables of Jesus Christ concerning The four types of soil that the Gospel of The Kingdom can fall upon, and then it goes on to describe the consequences of the seed’s future depending on the quality of the soil.
This parable is called, “The Parable of The Sower” (Jesus Christ), “The Parable of The Seed” (The Gospel), also “The Parable of The Four Soils” (the hearts) of man.
The Four Conditions of the heart or the soil that Jesus Christ sows His precious Word into and the results:
1. The seed falls by the way side.
Matthew 13:19, “When any one heareth the Word of the Kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.
This type of person, Hears the Word, but he or she does not receive it or retain it in his or her heart. The Word is unable to remain because of the lack of the pursuit of the truth. the enemy of their souls is then able to steal the Word of God away from this type of heart.
2. The seed falls on stony ground or soil.
Matthew 13:20-21) “But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the Word, and anon with joy receiveth it; 21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended”
This type of person actually receives the word with joy. However, their joy is short-lived because they do not have the depth needed in their hearts to keep the seed growing even during trials and tribulations. Their heart is not a heart of flesh, but it is too stony to bring the seed to the level it needs in growth that will bring fruition.
3. The seeds falls among the thorns.
Matthew 13:22, “He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the Word, and he becometh unfruitful.”
This type of individual also hears the Word, but he or she is not grounded in a love for the truth needed to proliferate. Many in the apostate church are in this category of a so-called “christian”, because they have never put Christ first in their lives. They are a low case “c” Christian, because their “I” is their King and Lord.
They have allowed the temptations of satan to deter them from moving forward into the reality of Jesus Christ’s great victory on the cross. In short, they have sold out to satan and the cares, temptations and lusts of all kinds found in the world system which is anti-Christ.
They have lost their first love of The Lord Jesus due to sins of commission and omission. They have not been able to endure until the end in order to receive their great reward.
4. The seed that falls on good soul.
Matthew 13:23, “But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”
This type of person is a lover of what is good, and a hater of the lies and deceit of satan. This person is able to forge ahead into the victory of the cross of Christ.
This person is blessed with the power and authority to overcome the world and its evil, and to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God which is the greatest honor and blessing of all.
These beloved Christians overcome by Blood of The Lamb, The Word of their testimony and they love “not” their lives unto the death. Death has no sting for these precious saints, the grave has no victory for these believers because they are washed clean in the Blood of Jesus Christ because their total trust and faith is in Him alone.
As is revealed in the previous Parable; the soil types 1 through 3 in up being the tares that will be eventually burned up unless they turn to Jesus Christ with all of their hearts.
What is a tare? It is a type of weed. Weeds grow up quickly, they look very similar to the real plants that are all around them, but they are insidious in nature. They come up quickly only to try and devour and destroy all that is good around them.
Our Lord Jesus sees and know everything that these insidious tares are doing, but He is giving them every opportunity to turn to Him. He allows them to produce and grow, and He even uses them in His amazing master plan.
He allow these pernicious weeds to do their own thing until they either turn to almighty God or they are destroyed. There is no middle ground for these servants of satan. They are either for God or against Him, and they have not proved their love for Him by obeying His commandments.
The Lord Jesus Christ has proven His love for every human being on the cross, as He would have died and suffered for one lost soul.
Tares are analogous to quick bloomers who have huge growth spurts, but then they become dormant, and they are used by the enemy of our souls, and they become lovers of this present life and the world. They never come into real maturity because that times much time, diligence, commitment, discipline and devotion to The King of kings and Lord of lords.
Sadly, these tares are used to attempt a process to take over everything through greed, lusts and avarice, and they become enemies of almighty God and His real people who love Him and are sold out to Jesus Christ in every area of their lives.
Matthew 13:36, “Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and His disciples came unto Him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. 37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; 38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; 39T,”The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”
These tares consist of the Jezebels, Ahabs, false prophets, false apostles, false teachers, false pastors,infiltrators and false evangelists that have set themselves up in the church, but they were not sent by The Head of The Church, Jesus Christ. These are the impostors, infiltrators and wolves in sheep’s clothing that are leaders in the apostate church today. However, Good News, Judgment begins at the House of The Lord and The Lord is about to bring justice and judgement in His church. This will facilitate a new revival and resurrection of the dead bones.
In life; most of us start off as tares, but hopefully later we wise up throughout our life’s journey, and we realize that we cannot make it on our own, and we need God. God is so very patient that He waits until the end of the age to round up the tares and burn them with fire.
Our wonderful Lord does not want even one person to perish into everlasting hell for all eternity. That is why He does not strike the wicked down sooner. He desires to give them every window of opportunity, and He strongly wants them to repent and turn to Him with all of their hearts even up to the last earthly generation.
However, Good News, Judgment begins at the House of The Lord, and The Lord is about to spew these charlatans out of His mouth. Hallelujah!
The Lord is going to raise up a mighty company of men and women who will have the spirits of Joshua, Caleb, Jehu, Josiah, and Elijah. The Lord Himself will raise up His government that will be used to build His glorious last day church.
Pray that you will be made ready to participate in this most awesome church of all Christendom. This quintessential church will be the embodiment of all that The Head of The Church envisioned for His Body. The Lord Jesus Christ will be the Head in truth, and His glory will be manifest.
Jesus prayed that we, His people would be one as He and The Father are One, and that is what He is going to build from His lively stones. His last day
church will be a House of Prayer for all people.
There will be no tares in His glorious end time church, and it will not have any racism, competition, greed, envy, or hatred in it. It will contain The Lord’s agape love, and the gates of hell will “not” be able to prevail upon Jesus Christ’s last day and most magnificent church. Hallelujah!
A word of encouragement to you.
Many of us are late bloomers during our formative years. In short, we started out very confused and unable to understand the big picture which is the real meaning our lives. However, no matter how dysfunctional your earlier days were; it is our future, our ending our final destination that counts.
We go through many snares of satan, the flesh , the world, and we may fall, but when we finally learn to seek first, The Kingdom of God and His righteousness; then everything else will be added unto you.
The late bloomers in the Kingdom of God are those who have learned about the master plan of God, and they want to be a part of it. They want to serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and they understand that they will suffer, but they are willing to deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow their Lord and Savior. They have counted the cost, but they understand that the cost is infinitesimal compared to the glory that will be revealed when they meet the Lord Jesus Christ.
These late bloomers have had a slow maturation cycle, but they are powerful, strong and they know The God that they serve intimately. These are those who will be recognized as the wheat. The wheat is of great benefit to others. Those that will be part of the salvation and gathering of the wheat are those who have not lived lives iniquity and sin.
The Bible tells us that those who are righteous; be righteous still and those that are wicked be wicked still. Why? Because many people will try to get on the ark at the last moment in time, but that will not work because God will not hear the cries of those who have rejected Him and rebelled against Him throughout their lives.
Just like in the days of Noah, there is a set time by our God that the door of the Ark of Jesus Christ will be firmly shut.
My prayer for you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that all of Your people will be able to stand strong until the very end. May we all be faithful and obedient despite every temptation to turn from You in this life.
This life is like a vapor, but life with You will be forever. Let us forge ahead in Your truth, Your Way and Your Life, and may Your Living Word grow up in our hearts so that we will be able to bear much fruit for Your Kingdom, Your honor and Your glory in Jesus’ Name. Amen and amen.
Let’s all be “late bloomers’ and bloom where God has planted us in His glorious Kingdom. It is never too late to bloom, and that blossom will die to self, fall to the ground and then it will bear much fruit to the glory of God.

From The Sinking Ship to The Ark of Jesus Christ

From The Sinking Ship to The Ark of Jesus Christ
Peggy Kannaday
On March 10, 1748, John Newton was born again. He was the writer of the awesome hymn, “Amazing Grace”, and his conversion was very dramatic.
His Conversion experience as listed in Wikipedia:
Newton awoke in the middle of the night and finally called out to God as the ship filled with water. After he called out, the cargo came out and stopped up the hole, and the ship was able to drift to safety. It was this experience which he later marked as the beginnings of his conversion to evangelical Christianity. As the ship sailed home, Newton began to read the Bible and other religious literature. By the time he reached Britain, he had accepted the doctrines of evangelical Christianity. The date was March 10, 1748, an anniversary he marked for the rest of his life. From that point on, he avoided profanity, gambling, and drinking. Although he continued to work in the slave trade, he had gained a considerable amount of sympathy for the slaves. He later said that his true conversion did not happen until some time later: “I cannot consider myself to have been a believer in the full sense of the word, until a considerable time afterwards.[5]
John Newton found himself as a British Captain of a slave ship that was about to sink. This situation caused Newton to call out to almighty God, and obviously God answered and Newton was showered with the amazing grace of God.
Later, Newton became an Anglican minister, and he wrote the glorious hymn, “Amazing Grace” around 1779. This song epitomizes God’s amazing grace to all those who turn to Him in the storms of life.
Storms on the sea are very fascinating because there is no way out; without God’s intervention. A ship is a flimsy object on the sea of life, and it is very vulnerable to any external influence.
As fragile human beings; we are all floating in the sea of life in our own very insecure boats of our flesh and our breath. Our very lives are described in The Bible as a “vapor”.
In short, we should realize that our very existence is dependent on the grace of God and His protection. However, we often do not think of this fact until we are in the midst of a dire need, as with John Newton.
As long as we are floating along in the sunshine of life, and the storm clouds are far away in the distance; we seem to think that “we” are the captains of our own fate and our own ship.
However, when the storms of life hit us; we soon learn that almighty God is the actual captain and master of our destiny. John Newton learned this truth when his own ship filled up with water. We cannot allow our lives to be filled with the waters from the world which will cause us to sink.
When Newton called out to God; God was so very gracious and caused the water to be stopped so that the ship and the people on the ship could be saved. Most of our salivations and deliverance s are not as dramatic as with John Newton, but they are the same in the fact that only God can bring us out of our sinking boats or unsafe life situations.
John Newton became a minister of God, and he went from being a slave ship captain to being an advocate for the abolition of slavery. John Newton truly understood the grace and power of Jesus Christ.
Not many of God’s people have been on a real sinking ship in the vast ocean, but all of us have been in sinking ships in the oceans of our lives before we met our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Now, we have found a haven, a refuge and The Ark that will keep us afloat until the end of our voyage.
The Bible says that it is the person that endures to the end that will be saved. Being saved is a process, and not a one time event.
The day of the conversion of John Newton was just the very beginning of his great journey with almighty God. As Newton studied The Bible, prayed and learned how to praise God; He grew in The Lord, His love, His faith and His grace.
All of us are on the ship of life that could be filled with water from the world at any time and in any storm. However, when we make The Lord God our trust, our refuge and our everything; we can enter into His ark where we will be safe from all harm, evil and temptations.
We are told that in the last days; it will be similar to the days of Noak and his ark. That is true today. Only Noah and his family were saved from the flood out of all of the other people.
They were not perfect, but Noah trusted in the living God, and he and his family were saved and delivered. We also will be saved from all storms, floods and disasters as we put our total trust in God.
Let’s not wait to the last minute to get on His ark of safety. Let’s get on His ark today, and find a wonderful place of God’s love, joy, peace and the greatest thing of all His amazing grace.
Peggy Kannaday, B.A., M.Ed., has been the Managing Editor for “Church Growth International” which is The English Outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church which has an 800,000 membership and is headquartered in Seoul, Korea.
Contact Information:,,,,
Contact is Phone: 803 547-2164, Regent Park/Glen Ridge, Fort Mill, SC 29715

There are Termites in The House

Termites are creepy insects that eat away at a building 24/7, and they never stop until the structure collapses. They keep eating away at the wooden structure until it comes down.
I see that America has termites in The House. These are subversive infiltrators who are eating away at the foundation of America and our strong heritage.
I remember Khrushchev many years ago said, “America will fall without one bullet being fired”, and he said that it will be destroyed from within.
These traitors have sneaked into various high level positions in every segment of our society. They are empowered by money from illegal, syndicate and racketeering sources as well as misappropriated funds from the rogue or shadow government.
They are very deceptive because they pretend to be good, law-abiding, decent, American citizens. They do anything and everything to cover up, disguise and whitewash their true mission which is to undermine and demoralize the American people at all levels.
They never reveal their true motives. Their true motives are to paganize, defile and destroy all that Americans call dear and valuable. Our faith in God, our moral base, our heritage and our Constitution.
They are all over. and they swarm just like termites, and they do not leave one piece of the foundational structure alone. They are hidden, and their underground, covert work is kept very hidden.
They move in secret society circles, and they are usually part of the ruling elite, or they are the dupes of those in positions of authority. Many are just dumb puppets similar to the brown shirts of Hitler who did not even know why they were doing. These dupes of Hitler were slaughtered by Hitler when he was finished using them to gain power.
These “termites” have been chomping away at America’s structure for many decades, but now their deeds are being revealed and made manifest. The damage that they have done is becoming very evident even to those most uninformed and ignorant in our society.
There is hope for America, as long as the true Americans are cognizant of the crimes against our nation and our people are known to hem. The true Americans will do the right thing when they wake up and realize that they have been lied to, deceived and sold down the river by these perpetrators.
Thank goodness and thank God that America is waking up today. It is not too late. We must come together in unity to pray for wisdom, as to how to bring our nation back to its greatness.
We need to repent for allowing evil to flood into our House by the termites on our watch. We need to move mightily in unity, prayer, and we need to turn to almighty God with all of our hearts.
He “will” hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land “if” we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. Praise God! He is not finished with America!

The Great Deception

The Great Deception
Peggy Kannaday
“Oh What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. What a tangled web, America has become.
I have been gang stalked since moving to Regent Park/Glen Ridge, Fort Mill, SC in 2005.
At that time, I did not know what gang stalking was, but one of my neighbors tried to talk to me about how all the religions should merge together. I told this person that was impossible and ludicrous.
I later learned that one of the largest churches on this property was involved in promoting the NWO. They are teaching a type of dominionism that is totally unbiblical.
It involves 7 main categories in our society, i.e. Government, religion, Education, etc. and they would all be controlled by a few so-called “Christians”. They would be in league with the NWO “religious” category.
The only problem is that they wanted to control the church, and they were not even talking about being under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The NWO is under the lordship of the anti Christ or Satanic powers.
My neighbors have severe anti-Christ spirits, and they harass me daily and nightly. They do not hold down regular jobs, they killed my dogs, and they steal and vandalize my property.
The main thing that they work on is hacking, wire tapping and surveillance.
They seem to be obsessed with stopping the Christian work that I have been doing since 1991.
I have been the managing editor for one of the largest churches in the world which is located in Seoul, Korea for 20 years.
The hackers work very hard every day to block, hinder and cut off my Internet connection, block my servers and to mess up all of my work and communications.
From what I understand, these perpetrators and those involved in rioting are part of the NWO paid subversives.
Most of them are psychotic, disturbed, and they have been very deceived. They act like they are big shots for no apparent reason.
They remind me so much of the “brown shirts” of Hitler’s Germany,
who were used by Hitler to get him into power. Then after he came into power; Hitler had all of the brown shirts incarcerated and slaughtered.
They were very deceived just like these NWO gang stalkers and rioters seen to be deceived into thinking that they are above the law, and that they will actually have a place in the NWO.
The first time that I heard the term New World Order was from the Senior President Bush. It seems to have been kept quiet since that time.
The New World Order is neither new or worldwide or does it involve order.
It is as old as the Garden of Eden when Satan wanted to rule over God.
It is not going to involve all the countries of the world because many countries like America will probably not participate.
It it not orderly, but it will bring utter disorder.
Their main goal is to try and destroy the law and order in America, bring racism, strife, and chaos. They seem to want to tear down anything good and decent in the country.
Any person in America that is involved in this NWO stalking, infiltrating and rioting should be charged with treason. They are enemies of the people.
They do not want America to remain sovereign; they do not care about our country; even though they put false US flags out in front of their homes on my street; it is a whitewash and a deception.
Any person involved in this NWO movement could not possibly be a real Christian, because Christians are part of the Kingdom of God first and foremost, and the NWO is under the control and headship of The anti-Christ, Satan, the false prophet and the beast world system.
I know my country, and these people are delusional to think that Americans will betray their country and their people to become part of such a totalitarian movement.
I believe that when America comes to her senses; all of these NWO thugs will be either deported, incarcerated, or institutionalized.
I have a degree in Clinical Psychology, and the people that I used to work with look very normal in comparison to my neighborhood gang stalkers.
They even use their children to commit felonies for them. The children are sent to steal, commit vandalism, and harass the targeted individual which is myself.
The so-called NWO gang stalkers are also involved in the occult. Halloween to them is like Christmas to the Christians.
They killed my pet on Halloween in 2006 in a horrible way.
They came into my home, and stole all of my keys and remotes, but they have many lock smiths who work for them, and so it is futile to change the locks.
The man that confiscated the Regent Park Property is one of the ring leaders or handlers. He is also supposed to be a Christian leader.
This property actually belongs to the Christians that gave their contributions for the old Heritage PTL Club and Heritage USA.
However, it has fallen into the hands of those who are using it in the opposite manner from what it was supposed to be used for by The Lord.
It seems that they use this property to whitewash many of their money making schemes and rackets. I believe that many of the businesses and groups are just “fronts” for money laundering, etc.
There is unbelievable corruption on this property, and much money has been made off of this property.
Sadly, I believe most of that money has been used for evil purposes. The neighbors all around my townhouse do not work, but they harass me 24/7. Where do they get their money?
I pray when this country comes back to law and order that this property will be totally purged of all of these criminals.
I believe that this property is supposed to become a refuge for Christians and a retreat for people who are Christians or who are seeking Jesus Christ.
I pray that this property will come into the hands of those who will be good stewards of it.
My prayer partner and I pray about that every day on the phone. Today, we were cut off 5 times by one of the neighborhood stalkers.
They hate it when we pray, and they hate it when I listen to The Bible or work on my Christian work.
Satan is the greatest liar, and he has really done a number on these people. It seems that they believe that they will be VIPs in the NWO.
What presumption, what delusions of grandeur and what deception.
We pray for these people daily as they are just being used to abuse, and then they will probably be eliminated just like the brown shirts.
These gang stalkers’ handlers are bullies of the first order. They use intimidation and unfounded promises to control their dupes.
Many of the normal people in Regent Park are either deceived about what is going on, or they are afraid of saying anything.
When a person has been gang stalked for almost 7 years like myself; they become fearless, because what else can the perpetrators do to you? They have tried every way possible to destroy my life, my peace, my work, my relationships, my finances, my property and they spread lies to about me everywhere I go.
I have had one of the handlers and many of their perpetrators try to cause me to have an accident every time I drive.
After all of the above; you get where you are not afraid of anything. What are they going to do to me? Try to kill me? \O/
Anyway,there are some benefits to being a targeted individual, if you are fortunate enough to be a Christian. You become closer and closer to The Lord Jesus Christ. You become stronger and stronger in Him. You learn what is really important in your life, and you find the joy of the Lord in the most mundane routines, as you are not allowed to make friends in your area.
You learn to rejoice when you are lied about, and to rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing and in everything to give thanks.
The only friends you have are those who knew you before you were targeted.
However, I am very fortunate because I have friends all over the world, and some that I have become friends with on The Internet because of being gang stalked.
The Lord has been so wonderful to me. He heals me every day of the Directed Energy Devices and occult attacks at night, and The Lord takes everything that the stalkers do,and He turns them around 180% and He works it all into something very powerful and good in my life.
I am being trained to be used by The Lord, as He never wastes anything that He allows. He only allows what will end up being very good for us, as He did with Job, Joseph, Daniel and all the other men and women of God who suffered persecution.
These gang stalkers, infiltrators and rioters are extremely cocky,arrogant and proud. They have already presumed victory when there is no victory in sight for them.
I believe their pride, presumption and arrogance will be what will destroy them. They have become over confident, and their evil ways are increasing.
Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
I have also learned that the true targeted individuals are those who love God, love their country and who have a moral foundation. There are many who claim to be TIs or targeted individuals, but they are actually perpetrators trying to muddy the waters, and trying to distribute disinformation.
You will know them by their fruit.
These infiltrators are rampant in the churches giving much money, and trying to control the pastors, etc. I believe they get a lot of their money from their illegal rackets,i.e. porn production, distribution, pedophile rings, id thief, human and drug trafficking and every type of crime. They use mafia techniques to keep from being charged. They use money, threats, blackmail, etc. to keep people in line.
They could also be getting funds from some who are involved in the shadow or rogue government by misappropriated tax money.
These people seem to copy the mafia, the gestapo, and many other rogue groups.
They all seem to use the same MO’s. That means they must be trained in their gang stalking, rioting, infiltrating and all of their other subversive activities.
They use all of the occult and pagan ceremonies that are common to primitive cultures that are heavy into the dark side of the supernatural.
They accept every religion and every person except the true Christian and the Jewish people which is nothing new.
Some churches and pastors have already sold out to the NWO Movement even before it has become public knowledge. They are in the loop. The Bible says that if it were possible in these last days even the very elect will be deceived.
It is happening now, and I see it all over.
If the true church does not become the House of Prayer; we may not even be allowed to have a church in the future in America.
This is a spiritual battle according to Ephesians 6, and it cannot be won with only better Government leaders, violence or money. It can only be won through prayer, fasting and becoming a righteous nation and people.
Pray that the Lord will raise up a Godly man for our next President, but then it is up to us, God’s people to continue to pray for him.
We cannot depend on people to do everything; we must turn everything over to God.
We cannot trust in people, Government, money, property, or anything other then almighty God.
The earth is going to be shaken and shaken and only what is of the Lord will remain.
Please pray for our next leaders in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Federal, State and local Governments.
We need to rise up and take out country back for The Lord and the people through prayer, fasting, voting according to godly principles and turning wholeheartedly to God.
We need pastors who will be willing to lay down their lives for their congregations, their people and their country.
The early political leaders were men of God mainly,and they wrote the greatest document for liberty that the world has ever known.
I am being gang stalked daily, and it seems that that the local pastors could care less. They are busy with business as usual. They don’t even seem to care to learn about what is going on covertly in their own neighborhoods.
It seems that many churches are nothing more than businesses, but with the benefit of tax exemption. Many churches have become more akin to covens, cults, clubs, and secret societies.
However, according to Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 34; God is going to raise up the pastors who will care for the one individual.
The pastors in the future will leave the big numbers, the big money, and they will go way out of their way to help one little sheep that is in need. Praise The Name of The Lord!
I am looking forward to that day, and to being part of The Lord’s glorious last day church.
I pray that the church will repent and there will be an awakening and a renewal in America and all over the world.
When Jesus Christ is lifted up; He will draw all men women and children to Himself.
What a great day that will be when He is exalted in the churches. What a great day when the church becomes a House of Prayer.
The Lord loves the people in America. Our country was founded on Jesus Christ, The Bible and it was governed by The Constitution. This foundation made America a great country for many years.
Jesus is not finished with this country,and He is raising up a mighty standard against the evil. Hallelujah!
Have faith in almighty God and pray, pray, pray. Let’s take back our country for the Kingdom of God.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday is The Managing Editor for “Church Growth International”, which is headquartered in Seoul, Korea.
“Because He lives; I can face tomorrow’.
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Prayer for the Next Election

Dear American Friends,

Please pray about the next election starting now, and please pray that God’s perfect will be done, as The Lord Jesus taught His disciples to pray.  We cannot lean on our own understanding in such a crucial election as the 2012 election.  We must pray and seek The Lord as to His will, and pray that the person of His choice will receive the nomination, and then go on to become our next president.  Pray that you and all Americans will have supernatural wisdom in their choice, and I pray that we will have the faith to believe that The Lord can move mightily in behalf of this nation as we fulfill 2 Chron. 7:14 and Joel 2, etc.

Sadly, I hear so many Christian talking doomsday talk about the future of America.  Of course, that “is” the plan of satan for America.  However, I believe that some of the dreams, visions, etc. that some Christians are getting are from the wrong side, and they are geared to bring fear, frustration and apathy to the Christians.

The enemy gives dreams that some perceive as coming from God, but they are not from God but from the enemy.  I will explain why I have found this to be true.

I was a missionary overseas for some twelve years, and before I left America; I had several horrible and unredemptive dreams, and of course I thought they were prophetic and from The Lord.  However, later I learned that they were sent to deter me from my mission and calling.

While I was overseas; I prayed and prayed every day, and I received the real dreams from the Lord, and they were redemptive and quite encouraging.

The previous dreams were not redemptive.  God’s dreams and visions are always redemptive, and they will always give the person hope for the future.

You will know if a dream is of the Lord by its content which will be reflective of the Word of God.  It will be the truth, but it will also bring faith, hope and encouragement concerning our obedience to the Lord.

I think many Christians are not praying for our future in America for many reasons. Why?

1).  They may think that they will not be here in the future, because they will be raptured.

2).  They may think that it is all a lost cause.

3.)   They do not understand the tremendous power in prayer and especially the prayers of agreement between two or more Christians.

The church needs to learn about the power and authority provided by the death on the cross and the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Many Christians know about the power they have been given, but they don’t use it in prayer.

We, Christians, have been given “all” power and authority because of what our Lord suffered for us.  We need to start seeking the Lord and praying His will be done in earth as it is in heaven.  Father always knows best.

This year and next year; we Christians need to pray and seek The Lord as never before.  Joel two is a good example of how we should pray and fast and cry out to almighty God for our nation, its people and for our country to become a righteous nation.  Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin brings a great reproach and shame upon a nation and a people.

My prayer for the next election:

Dear heavenly Father,

We humbly seek Your face about this crucial matter.  You alone know the future, and the hearts of all men and women.

We pray Father that Your best choice will be nominated and then elected.  We pray that Your people will repent of our apathy, and that we will humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, turn from our wicked ways, and then You will hear, forgive us and heal us and our land.
We pray that we Christians will seek after Your perfect will for our future, our country and the world.

We have gone our own way, and we have leaned on our own understanding, and we have been selfish, greedy, and we have not sought Your will first.  Father, please forgive us for our rebellion and for doing our own thing.

Father we pray that this country of America will turn back to our foundation and heritage which is Jesus Christ and The Word of God and the greatest and most effective constitution that was ever written.  Please forgive us for allowing Your Name to be blasphemed and Your commandments to be trodden upon in America.

We pray that we will have the supernatural power of The Holy Spirit to turn to You with all of our hearts, and then You will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.

Please bring us to repentance, and please bring a repentance revival to our once great land. Forgive us Father, and please empower us to have the hope, faith and love that we need to build a new and better future for America.

Please bring justice, judgement and repentance for all of the innocent blood shed in America, and for all the abuse done to innocent people, and for all of the lying, stealing, killing, rape, and evil that has been allowed to run rampant in America.

You are not finished with this land, and we must take back our land for Your Kingdom, honor and glory!

We ask everything in the Name which is above every name in heaven and eath, Jesus Christ and for His glory!  Amen, amen and amen.

Thank You Father for hearing our prayers, and for raising up the prayer warriors, intercessors and worshippers all over America.  I pray that You will raise up those that have the boldnes  and courage of Joshua, Caleb, Josiah, Elijah and Jehu all over this land.  We thank You for what You are doing and are going to do.  Thank you for Your wonderful goodness and mercy in Jesus’ precious Name!  Amen.

Beware of Satan Coming as an Angel of Light

2 Corinthians 11:12-15: “But what I am doing, I will continue to do, that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds.”

I moved to Regent Park, Fort Mill Township, SC in 2005, after having been a missionary overseas for thirteen years.  I was asked by the Realtor Don Triplett (former pastor) repeatedly if I had any family or friends here in this area.

As soon as I moved in to my townhouse in Regent Park/Glen Ridge; I came under attack by my neighbors, and other stalkers.  I learned later that I was being targeted for gang stalking.

I researched gang stalking online, and I found out that this is a racket, and a lucrative business for criminals.  The so-called manager/owner/community manager uses his hirelings to harass the targeted individual on a daily basis.

They pretend to be sanctioned by the very comprehensive term, “The Government”, but their money does not come from the legitimate government of America.  They are a rogue group, a shadow gang of subversives and many of them belong to local covens, cults, secret societies and they infiltrate every segment of our society covertly.

They despise true Christians (the ones that actually try to follow Jesus Christ and obey His commandments).  They also have the bullying spirit, and so they only targeted me because I did not have any family or friends here when I arrived.  That way they could spread slander and unfounded lies about me, as the people here didn’t know me.

The above Scripture tells us that Satan comes as an Angel of Light, and I never realized the significance of that Scripture until I moved to Regent Park/Glen Ridge, Fort Mill, Township, SC.  Everything that these neighbors, and their handlers do is done covertly.  They go to great lengths to protect themselves from detection.

They spend huge amounts of money to whitewash and launder the money, and all of their evil deeds of darkness, and then on top of that; they pretend to be Christian Leaders, Christians and at the very least good citizens who give to charities, churches, the poor, etc.  All of these “donations” are publicized as a means of disguising their true activities.  Everything they are involved in that is able to be seen publicly is a “front” in order to deceive the public.

Satan comes to lie, cheat, deceive, kill, steal and destroy, but he very carefully works to conceal all of his true works of evil.  Since moving to Regent Park; I have had a crash course in the subversive activities going on all over America and also in many other countries without the knowledge of the average, law abiding citizen.

I listen to Russ Dizdar on his website “archives” as Russ was a pastor of four churches for some 30 years in Ohio, and he was bombarded with infiltrators in his church.  He was a chaplain for the army and the police force, and so he learned first hand about the secret activities going on hidden behind closed doors, and done in secret in the woods and other hiding places.

I am learning that most of the people who have gotten connected in covens, cults, secret societies, subversive groups were deceived.  Mainly, they were lied to about what they were getting into, and so they were innocent of the true nature of the groups by those who were luring them into the various groups.

Many now are realizing that what they were involved in was totally satanic, demonic, illegal and evil, and they are getting out of these groups in droves.  They, of course are being threatened, and they are being told that they will be killed or that family or friends would be murdered if they leave or tell anyone about the groups.

Satan uses fear as his main deception, but when a person is saved and covered by the blood of Jesus Christ; he need not be afraid of any of the devices of satan.  Satan has already been totally defeated on the cross.  Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world.

These coven, cult, secret society, and gang stalking groups all lie, and they claim to be legitimate groups.  However, when the person is hooked and goes through their ceremonies, rituals and are involved in their activities; they realize that they have been deceived, and then they are afraid to leave due to the bullying threats.

My pray for all of those involved in these coven, cults, secret societies and gangs is that you will be set free from the chains of bondage that these handlers, perpetrators and wolves in sheep’s clothing are putting on you.

I pray that as you trust in God almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ; He will deliver you, protect you, heal you, and He will give you a new beginning in your life, as you repent of following the plan of satan for your life.

God has a plan for you, but satan also has a plan.  God’s plan is not easy, but it is tremendously rewarding, and the benefits are out-of-this-world.

I pray that you will have the courage and boldness of Joshua, Caleb, Josiah and Jehu to confront this evil, and you will become a staunch intercessor to the glory of God.  God is making His House a House of Prayer for all people.

These people who are getting out of their bondage are being given new lives where they do not have to sneak around and do everything they do in hiding.  They are being given new lives of freedom, liberty and blessings.

I pray that all those who have been lied to, deceived and who have realized their situation, and they want to come out of the darkness; may The Lord Jesus Christ set you free in Jesus’ all powerful Name.  Jesus came to set the captives free and to destroy all of the works of satan.

The Lord be with you, protect you and may you have the wonderful life that The All-powerful God  has planned for all those that believe Him, love Him and are called according to His glorious purposes.

Bless you dear friend, and may you have a glorious new beginning to the glory of God.

I pray that you will know The Truth, Jesus Christ, and He will set you free.  All those that He sets free are free indeed.  Hallelujah!


The Kingdom of Heaven
Peggy Kannaday
Matthew 11:11 “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he. 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”
I never really understood the above Scripture until now. I now realize why we, Christians need to be violent in our prayer life and our spiritual warfare.
Since moving to Regent Park/Glen Ridge (the Old Heritage USA Property) in 2005; I have been under a tremendous attack spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically.
However, to the glory of God; there is life after gang stalking. I am much stronger, smarter and closer to The Lord Jesus Christ than ever before. Hallelujah!
I came here to try and work among people who I thought were my Christian friends, but very soon; I found out that they had slandered my name, and caused people to think that I was their enemy.
The main two that caused this onslaught were a couple who call themselves an Elder and a Prophetess. The Elder is the elder in a group in Regent Park, and the head of this cult calls his group an international movement.   They have a small following made up mostly of young people who are being led to the slaughter, and others who think that they are in a  “cutting edge” ministry.  However, at the core of their followers (or those in the loop) are those who have the powers and spirits of Jezebel, Ahab, witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, magical potions, spells, etc. to destroy the lives of as many people as possible.

The Lord Jesus Christ was constantly warning His beloved people about these wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and He called them “vipers”, whitewashed sepulchers, and false pastors who will go over the ocean to find one person that they can change into their own image.  BEWARE OF THESE HYPOCRITES AS THEY WILL LIE TO YOU, DECEIVE YOU, TAKE ALL OF YOUR MONEY, ENERGY AND TIME, AND THEN THEY WILL TURN ON YOU AND REND YOU.

The elder is also part of the rogue/shadow illicit government which is defacto.  It is not part of our elected officials or the legal government, but it takes over various areas through treachery, and he calls himself a community manager.  These phony leaders just take over an area through threats, bullying, intimidation, bribes, falsified documents, and total lies.

I guess I was very naive and gullible, but I actually thought these were normal, decent people before the gang stalking started. The Prophetess tried to run me off of the road into the left side oncoming travel the very first time that I went to Pineville, NC, and it has been a constant attempt to destroy me in various and sundry methods since that time.
These are people who have infiltrated the church, and they are actually witches, warlocks, satanists, sorcerers, coven, cult and secret society members. Everything that they do is carefully whitewashed, covered up and concealed.
They get their money from illegal racketeering, trickery and defrauding innocent people so that they can pay the perpetrators who do their dirty work. They use their church connection to launder the money, and to have a “front” for all of their activities.
I was a missionary in Seoul, Korea for some 13 years, and if anyone would have warned me about gang stalking; I’m sure I would have had a hard time understanding it or believing that it could happen in my beloved country of America.
What is the point; you may ask? The point is that I have had to learn to be violent in my prayer life because I am standing alone here. However, a Christian is never alone, and with The Lord on my side; my victory is evident. The Lord always causes His people to triumph.
My main objective is to stay very focused on the Lord, and not to think about the sadistic activities of people who claim to be Christians, but are ravenous wolves. I know now why Jesus will spew these hypocrites out of His mouth in due time, but I am praying for them, and I would much prefer that they would repent and turn to Jesus so that they will not be able to destroy any more innocent lives, and they will be able to be saved from a sudden and eternal destruction by our almighty God.
Matthew 11:11-12, talks about the Kingdom of Heaven. What “is” The Kingdom of Heaven exactly?
The Kingdom of Heaven is also The Kingdom of God, and encompasses the blessings of God.
The word “Kingdom” is mentioned 126 times in the Gospels of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom is where the King Jesus Christ reigns and rules.
A prerequisite for entering into The Kingdom of God or heaven is to be born again. Remember when Nicodemus asked Jesus how to enter The Kingdom of God?
John 3:3 “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
Jesus very kindly told Nicodemus that being born again was of the spirit. It is a supernatural experience totally provided by The Holy Spirit as we seek Jesus’ Kingdom first and His righteousness with all of our hearts.
John 3:7 “The Lord told Nicodemus that Ye must be born again. 8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.”
Receiving the Holy Spirit is a glorious experience, but then the cares of life and the thorns of other Christians and the lack of prayer, Bible study and godly fellowship can cause our fire to slowly dwindle.
However, if we want to be on fire for the Lord and if we want to take our family members, friends, neighbors and everyone that we know to heaven with us; it will be a real battle. Don’t worry though; Jesus Christ has already won the war on cross.
If you want to be a lukewarm Christian with one foot in the things of God and one foot in the things of the world; you will probably never experience the need to do violence against the kingdom of darkness, Satan and his dupes.
However, those that try and gain the whole world will lose their souls, unless they repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. You can’t have both lives. You will either serve God or mammon.
If you love the world and its evil empire system; then you cannot be a viable member of The Kingdom of God. You cannot have two masters, as you will either hate the one and love the other or the other way around.
Those that are still trying to please man; cannot be the bond servants of The Lord Jesus Christ.
A double minded man is unstable in all of his ways.
Jesus gave His disciples the model prayer; He prayed that God’s Kingdom come and His will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. This tells it all in a few words.
The Lord wants to bring the Kingdom of God and heaven to earth. He want the Christians to take the earth over for His Kingdom, honor and glory. How? Because Christ in us is the hope of glory.
God wants His glory to be manifested on this earth through Him. He is the King of all kings and He is the Lord of all lords. It is our job to put Him in His rightful place on this earth.
How do we do that? It is clearly a spiritual battle as opposed to Joshua and Caleb who took the territory physically.
Our work is set before us. We must take the Kingdom of Heaven by force. We have to use force and violence because Satan has been trying to steal The Kingdom of God from the Garden of Eden.
We, God’s people, need to take back the territory that the enemy has stolen by lies, deceit, trickery, treachery, and every evil power imaginable. Ephesians 6 tells us the armor we must put on every single day in order to combat and wrestle with our adversary the devil and his cohorts.
Without, the full armor of God; we are without the necessary weaponry, shield, helmet, belt, breastplate, shoes, sword and without the Holy Spirit; we cannot pray in the Holy Spirit which releases the power of almighty God to work for the Kingdom of God and His glorious purposes.
Being gang stalked has taught me many things, but one thing is clear; God is far greater than all of the enemies devices put together. The enemy of our souls is just one big bully, and all of his bravado is fake and without substance.
I have also learned that Satan is not very smart because he doesn’t know what he is doing.
When the authorities and the religious folk had Jesus tortured and killed because of envy; they had no idea what they were doing.
1 Cor. 2:6 “Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to naught: 7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”
If they had any idea what they were doing; they would have never implemented the magnificent and glorious plan of our all-powerful God. What a shock it must have been when they eventually figured out that they had done the very thing that God would use to save His people from their sins and from an eternity lost in hell.

Do not be afraid to pray against the strongholds of Satan; he is already totally defeated.  Any person who follows the god of this present world will be defeated as depicted in Rev. 19:19.
Turn to The Lord Jesus Christ as He has proven His love for you, and He will never let you down, leave you or forsake you.  He desires for you to be with Him forever and ever.

I sometimes laugh at the sheer arrogance of the enemy, as that is what always gets him in trouble. He is always overconfident for no reason.
Satan tries to destroy the true Christian by taking away all that is dear to them as he did with Job, and as he tried to do with countless over saints. Satan hates those who love Jesus. However, God restored everything to Job doubly, and even greater than before.  Praise The Name of The Lord!

All those who try to live a godly life “will” come under Satans’ wrath, but don’t be concerned; he is a sissy. He is afraid of his own shadow, and the only way that he can ever succeed is if we back down, become fearful, and acquiesce to his trumped up powers.
How does he get his powers? By killing innocent animals, babies, children, adults and wrecking havoc wherever he can get by with it. The Mayan civilization was deep into sacrificing, and their empire had to be destroyed by our God.
Every civilization that heeds the temptations and ways of Satan will fall. Let’s not be one of them.
Let’s take back our country for God’s Kingdom, as this country was founded on Jesus Christ and The Gospel. All authority in heaven and earth was given to Jesus Christ, and it has in turn been given to God’s people.
We can tread on the enemy, and he is under our feet. Hallelujah! Don’t ever be deceived by the enemy’s lies and tricks. He has been defeated, but we need to believe, understand it, and work in it.
Luke 10:29 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
The men, women and children of God need to wake up, rise up and take over our territory for the Kingdom of God. We have the power of The Holy Spirit, the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we have the mandate to occupy until The Lord Jesus Christ returns.
We, God’s beloved people are more than victorious through Jesus Christ. In my darkness days during this gang stalking; The Lord was with me very closely.
Romans 8:37, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Dear Saints of God, always remember that in the darkness of these times; The Lord is there giving us His love, His joy, and His peace. Paul and Silas were given a great earthquake as they were praising the Lord in prison.
I have found during this most difficult time in my life; that in the most horrific times; He is with us the greatest, and He manifests His love, joy, peace, and power according to what we need at the time. He is our Magnificent, Omnipotent, All-Knowing, Omnipresent precious Savior and Lord. His Name is Jesus, and when you turn everything over to Him; He will always cause you to triumph over any and every circumstance that you will ever have to go through.
Peggy Kannaday has been the Managing Editor of “Church Growth International” since 1991.
“Church Growth International’ is The English outreach of The Yoido Full Gospel Church, and Yonggi Cho is The Founder, President and The Chairman of The Board. C.G.I. is an interdenominational ministry with a membership of over 20,000 ministers from some 200 countries.
Peggy now resides in Regent Park/Glen Ridge, Fort Mill, SC, 803 547-2164,

The Great Gang Stalking/Mobbing Hoax

Take up our crosses and follow Jesus

The cross in front of The Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea

Dear Friends,
The gang stalkers, the handlers, the perpetrators, and those who pretend to be targeted individuals have a real money making racket going on, and then they blame their illegal activities on the Federal, state and local Government officials.
I am not a fan of an over-sized Government, but the claims of the Government being responsible for what a group of Russian mafia types, gang stalkers, and thugs are doing in our neighborhoods is insane.
I live in Regent Park/Glen Ridge in Fort Mill Township, SC, and I have been continuously gang stalked since 2005. The perpetrators live all around my home now, and so they can readily trespass on my property, and by the time the Sheriff’s office personnel arrives; the perpetrators are hidden in their homes.
They cruelly killed my dog at Halloween in 2006, and then they tortured my friend’s dog this year, 2010. They use all types of covert harassment tactics which are the same as other gang stalkers in other locations. They use the same stalking, weaponry, wire tapping, hacking and illegal surveillance devices to be able to know where the targeted individual is at all times.
Regent Park was a beautiful piece of property, and it was completely paid for by Christians, but now it seems to be used as a “front”, and a racketeering haven for every type of covered up criminal activity.
All of the subversive activities are whitewashed and camouflaged. The perpetrators spare no expense in their cover ups.
It is a shame that true Christians were not able to acquire this property which was originally dedicated to the Lord and His work. My prayer is that all of these illegal activities will be exposed, and all of these perpetrators will be prosecuted for all of the damage they have done to innocent people.
Please pray that the corruption in Regent Park/Glen Ridge will all become public knowledge so that this property will be used as it was intended to be used as a Christian community. Please pray that godly men and women will be able to acquire this property, and they will be good stewards of this lovely and valuable area.
It is now being used for ungodly and very evil, self-serving gain for a few, elect people who have no business being here in this area. They pretend to be Christian leaders, but they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
It is so sad to see many very innocent people being duped, deceived and led to the slaughter by these so-called “Christians”. These people also use demonic spirits to enforce and seduce their targets, victims, and their cohorts as they are involved in rituals, witchcraft and sorcery to control and manipulate the people (especially the young people).
My prayer for Regent Park:
Dear Father,
We pray that the Regent Park property which was where the old Heritage USA was located will become everything that You would have it to be. We pray that godly men and women will be sent to take back this property for the Kingdom of God.
Please bring in those with the spirit of Elijah and Jehu to push back and down the spirit of Jezebel here.
Please raise up mighty prayer warriors who will occupy this territory until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back.
We pray that this territory will become a real Christian community as was prophesied.
Please expose all of the evil deeds of darkness going on here, and please destroy all of the works of Satan in this place in Jesus Christ’s almighty Name and by The blood of The Lamb.
Thank You, Father, Thank You Lord Jesus and please come Holy Spirit to Regent Park, and have Your way. Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done here, even as it is in heaven.
Please destroy the heresies being sent out from this place that are going all over the world. Please bind those doctrines of demons and cancel out all of the schemes of Satan concerning this property.
When the enemy comes in like a flood; the Lord will raise up a mighty standard against Him. Thank You, Father; we pray that this place will be a place where You will be truly worshiped in spirit and in truth.
We pray that this will be a place where the Lord Jesus Christ will be lifted up, and He will draw all men, women and children to Himself. May This property be used 100% for Thy Kingdom, honor and glory in Jesus’ Name. Amen and amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday
Managing Edtor
“Church Growth International”
Regent Park/Glen Ridge
707 Torrey Pines Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29715

What is a Witch?

What is a Witch?
Peggy Kannaday

18 “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” (Exodus 22:18).

Witches in America are rampant. They look like any other woman, and so you will know them basically by their fruit which is pure evil.
Many of them are being used to help very evil men by using their rituals, spells, curses and the like upon their enemies
Our wonderful God did not suffer a witch to even live, and in the Old Testament they were all stoned to death. In The New Testament they were used to make money by the con artist, mafia and other criminals.
In the churches; many of the witches are Jezebels. lesbians, bi sexual and they are filthy. Their desire in the church is to corrupt the youth and all of the Christians with illicit sex.
They are very dirty, but they are clean on the outside as a facade. Their greatest goal is to destroy the men and woman of God like Elijah, Paul, and Peter.
If they can lure a man or woman of God into compromising sexually; they can lead that person to hell. They actually want church buildings to become brothels and places where they can have their orgies.
A large part of Witchcraft is in sexual rituals where they destroy the lives of the innocent youth. Churches are their recruitment grounds, and many a pastor has been over come with their wiles and their seductions.
American political leaders have flooded the media with false information about witches and the occult. They actually teach the people that there are “good” witches. There is no such thing as a good witch. That is an oxymoron.
Witches come only to kill, steal and destroy the innocent and especially Christians. They use all types of lies, trickery and deceit to try and steal husbands, property, money and anything that they covet.
They are very envious and jealous of other women, and they want to compete with everyone because they think that they are superior to everyone. However, on the contrary; there is no low level that they would not go to in order to get their way.
The powers that be can place a witch in a high position such as candidacy for President, Mayoral jobs in important cities, high executive positions in the churches, and many other very influential jobs.
Their evil powers are also used in the military as some of them are war mongers. They love to cause unnecessary wars that maim innocent human beings. They are hardly human because they have sold their souls to the devil.
They are beyond having any feelings or care for anyone but themselves. They will kill their own children for money, power or prestige.
Because they are barely human; they consist mainly of demons who are under the total control of Lucifer, who is their god. They worship gods and goddesses of their own creation.
Since they do not have a mind of their own; they are psychopathic and pathological liars.
Nothing they say is true, and most of what they say is the opposite of the truth.
Their power is in trying to control the minds of people through sorcery and all types of trickery.
They actually believe that they own every area that they live in or near. They are control freaks to the maximum level. Jezebels try to kill or have killed any person who stands in her or his way to what she or he are trying to take over. Some Jezebels are men.
Americans as a whole are not cognizant of how witches are very much in charge of many of the very highest positions in our government, society, churches, and businesses. They are indeed part of the Bible’s term “The wicked in high places”.
The real Christians have power to bring these evil workers of Satan down, but many of the Christians are in the dark about the satanic realm.
If the people of God would pray that God, His angelic hosts, His Holy Spirit and His people would bring these wicked down; then God would hear from heaven and answer our prayers.
These criminal creatures are led by very evil and unholy unclean spirits.
These evil demons and evil human spirits cannot be seen, but those with discernment will know them automatically. Their evil and unholy spirits will “war” against the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. We are not to have anything to do with these hypocrites.
They will come to you to lie to you, to cause you to be ill, or to get you to somehow submit to them; but if you do; you could be led to the slaughter.
There are many, many covens in my area. The Lord allowed this so that I could learn about the occult and how to intercede against these witches, warlocks, false prophets, pedophiles, porn producers and the like.
Covens are sick, little groups of very miserable women who have ganged up together to do evil to their neighbors, to the church and to their country. They are filled with demons of hatred, murder, assassination, deceit, curses, hexes, vexes, voodoo and the like.
Please pray that these witches will learn the truth as they have been duped by the media into thinking that they are good or that they are able to avoid hell fire.
Dear Father,
We pray that these covens and these occult, demon possessed human beings will be brought to justice, judgment, prosecution for their crimes upon humanity and hopefully they will turn to Jesus Christ before it is too late for them. We pray in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen and amen.
Peggy Kannaday is a freelance writer. Please contact her at: 803 500 1267 or

Why Do The Heathen Rage?

Why Do The Heathen Rage?
Psalm 2 King James Version (KJV)
1: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?”
I have never seen the heathen raging as they are now. I went to the store last Wednesday, and about three people manifested their hatred toward me in two stores.
These people had no idea who I was or what kind of person I was. They just reacted very negatively to my presence.
They use various methods to try and delay me, make me angry, and they always try to block whatever

 Trust in The Lord.

I am trying to do.
However, Jesus Christ is The King of kings and Lord of lords, and I am always able to do what I needed to do despite all of their efforts to the contrary.
I believe the heathen are raging because they know their father Satan only has a short amount of time to bring in his anti=Christ, NWO, globalist system.
The heathen seem to be working for these globalists, and they are getting paid big bucks, and they are getting many promises about their future.
I believe that the promises the heathen are receiving are very empty and they are fictitious. They are delusions of grandeur.
2 “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,”
The people in the highest positions in our current world are all anti-Christ and anti-Christian.
They are trying every way to destroy The Word of God, The Lord Jesus and His beloved saints.
They consort together in their secret societies and in their private clubs. The conspire to destroya ll that is right, decent and good in America first, and througout the world.
3 “Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.”
These pagans have a strong incentive and desire to break off from everything that is Biblical, moral, true and righteous. They are in a complete state of rebellion against God and His people.
4 “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”
Our God is so powerful, knowing and He sees all that He just laughs at all of these very futile attemptso of the enemy. God is taking everything that Satan, his dupes and his servants do against Him and His people and He is turning it all around 180%, and He is working it altogether for the good of His beloved anointed. It is a beautiful things that He does.
5 “Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”
God always warns those who are rebelling against Him. He is so fair and trust worthy because He does not want to deceive anyone. He wants all to know that He will pour out His wrath upon all who try and disobey, rebel against God’s Word and who try and harm His loved ones.
6 “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.”
Jesus Christ has been set far above all other other kings, princes and leaders. Jesus is the chosen One, and He will build His Kingdom on earth.
7″ I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto Me, Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten thee.”
Jesus Christ has been decreed and He has been declared the Son of The Lifing God. God has begotten Jesus Christ in order to die for the sins of mankind, and to rule and reign forever and ever.
8 “Ask of Me, and I shall give thee the heathen for Thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession.”
God The Father has given The Lord Jesus a glorious inheritance, and He has given Him the heathen and the uttermost parts of the earth. It is a completely futile endeavor to fight against almighty God and His will and purposes.
9 “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”
God shall break up these heathen criminals, and God will dash them in pieces. These perpetrators have no idea what they are doing. They are dumb goats under the devil who are being led to the slaughter in the end.
10 “Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.”
The God of the universe is warning these out-of-control leaders and the judges to be wise. Wisdom comes from God, and so they need to turn to Him to find The Truth, The Way and The Life.
11 “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.”
They need to turn to God and serve Him before it is too late. They are being told that they should serve Him with fear and trembling.
12 “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.”
The heathen are being warned to kiss The Lord Jesus and ome unto Him or He will be angry with them, and they will be killed. These people are told very clearly that they must try not to anger God and provoke Him.
The positive and redemtive advice is found in the last verse where it tells the heathen to trust in God and Jesus Christ and be blessed.
On the one hand; they will be destroyed rebelling against God, but on the other hand; they will be blessed if they turn to Him and trust Him. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ forever.

This entry was posted on May 28, 2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Gideon and His 300 Warriors

Have you ever been attacked by the “ites”. They are exactly like term”ites”; they eat away at your life secretly through those who are all around you.
Those people who are in your school, your workplace and your life in general. They always come to kill, steal and destroy. They are liars, and nothing they say is true. In fact, most of what they do is deceptive trickery, and it is the opposite of the truth.
Today, in 2016-2017, we have the “ites” that are comprised of the NWO, world domination mercenaries, the global elites, the terrorists, the Communists, The Satanist, the so-called Christians who are not Christians, but they are working for the opposition.
You will know them by their fruit which is very rotten. These people are good actors and actresses because they pretend to be sweet as honey, but inwardly; they are ravening wolves. They pretend to be ministers of God, but inwardly they are white-washed sepulchers, vipers and would travel over the ocean to win a person over to their false doctrines, defilement and to make them twice the son of hell as they are. They all pose as being very “religious”, but their religion is of the devil. It is satanic to the core.
You can find them in your churches, your Face book, your local Government offices, your local “Councils” and communities. They will be the ones who fight for the highest positions, and they do not care how they get these jobs, or who they have to slander to get them. They always want the most lucrative, prestigious, and powerful jobs in any institution or business.pursuit
However, they do not have the intelligence or the character to do the job properly. That is why America is in such a hot, ugly mess. These criminals get into their position through the global elite evil anti-Christ network, and so they are there to carry out the works of Satan.
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to destroy “all” the works of Satan, and that is why The Christians are under a full fledged attack by all of the powers that be.
The Christians are also the only people who have the authority to defeat these enemies of our souls. I have been warring with these evil entities for many years, and if you are an authentic Christian; you have also been targeted by these liars, thieves, murderers, and destroyers.
Today, I am focused on Gideon’s battles with these “ites”. Gideon was man of God, very much like any of us today. He did not know the magnitude of the power of almighty God who could use him in a supernaturally, powerful way.
Think of it, God told Gideon exactly what is was to do to choose his 300 warriors. Gideon obeyed The Lord precisely. This is the great evidence that Gideon heard God’s voice, and Gideon totally trusted in God completely.
After the 300 soldiers were chosen, the next step was to prepare them for the battle against 120, 000 Midianites. These were similar to the “ites” we deal with daily.
They are evil to the core. They are totally demonized. They are cold-blooded, and they have no love, mercy or compassion. They are the ones who will sacrifice their own children to win a battle or to gain some advantage. We have the same type of people here today, but they look like anyone else.

Please cast your eyes on the above Holy Scripture in Judges 7:16-18. What did Gideon’s army possess? Did they have drones, tanks, underground bunkers, missiles and guns?
We see that they were only given trumpets (noise), empty jars (cracking sounds), torches (light). They were given the exact implements that God knew would very much terrify their enemies.
I have found that the “ites” are afraid of their own shadows. Many of the top, wealthiest and most powerful “ites” are in hiding all over the place. Of course, only God can read our minds, and He knows it all from the beginning to the end.
Gideon knew God would wind the battle before it started, and he worshiped the Lord. We must begin to know the outcome of our battles, and when we now the result; we need to worship the Lord in advance.
Gideo led the battle, and told the other warriors to do everything as he did it. Then Gideon blew the trumpets, broke the jars, and held the fire in their left hands and say, “Then say, the sword of The Lord and of Gideon.”
JUDGES 22:21 “And they stood every man in his place round about the camp: and all the host ran, and cried, and fled. 22 And the three hundred blew the trumpets, and the LORD set every man’s sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host: and the host fled to Bethshittah in Zererath, and to the border of Abelmeholah, unto Tabbath.’
In short, the enemy became terrified, confused and they turned on each other with their swords. So Gideon with his 300 men won the battle against the 120,000 “ites”. Always, remember the “ites” are not too bright despite the false boasting that they do 24/7.
The point of all of this is that God hasn’t changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. God does wonderful and supernatural miracles for those, like Gideon who totally trust in Him.
Please trust in Him with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all yours ways and He will direct your paths. (Pr. 3:5-6) paraphrase by Peggy)
Remember that through the Lord’s power, guidance and wisdom; you will always be a winner like our dear brother Gideon.
This is good news for today, Monday, May 09, 2016.
Have a great and very blessed day. I love all of you.
Margaret (Peggy) Henderson Kannaday,

The Power of Prayer

Power of PrayerThe Power of Prayer

John 14:13-14 Whatever you ask in My Name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My Name, I will do it.

The above Scripture goes very much unused these days. It contains a great and mighty promise from almighty God.
God’s authority and power stands behind the above Scripture promise.
God desires for us to come to Him with our problems. In answer to our love for Him in obeying His Word; He will answer our prayers.
He will never violate His Word or His Name. We must always ask in His Name and for His glory.
We have countless examples of God’s mercy and answers in the Word of God. In my life; I have had countless and miraculous answers to prayer.
I lived in Seoul, Korea for over twelve years, and when the country had a problem; the pastors took their congregations to the city hall area to pray.
In Wichita, KS, there was a serial killer who was terrorizing the city for many years. He even would taunt the police about his killings.
One small Baptist Church held a small prayer meeting in their church on a Saturday night to pray for the capture of this serial killer. The night of the proposed prayer meeting there was a big storm, but the Christians came to pray anyway.
The serial killer was captured within one month after the prayer meeting in the Baptist Church. God loves for us to obey His Word, and to come to Him as our answer for every problem that we have (even a serial killer).
God desires to answer our prayers, and even one of His angels could subdue legions.

God wants us to pray that all of the evil deeds of darkness will be exposed, and that all the works of Satan will be destroyed.
He wants us to pray His Kingdom come and His will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
All problems and troubles have spiritual dimensions, and that is why prayer is the only answer for the problems that we face while we are on this earth. We, Christians are in a daily spiritual battle, but praise God; He has won the war many years ago.
The anti-Christ system never sleeps, and it is going around trying to destroy God, The Lord Jesus, The Holy Spirit’s influence, The Word of God, and all of God’s anointed people.

The anti-Christ System is operating today under the disguise of the New World Order, but it is actually The anti-Christ System which spreads out with many names.
This system involves NWO mercenaries, Communists, Terrorists, cults, covens and secret society members to name but a few of these subversives.

These criminals are being rewarded for doing evil. Many are under mind control and deception, but many are full fledged Satanists who have sold their souls to Satan himself.
These are the wicked in high places. They desire to control every person and everything on the earth, but they will be totally defeated in the end.
The Lord Jesus is so patient to wait and give even these cruel bullies space and time to repent. However, these reprobates just take God’s goodness as a sign of weakness as they do not know the meaning of the work mercy.
These perpetrators have been busy working on destroying America and then on to other countries for many decades. They do most of their work in hiding. We need to pray that all of their evil works will be exposed and destroyed in Jesus’ Name.
These criminals use fear, intimation, bribes and every form of deceit to get people to do what they want them to do. Do not be deceived by these reprobates.
I pray that The Lord will raise up a mighty standard against these hypocrites. I pray that our God will raise up those with the spirit of Joshua, Caleb, Jehu, David and Daniel who will stand strong and pray.
I pray that God’s House will become a House of Prayer for all people.
May God’s Kingdom come and His perfect will be done.

This entry was posted on March 19, 2016, in Uncategorized. Leave a comment

How to Pray The Korean Way!

How to Pray The Korean Way!
Peggy Kannaday

Many years ago, I prayed a simple prayer. “Lord, please teach me how to pray”.
Later, after my daughter got married; I was sent by The Lord to Seoul, Korea to be a tent maker for over 24 years.
It was an awesome experience. I learned more than words can express about how to pray.
The Koreans not only taught me how to pray, but they also taught me the way to pray.

I learned that prayer was not something that you did periodically when you were faced with a severe problem, but prayer was a way of life for the Korean people.
The Koreans prayed before they drove their cars, they prayed upon entering their churches, they prayed everyday they prayed for their children, and they prayed in the City Hall area when their country needed God’s help.

The Koreans’ prayers changed their nation during hard times over and over again. I asked my associate if she was ever concerned when one million North Koreans were lined up on our northern border? She said, “No, because we will go to the City Hall area, and thousands of our Christians from many churches will pray together. She told me that the good Lord always answered their prayers, and so they didn’t worry about their circumstances or The North Koreans.
I learned that The Korean Prayer Warriors also had an indomitable faith in The Lord’s supreme and almighty power to answer their prayers. Their faith was so strong that the results were already evident to them in their minds.
I have never seen such great faith among such a large group of people or a society. They prayed in love and unity.
If only all people could learn the power that the church united in prayer has in every area of their lives. What a changed world this could and would be if we simply would pray The Korean Way.

Gods House

Every Sunday, The wonderful Lord’s Prayer was sung, “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. When we pray as Jesus Himself taught us, then The Holy Spirit moves mightily to bring The Kingdom of God into our territory.

The Lord wants His Kingdom to be manifested in our lives, and He wants what is already bound in heaven to be bound on earth, and He wants want is loosed in heaven to be loosed on earth.

I lived in Korea during one of their elections. The conservative candidate was winning, and then we looked at the TV Screen, and the conservatives’ name and photo were switched, and it looked like the leftist candidate was winning.

The leftist was pronounced the winner, and the conservatives asked for a recount which they were not allowed to have. The leftist President of South Korea was exposed for what he was, and he later committed suicide when he came under investigation.

During this time; many of The Christian pastors along with their members visited the City Hall area in Seoul, Korea to pray. Many times, there were 25,000 to 30,000 Christians praying in the center of Seoul City.

After that, to the glory of God, South Korea had a wonderful, Christian President that understood business and every aspect of government because he was head of the Hyundai Corp. He was also an Elder in his church.

Praise God that the Christians prayed for their country, as we are commanded to do in The Word of God. There is unlimited power in the prayers of agreement among the Christians who come together in the Name of Jesus Christ.

That is why He came to give us the Keys to The Kingdom of God. He wants us to take our territories for His Kingdom honor and glory.
The Church is not to be passive to the evil deeds of darkness, but the Church is to be a House of Prayer for all people. It is to become a place where Spiritual Warfare is conducted to pray for our leaders, our families, our people and for our nations. The church is to become the Army of God on the earth.

I learned that this can be done when the Christians come together to pray for every need. It is a beautiful experience to go to The Osanri Prayer Mountain, and see the people praying in the many daily services, and in the prayer grottoes.

Prayer in Korea is not the last resort, but it is the first priority.

I do not worry about the future of the Christian Koreans because I know that they will turn to the Lord, and they will overcome every obstacle through the power of prayer, faith and total trust in The Lord’s mighty power.
Dr. David Yonggi Cho always says that he simply “prays, listens and obeys”. It is very simple, but the Korean Way of Prayer is amazing, and the answers are life-changing, nation transforming, and out-of-this world.

Dr. David Yonggi Cho was my sponsor and boss during the 24 plus years that I worked as his Managing Editor for The “Church Growth International” Ministry. Then this past year; he was “retired”.

I learned so many things from him, and from the Korean people who had been under great threatenings and persecution from North Korea. However, their constant trials kept them on their knees, and Korea has the largest churches in the world.

Most of the large churches in Korea also have Prayer Mountains where their people can go to pray, fast, seek The Lord and have wonderful fellowship and worship. Buses going up to Prayer Mountain leave every hour from The Yoido Full Gospel Church.

It is a beautiful experience to visit these places of love, refuge and prayer. May these prayer mountains and prayer houses continue to grow all over the world to the glory of God.

My prayer for you:

Dear Heavenly Father,
May You receive all of the worship and glory due to Your Name. We pray that Your House will be make into a House of Prayer and that Your House will be a place of refuge, fasting and worship.
Please deliver us from all harm, evil and temptations, and please bind up the broken-hearted, and heal all those who are ill. Please stop the evil in high places, and please destroy all of the works of Satan, and please exposed all of the evil deeds of darkness.
Please bring in Your Kingdom upon this earth, and please bring in Your perfect will. For Thine is The Kingdom, power and glory for ever and ever, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen and amen.

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday

Regent Park/Glen Ridge

707 Torrey Pines Lane

Fort Mill, SC 29715

803 500 1267


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Where are All the Davids and Jehus Today?

David and Goliath1 Samuel 17,
50 So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.
51 David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.

We know the Biblical account of Goliath, and how he tormented the good people of Israel. He was a bully just as Jezebel was a female bully.

God raised up David to fight the giant with a slingshot. With God on our side; we do not need anything else.
In fact, Gideon had to get his army down to 300, so that God could be glorified. We must always understand that it is the Lord who fights the battle for us.

David stood up to the giant, and he cut off the giant’s head. We have many giants in our land today. We need to do the same, but we need to use our God given authority in spiritual warfare prayers.

Jezebel was a female witch that tried to threaten and bully Elijah. She was filled with every type of demon spirit, but she was defeated by Jehu who confronted her. This spirit is used by Satan to kill, steal from and destroy God’s men and women.

Elijah’s prophetic words were fulfilled against Jezebel and her evil husband Ahab. Their blood was licked up by the dogs.

The Bible tells us what will happen to all of Jezebel’s children. They will also be killed.


Rev. 2, The Church of Thyratira
20 Yet I hold this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, who teaches and misleads My servants to play the harlot and to eat food sacrificed to idols.[r] 21 I have given her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her harlotry. 22 So I will cast her on a sickbed and plunge those who commit adultery with her into intense suffering unless they repent of her works. 23 I will also put her children[s] to death. Thus shall all the churches come to know that I am the searcher of hearts and minds and that I will give each of you what your works deserve.

When the Spirit of Goliath, Jezebel and Ahab gain power in our society; the people must be warned, and they must beware.

They must never allow these evil demon spirits to gain a foothold in the society or these satanic forces will bring down everything good, decent and of God in the society.

These type of people will be used by Satan to destroy the life of the family, the church and the government.

The Bible is warning us of these harassers, bullies and criminals. We must not allow them to have any place in a free country.

I read that in the 1700’s, some of the underground giants emerged up into the free countries of Europe. These evil beings began to take over everything that they perceived and so the people of Europe formed groups of hunters.

These hunters tracked down these evil entities, and so they went underground for many years. However, they changed their appearance by interbreeding,etc., and they have emerged again into our various countries.

You will know them by their evil deeds of darkness. They may look like any other human being, but they are filled with every kind of demon and evil human spirit.

Their works are of Satan, and their works will be brought down in the end. However, we need to bring them down before they can defile and demoralize even one more innocent child or person.

1.) We need to expose all of their evil deeds of darkness to all people so that they will not be deceived or tricked.
2.) We need to understand that our God and Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are far superior to these demonic creatures.
3.) We need to walk closely with the Lord Jesus Christ so that we have His mind and His heart.
4.) We need to be led by The Holy Spirit each and every day.
5.) We need to find other like-minded Christians that we can agree in prayer with daily. We can agree remotely. Prayer has no geographical limitations.
6.) When I pray; I always agree with those who are praying similar prayers.
We are praying that our God will tear down and destroy all of the evil principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and the evil elite in high places.
7.) We are praying that out God will show Himself strong to these defeated enemies. We pray that all of the witchcraft, mind control, deceit and deception will be terminated and revealed to all people.
8.) We pray for the protection of all of the innocent unborn, babies, children, teenagers, adults and animals.
9.) We pray that all of the evil crimes done in darkness will be exposed and brought to justice.
10.) We pray that our God will bring His victory, justice, and repentance upon the earth so that He can forgive and heal all of our lands as He desires.

My prayer for you and yours:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Creator of heaven and earth, we come before You in all humility and meekness to seek Your perfect will and way to be done on this earth.
We pray that You will move mightily to bring down the covens, cults, secret societies, murderous gangs, hacking rings, pedophile rings, drug trafficking gangs, human trafficking gangs, porn producers, and You will raise up Your mighty standard against the enemy and His followers.
We pray that You will bring down the Jezebel, Ahab, Goliath spirits in the churches, and please stop the greed, arrogance, love of money, competition and corruption in all of the churches in Jesus Christ’s Name.
Please stop the many false doctrines in the churches and the control spirit in the government and the society. Please cleanse and purity the churches and please make them into Houses of Prayer instead of Dens of Thieves as many churches are more like businesses than churches.
Please bring back our love for You Lord and our desire to obey You in all our ways.
We thank You so much for Your wonderful goodness and mercy, and we thank You for Your answers in advance. All glory, honor and praises to Your Holy Name and please pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh in Jesus’ Name. Amen, amen and amen.

By Peggy Kannaday Peggy is an author and freelance writer at the current time.

1085 words.

This entry was posted on February 27, 2016, in Uncategorized. Leave a comment


Spew Them Out!Lighthouse
Prayer for our nation and all nations (2/15/2016)
“ They profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus 1:16).

Dear Father, We love You and adore You;
We bow down before You.
Lord Jesus, You said that the hypocrites were white-washed
sepulchers, vipers and false prophets.
Lord, we pray that You will spew them out of Your mouth,
the church, as You said, “Let the wicked be wicked still and let the righteous be righteous still”.
Oh, Lord Jesus, please expose all of their evil deeds of darkness
and please destroy all of their works of Satan in America and
across the whole world. 

Please draw Your people to Yourself, please bring us to our knees before You, please bring us to repentance; please bring justice and judgment to all those who are in rebellion against You, Oh, Lord.America
You Oh, Lord are the Head of Your church. Please take Your
proper position. Please bring down the love of money, the love of
power and the pride in the church in America and the world.
Please show Yourself strong to the weak and raise up Your mighty
standard in the churches. Please raise up the spirits of Joshua,
Caleb, Jehu, Josiah, and all those who love You and who are called according to Your glorious purposes.Amcerica will rise again
Please bring in the worshipers, the prayer warriors, and
those who will intercede for our country, our leaders, our people
and our freedoms. Please raise up those who love You with all of
their hearts.
Please reveal the Truth, The Way and The Life to all those in
darkness. Please bring Your people, Your remnant and Your elect back to their first love of You, and to the joy of Thy salvation. Please revive us Oh, Lord.
Please teach us Your ways so that we will obey and please You.
Please bring down the principalities, powers, rulers of the
darkness, and the wicked in high places. Please tear down the evil
forces of witchcraft, sorcery, mind control and all the plans of
Satan will be pushed back to Eden.
Please draw all of the people to Yourself so that they will come to
know You in a wonderful way. Please save the lost, heal the sick,
and deliver those in bondage. Please set all of the captives free.
For all of those in darkness, please shine the light of heaven on
their hearts and minds in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name. Amen and

The Resurrection

Resurrection CollageThe Resurrection of The Dead

John 11:25, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

As we who have been born-again know; we were dead in our sins, and then when we received Jesus Christ and His resurrection power; we were alive in Christ. We suddenly became new creatures in Him, and everything old was passed away, and all things became new.

That rebirth experience is a touch of what we will experience in the life to come.
When we walk with our Lord Jesus everyday, in His Word and in The power of His blood; He increases in our lives and we decrease. It is a wonderful privilege.

When I visited the “Garden Tomb” in Jerusalem; I felt The Lord’s Presence so intensely that I couldn’t stop crying. The power of The Resurrection was there in that place. It was very strong and undeniable.

There is a war going on in the universe between the powers of good and evil. Those who take the more difficult road in life in order to obey God and to do good will be rewarded with the resurrection of life.

The Lord Jesus , Himself endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him. We must never give up our hope in what the Lord has set before us. Those who endure to the end will be saved.

Those people who choose the easy and broad road will suffer a resurrection, but it will be the damnation of their souls. Many people think that when they die; they will be gone for good, but they will continue on in hell where they will suffer great pain forever.

John 5:29
“And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”

The enemy of our souls is always trying to convince us of these lies and deceptions.. He is always trying to rob the true Christians of their blessings and their salvation.

The more we die to the enemies’ lies and the more we die to our own flesh; the more we become holy. Our resurrection causes us to grow up into the image of Christ.

Unless a grain of wheat fall to the ground and die; it remains alone, but if it dies; it will bear much fruit. We know in the parable of the sower that the seed fell on 4 types of soil, but only one seed out of 4 continued onward and upward in order to bear fruit, some 30, 60 and 100 fold.

Be fore there is new life; there must be a death. Jesus freely gave His own life so that we could experience new life in Him forever.
We can overcome everything evil in this world through the blood of The Lamb, Jesus, The Word of our testimony and we love not our lives unto the death.

If we have fear; God cannot use us as overcomers. We must have His perfect love which casts out all fear. Fear has torment, and the enemy of our souls uses this evil spirit to thwart our effectiveness in the Kingdom of God.

Romans 1:4
“And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:”

We, His children need to be holy as He is holy. We must die to ourselves and life to Him. We need to take one day at a time, and be led by The Holy Spirit of God and to fulfill His glorious plan for our lives.

Romans 6:5
“For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection

Many times, the Lord is presented as on the cross. In some plays and movies; the death of Christ was emphasized with not mention of His resurrection.

When witnessing to others concerning the Lord’s death and burial; we must always include His resurrection. His resurrection provides the hope of our own resurrection and the resurrection of our loved ones.

“If Christ “be not risen, our faith is vain” (1 Cor. 15:14).
I believe that God’s people can have newness of life in this lifetime through faith and trust in The Lord and the power of The Resurrection. Moses had new sight and Caleb felt like he was 40 when he was 85.

The Word “resurrection” means rebirth, renewal, regeneration. The whole of the New Testament speaks of the historic event of The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There were countless witnesses that knew the Lord Jesus before He was crucified, and who also saw Him after He was raised from the dear.

This great event was completed and thoroughly documented. However, the enemies of the Gospel still tried to send our false rumors against the Truth. It is the same today.

The anti-Christ spirit is very strong as we are entering into the end time. Those that are righteous; be righteous still and those that are wicked be wicked still. Get right with God today so that you can be part of the power of His resurrection.

There seems to be a great falling away in the church at large. However, remember that our wonderful Father, God has His people. He always has a remnant who will not fall away, and who will continue on until the end.

The enemy is working overtime in his desire to kill, steal and destroy all that our Lord has given to us. The enemy was defeated at the cross, and he was destroyed at the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

His time is short, and he is involved in every type of scheme to harm and destroy the Lord and His anointed ones as depicted in Psalm 2, Ps. 34 and Ps. 37. These psalms expose his evil plans, but it also confirms God’s total power over the devil and his demons. Praise God!

Philippians 3:10
“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death;”

Revelation 20
“Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.”

My Prayer for You:

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that each person and their loved ones will be able to experience the glorious salvation of the Lord and will attain to the power of His resurrection.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of them all.
May we all stand strong during these perilous times, and may The Lord receive all honor and glory in His precious Name. Amen, amen and amen.